
Recent Papers

Review of Ayaskriti

A review of ayaskrititime immomarial of rasashastra, it is usrd in Sukshma churna of dhatu was existing.

Published by: Roopa Sonya

Author: Roopa Sonya

Paper ID: V3I1-1404

Paper Status: published

Published: February 27, 2017

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The Changing Role and Legal status of Women in India

As women is the pillar of our society who plays a vital role to built the nation . This paper shows the importance of woman. The article is an attempt to describe the changing role and her legal rights in India. The study also analyze the status of women in various area like freedom movements, political participation etc. The study also reveals that Indian women have somewhat lower status then that of men inspite of many efforts undertaken by the government and constitution of India. She also has to suffer various crimes that are describes here. The article provides various legal and constitutional remedies to improve her position. Thus article concludes by an observation that access to education and employment are only the tool that enable them to achieve their goals , however it depends largely on the attitude of the people towards gender equality.

Published by: Asha Rani

Author: Asha Rani

Paper ID: V3I1-1403

Paper Status: published

Published: February 27, 2017

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Juvenile Crimes in India and the Law

In our society juvenile offenders are increasing day by day and juvenile delinquency crime is one of the burning issue in all over the world. So the purpose of the article is to reduce juvenile delinquency from the society. The article explains who is juvenile. The study focus on reasons behind juvenile offender. The paper argues that family problem, social environment, mantle torture, educational dissatisfaction and lack of legal provisions are also factors that constitute such offender. The paper reveals the historical development about the definition, legal provisions and Acts on juvenile offender. The article describes what step should be taken to improve their situation in the society.

Published by: Asha Rani

Author: Asha Rani

Paper ID: V3I1-1402

Paper Status: published

Published: February 27, 2017

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Comparative clinical study on the effect of Nasyakarma and Shiroabhyanga with Gunjaadi Tailain the management of Ardhavabhedaka

Ardhavabhedaka is one among 11 types of shiroroga said by our acharyas .Totally variants are vataja, pittaja,kaphaja,sannipataja,raktaja,krimija,kshyaja,suryavartha,ardhavabhedaka,shankaka,ananthavata.Above all ardhavabhedaka is found to be the most common complaint now a days. In this main complaint is ardhashirashoola is the substinanat in one half of the shiras, manya, akshi’bhru, lalata, karnapradesha. Atacks are atonce in 3days,once in 15 days,and once ina month.ACHARYAS had explained regarding prognosis of disease ,that if left untreated ,dieseae get aggravated and ieads to impairment of eyes and ears. Our acharyas had taken many panchakarma procedures for the treatment of various shiroroga. Hence in this research study we have opted NASYAKARMA4,,SHIROABHYANGA4 with gunjaadi tail.

Published by: Dr. Geeta Hiremath

Author: Dr. Geeta Hiremath

Paper ID: V3I1-1401

Paper Status: published

Published: February 25, 2017

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A Statistical study on Network Service Providers in Kashmir

Survey methodology studies the sampling of the individual from a population and data collection with a view towards making statistical inferences about the population represented by the sample and the constructs represented by the measures. In this paper, data has been collected from different colleges related to network service providers and statistical analysis has been made in MINITAB with many conclusions like the students belonging to rural are more using cell phones rather than urban students. Not only this but also, majority of the students are of the opinion that mobile has a large bad effect on children. The graphical representation has been given with respective contents included in the paper.

Published by: Faizan Danish, S. E. H. Rizvi, M. Iqbal Jeelani, Sunali Mahajan

Author: Faizan Danish

Paper ID: V3I1-1400

Paper Status: published

Published: February 25, 2017

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Synthetic Drugs/Hormones – Boon or Bane-Concept of Dooshivisha and Gara visha

21st century is the world full of synthetics and everyone are living in the influence of synthetic substances. Altered life styles, food habits and irregular sleep pattern had resulted not only Non communicable disease but also resulting in reduced immunity and is risking the person more for infections. Pharma Industry has grown as big as hierarchy in recent centauries and introduces new chemical molecules quoting as capable for treating diabetes, hypertension etc. But bitter truth is prolonged usage these medications itself has adverse effect on liver and kidneys causes hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity or organs specific toxicity. Development of Anti hypertensive medicine and anti diabetic drugs is considered to be a boon in the management of the respective diseases and safety evaluation of the same medicines are shown as lifesaving. But one has forgotten that these medicines are not given for a specific day but they are taken for longer duration and eve more than 20-30 years and threat a serious complications to the body organs and was not highlighted in previous decade.

Published by: Dr Vishnu Sivan

Author: Dr Vishnu Sivan

Paper ID: V3I1-1399

Paper Status: published

Published: February 24, 2017

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