
Recent Papers

A Review On Garbhotpadaka Samagri With Special Reference to Ambu

Since always the life has existed on earth the main and formost aim of human beings was to lead a healthy and disease free life. Ayurveda being a ‘science of life’ provides not only curative but also preventive principles for healthy and long life. It has paid much attention on preventive principles not only after birth but since very beginning i.e. before the formation of gametes. Since the decision of a child is taken to procure a disease free and healthy (mentally nad physically) baby, garbhotpadaka samagri gets into role to provide optimal health to mother and baby. Ayurveda explains regime and rituals before pregnancy to take care of fetus from the very beginning of formation of gametes to promote well being and efficacy of body (dosha,dhatu,mala) , metabolism(agni), perception elements(indriyas) , psyche(manas) , intelligence(buddhi) and inner spirit(atma). For a healthy pregnancy the pre-requisites explained by ayurveda are- Ritu (fertile period) kshetra (uterus) ambu (nutritive ahar rasa) beeja (shukra and artava-sperm and ovam) are as the primitives.Along with some others like marga(genital passage) hridi(pure controlled consciousness). Thus , the care for above pre conception factors is must in interest of future of society and to improve health in developing countries.

Published by: Dr. Anshika Ray

Author: Dr. Anshika Ray

Paper ID: V3I1-1398

Paper Status: published

Published: February 24, 2017

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A Review on Srotus with Its Anatomical Structures with Special References to Raktavaha Srotus

The channels which are widely spread in all the spaces of the body, where circulation of the fluids and it is not only arteries and veins.Srotus are the system that carry or circulate the doshas and dhatus or their elements to the various organs.Raktvaha srotus refers to channels involved in the blood circulation. Description of the different elements or organ involved in the raktvaha srotus. In this article an attempt has been made to understand rakta vaha srotus as described in Ayurveda with its anatomical structures.

Published by: Abhishek Shah

Author: Abhishek Shah

Paper ID: V3I1-1397

Paper Status: published

Published: February 24, 2017

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A Comparative Clinical Study of Grithayavakshara Lepa and Katutaila in Management of Padadari W.S.R Rhagades

Padadari is one of the commonest and most neglected diseases. Most of the people work in farms in wet soil or water without protecting the feet. Some people don’t use foot wears and walk bare foot. Such reason leads to incidence of cracking the skin of the feet, which is very common. The present study objectives are to evaluate the efficacy of Madanadi Lepa with and without Siravyadha in Padadari. In this trial, total 40 cases were studied into two groups as ‘A’ and ‘B’ each group consisting of 20 patients, Group A patients was advised Madanadi Lepa and Group B Siravyadha with Madanadi Lepa. The present study reveals that in Group A, none had complete relief, 2 patients (10%) had marked improvement and 11 patients (55%) had Moderate improvement, 7 patients (35%) had mild improvement.In Group B, none had complete relief, 3 patients (15%) had marked improvement, 13 patients (65%) had Moderate improvement and 4 patients (20%) had mild improvement After the total course of intervention, the data obtained towards the results indicate that Group B showed good response on symptoms than Group A after treatment and at the end of follow up. It was an attempt made to clinically compare the effect of Sagritha Yavakshara Lepa and Katutaila abhyanga in Padadari.

Published by: Dr. Sunil .A. Arali

Author: Dr. Sunil .A. Arali

Paper ID: V3I1-1396

Paper Status: published

Published: February 24, 2017

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Understanding the Concept of Asthikshaya at the level of Kati Kasheruka

As for how the trunk of the tree is stable because of the inside pith, same way, the share is dependent on the Asthi for the Sthiratha or stability. This is so much strong that, even after the complete disintegration of the skin, muscles and other avayavas, asthi doesn’t get deteriorated easily. And also, the muscles, vessels, ligaments and tendons are seen taking support on to the asthi itself for the proper mobility and facilitation of the vessels. Prustha vamsha, the Vertebral column forms the Central axis for the whole of the skeletal frame work of the body. It is a long bony structure lying in the midline, starting from the base of the Kapaala (skull), till the base of the shroniphalaka. This is formed by the stacks of Kasheruka arranged vertically. The whole prusthavamsha is dynamically coordinated with the kandaras and helps in maintaining the posture, stability, and flexibility. Most of us take this juxta position of strength, structure, and flexibility for granted until something goes wrong. Prustha vamsha is a complex, intricate construct that includes a variety of nerves, bones, joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles woven together. It is designed to be incredibly strong, protecting the highly sensitive nerve routes, yet highly flexible, providing the mobility on different planes. This Whole column of vertebrae has four curvatures anteroposteriorly alternating each other, in order to maintain the stability and posture of the body.

Published by: Dr. Damodar Mone

Author: Dr. Damodar Mone

Paper ID: V3I1-1395

Paper Status: published

Published: February 24, 2017

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Mud Architecture

The purpose of writing this paper is to understand the viability of a material like mud in contemporary time, as I had a question that is it viable to think that mud is contemporary material or not, it was the only available building material in the history, Even today it is available in many areas of world and people do build their dwelling using it, but when the modern materials were introduced such as reinforced concrete, steel, and bricks. These materials triumphed over it. Keeping the question in mind, I decided to investigate mud wall construction techniques. To explore the idea, I have gone through different books and articles. So keeping it in mind, I decided to a comparative analysis of mud wall construction techniques and some perception.

Published by: Priyanka Danal, Suman Sharma

Author: Priyanka Danal

Paper ID: V3I1-1394

Paper Status: published

Published: February 23, 2017

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Journey to Cloud – From Hesitant Beginning to a Feasible Reality

Cloud has gone past the hype and is now a reality. The enterprise size, business type, and industry determine the type of cloud. Large and small enterprises must have a robust plan for embarking on a journey to the creation of a cloud. A key aspect is to take care of integration challenges and leverage the existing investments in the design stage itself. Fortunately, cloud offers are more mature now and companies are able to leverage its benefits combined with a high level of security and reliability. Not everything can go to the cloud yet there are many services available with genuine cloud approaches such as commercial flexibility, on-demand models, and fast setup.

Published by: Jyoti M

Author: Jyoti M

Paper ID: V3I2-1136

Paper Status: published

Published: February 23, 2017

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