
Recent Papers

Crime File System

The project is aimed to develop a crime file for maintaining computerized records of all the F.I.R against crime. The system is a desktop application that can be accessed throughout the police department. This system can be used as an application for the crime file of the police department to manage the records of different activity of related to first information report. In such desktop crime file system, we will manage all such activities (like registration of the complaint updating information, searching a particular viewing of the respective reports of crimes) that will save time and manpower. This software is for police station which provides facilities for reporting crimes, complaints, FIR, charge sheet, prisoner records, and show most wanted criminal’s details. This system will provide a better perspective for the enhancement of organization related to quality and transparency.

Published by: Dr. Nilakshi Jain, Siddharth Agarwal, Gaurav Joshi, Rahul Gupta, Aditya Kataria

Author: Dr. Nilakshi Jain

Paper ID: V3I1-1378

Paper Status: published

Published: February 20, 2017

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Smart Refrigerator using Internet of Things (IoT)

The refrigerator is the most frequently used domiciliary/kitchen electrical appliance all over the world for food storage. Principally this appliance is used for various tenacities like storing vegetables, fruits etc. Smart refrigeration module is designed to convert any existing normal refrigerator into a smart and low-cost machine using sensors. Smart refrigerator compares the status of the food for e.g. weight, quantity etc. The significance of this work will be removable of food spoilage, reduce illness and make a healthier lifestyle of modern age human being. The smart refrigerator is capable of sensing and monitoring its contents and also provides advantageous features. The smart refrigerator is also able to remotely on-off control and notifies the user about scarce products via wifi module (internet) on user’s mobile android application. It also facilitates the purchase of scarce items by providing a one-touch button on mobile application from predefined nearer grocery vendor of that particular item by sending SMS. The core functionality of the smart fridge is to maintain, with minimum effort, food items which might want to be purchased as soon as they run out. As a result, the user is notified every time if eggs are finished. The load cell triggers a notification of available fewer vegetables to the user as soon as the applied pressure is below threshold kg. IR proximity sensors monitor the containers in which milk or juice are sensed. Additional functionality includes the ice ready indication, power saving, smell detection, overweighting etc.

Published by: Prof. M. K. Sangole, Bhushan Sunil Nasikkar, Dhananjay V. Kulkarni, Gitesh K. Kakuste

Author: Prof. M. K. Sangole

Paper ID: V3I1-1375

Paper Status: published

Published: February 20, 2017

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IT Portfolio Management and its Relevance

Project and project portfolios are part of the strategic management of the firm as they lead to successful strategy implementation. Multifaceted benefits and goals of a portfolio must be set before the selection of projects in order to meet the firm’s objectives. Corporate strategy is made on a business level and filtered down to the portfolio and project level. The firm’s resources have to be allocated to the portfolio in line with the strategy. Portfolios are analyzed by the consistency of the project portfolio with the corporate and the business strategy. The project evaluation and portfolio selection are addressed by the degree of formalization which analyses the consistent application to all projects. Project portfolio structuring should consist of consistency, integration, formalization and diligence.

Published by: Jyoti M

Author: Jyoti M

Paper ID: V3I1-1374

Paper Status: published

Published: February 20, 2017

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Management of Organisational Transformations

Transformation is a term related to reengineering, redesigning and redefining business systems or any other domain. Organization transformation can occur in response to or in anticipation of major changes in the organization’s environment or technology. Some of the triggers might be organization’s culture, self-designing and organization learning and knowledge. Transformational changes are triggered by environmental and internal disruptions like industry discontinuities, product lifecycle shifts and internal company dynamics. Change can be systematic and revolutionary reshaping the organization’s culture and design element and altering the nature of the organization. Change demands a new organizing paradigm.

Published by: Jyoti M

Author: Jyoti M

Paper ID: V3I1-1373

Paper Status: published

Published: February 20, 2017

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An Investigative Study On The Leaf Spots Of Achyranthes aspera .Linn.

Plant leaves often offer a good harbor to both epiphytic and endophytic organisms. The present work investigated the association of leaves of Achyranthes Aspera, Linn. plants, and a crape myrtle aphid. Leaves with circular rose-red patches (on the underside) were collected and examined thoroughly. The spots and subsequent curling of the leaves were resulted due to the harboring of an endophytic aphid. The mites were isolated and sent for identification. The isolated aphid was identified as Tinocallis kahaluokawalani (Kirkaldy). The leaves are highly medicinal, but the aphids changed its anatomy and morphology.

Published by: Sunitha Subramanian, Liji T. J.

Author: Sunitha Subramanian

Paper ID: V3I1-1372

Paper Status: published

Published: February 20, 2017

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Postponed Optimized Report Recovery under Lt Based Cloud Memory

Fountain code based conveyed stockpiling system give a solid online limit course of action through putting unlabeled subset pieces into various stockpiling hubs. Luby Transformation (LT) code is one of the predominant wellspring codes for limit systems in view of its viable recuperation. In any case, to ensure high accomplishment deciphering of wellspring code based limit recuperation of additional segments in required and this need could avoid additional put off. We give the idea that distinctive stage recuperation of piece is powerful to lessen the document recovery delay. We first develop a postpone display for various stage recuperation arranges pertinent to our considered system with the made model. We focus on perfect recuperation arranges given essentials on accomplishment decipher limit. Our numerical outcomes propose a focal trade-off between the record recuperation delay and the target of fruitful document unraveling and that the report recuperation deferral can be on a very basic level decrease by in a perfect world bundle requests in a multi arrange style.

Published by: C. Lavanya, M. Babitha

Author: C. Lavanya

Paper ID: V3I1-1371

Paper Status: published

Published: February 20, 2017

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