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A Survey on How Main Method Working in C Programming

Abstract: By the completion of this paper study we have the better idea about the main method. Generally, many people have the doubt about the main method is the predefined or user defined method? If it is user defined where is the prototype of that method? or If it is predefined in which header file its prototype is present? By the end of this paper study, we have the clarity of Is main method is a user-defined or predefined method. And also this paper give the clarity about user-defined and predefined methods in C Programming.

Published by: G. Anupama, M. Phani Anusha, Y. Vasanthi

Author: G. Anupama

Paper ID: V3I2-1212

Paper Status: published

Published: March 11, 2017

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Towards A Dynamic Revelation of Shrewd Administrations in the Social Internet of Things

The worldview of the Social Internet of Things (SIoT) helps another pattern wherein the availability and ease of use advantages of Social Network Services (SNS) are displayed inside the system of associated articles, i.e. the Internet of Things (IoT). The SIoT surpasses the more conventional worldview of IoT with an improved insight and setting mindfulness. In this paper, a novel administration structure in light of a subjective thinking approach for dynamic SIoT administration's revelation in savvy spaces is proposed. That is, thinking about clients' situational needs, inclinations, and other social viewpoints alongside clients' encompassing environment is proposed for producing a rundown of circumstance mindful administrations which match clients' needs. This thinking methodology is then executed as a proof-of-idea proto-sort, to be specific Airport Dynamic Social, inside a shrewd airplane terminal. At last, an exact review to assess the thinking methodology's efficiency demonstrates enhanced administration's flexibility to situ-atonal needs contrasted with normal methodologies proposed in writing

Published by: Aslam Karjagi, Md Azharuddin Adhoni, Md Imtiyaz Gulbarga, Sayed Md Mubashir Qureshi, Jabeen Patel

Author: Aslam Karjagi

Paper ID: V3I2-1211

Paper Status: published

Published: March 11, 2017

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Opuntia Stricta: As Medicinal Plant

Opuntia stricta with high water use efficiency produces forage for animals, vegetables, and fruits with glucose. Traditionally cactus used as a valuable health supporting nutrient and it also has applications in pharmaceutical industries. Opuntia stricta is belonging to the Cactaceae family and comprises from 200 to 300 species. Its fruit is composed of around 69% peels, 21% pulp, and 10% seeds. Opuntia stricta fruit juice is a potential source of betacyanin pigments which can be used as a natural red-purple food colorant and The fruits of O. stricta contain water (92%), carbohydrates (4-6%), protein (1-2%), minerals (1%) and a moderate amount of vitamins, mainly A and C (Cantwell, 1991, and Neri, 1991, cited by Pimienta, 1993). According to these figures, its fruits are high in carbohydrates (50-75% of DM) and moderate in protein content (12.5-25% of DM), minerals and vitamins.

Published by: Aarti V. Pawar, Suresh G. Killedar, Vivek G. Dhuri

Author: Aarti V. Pawar

Paper ID: V3I2-1208

Paper Status: published

Published: March 11, 2017

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Clockwork Universe

Abstract For centuries mankind believed that the universe is never changing and worked with the precision of a clock. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The moon waxes and wanes in 28-day cycles. The four seasons come and go with clockwork precision. However, Edwin Hubble's observations showed an expanding universe which meant universe had a beginning. We now know that conversion of matter to energy will one day lead to death of our sun and other stars and from the debris of dead stars new stars will arise. However, this cycle will eventually lead to a situation where stars become smaller and smaller and will not generate enough heat in its core to sustain a nuclear fusion reaction and the universe will wither into cold darkness. Ours is not a static clockwork universe. It is a dynamic ever-changing universe which is in its prime of life but destined to age and dies. This is the story we want to say in the article.

Published by: Rageena Joseph

Author: Rageena Joseph

Paper ID: V3I2-1207

Paper Status: published

Published: March 11, 2017

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Research Paper

Sense of Touch in Robots Using Optoelectronic Prosthesis

The sense of touch is of utmost importance in the field of robotics since a well-performing robot must be able to interact with objects in its environments. It is also important as it supports, and sometimes substitutes, the visual modality during recognition of objects. This paper presents the activation of a sense of touch in robots using an optoelectronic prosthesis and all sensors that are integrated within the body of the robots, so they can actually detect forces being transmitted through the thickness of the robot.

Published by: R. Janani

Author: R. Janani

Paper ID: V3I2-1206

Paper Status: published

Published: March 11, 2017

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Design and Verification of MPSoC on FPGA with Built-in Self Test

Multiple Processor System on Chip (MPSoC) which uses multiple processors mainly used in Embedded applications due to their high processing speed and low power consumption. This paper focuses on the design and implementation of MPSoC on FPGA. Multiple single processors are interconnected by shared bus. This paper also provides a technique to solve a major challenge of handling faults in its main components i.e. processors and interconnect with built in test structure on every processor. By using this testing structure the faults occurred in processing elements (PEs) during the communication between the master and slave can be identified automatically. The functionality is analyzed and verified using Questasim and Quartus tool. The output of the proposed model is compared with MPSoC architecture without a testing structure to estimate the functionality improvement.

Published by: Dhatchayani. K, Abinaya .R, Brunthvini .P, Deepa .S, Yamuna .S

Author: Dhatchayani. K

Paper ID: V3I2-1205

Paper Status: published

Published: March 11, 2017

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