
Recent Papers

Machine Learning and SOA Based Building Management System

In order to attain energy saving with efficiency and supply good services automatically for users, the design of a sensible energy observance and management system using the Microsoft neural network and computationally non tolling formula is projected in this paper. By monitoring the ability consumption data, surroundings data and users’ scenario data, the system supported the design will calculate the proportion of wasted energy consumption supported the energy consumption data point, give sensible services based on the person-device interaction, and forecast the energy consumption supported the user energy consumption behaviors. The system is combined with cloud computing for data storage and processing. This document illustrates the propose and execution of the system structural design.

Published by: Sandhiya. B.

Author: Sandhiya. B.

Paper ID: V2I6-1266

Paper Status: published

Published: December 27, 2016

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Effect of Interference of UMTS and WLAN during Handoff

In this paper the performance of WLAN is analyzed in the presences of UMTS nodes. To analyze this interference UMTS are nodes are moving using different trajectories. While moving UMTS nodes handoff (soft and hard) techniques are used in this paper. To analyze this effect OPNET modeler is used. The performance is compared In terms of load, media access delay and packet delay variation. The result shows that the performance of soft handoff is better than hard handoff.

Published by: Ramandeep Sethi, Pankaj Sharma, Puneet Jain

Author: Ramandeep Sethi

Paper ID: V2I6-1265

Paper Status: published

Published: December 27, 2016

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Effect of Varying Source Node, Relay Node and Mobility in MANET

In this paper the effect of entering different routing protocol in a network is analyzed. To analyze this effect number of nodes are vary from 25 to 65 nodes. In this paper the 25 nodes are move at low speed and 65 nodes are moving at high speed. To analyze this effect opnet modeler 14.5 is used. The performance is compared in terms of throughput, load and media access delay. Results show that when only aodv is used performance is good when other protocols enter into the network then performance decrease.

Published by: Lovepreet Singh, Pankaj Sharma, Puneet Jain

Author: Lovepreet Singh

Paper ID: V2I6-1264

Paper Status: published

Published: December 27, 2016

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Improved Color Image Steganographic Technique in Transform Domain

Steganography is the process of embedding original message bits on some carrier file. The carrier file may be text file, image file, audio file or video file etc. If that carrier file is an image file, then that technique is called Image steganography [1]. If color image is used as a carrier file to embed data bits, then that type of steganography technique is called as color image steganography [7]. In this proposed work, embedding the original message bits in the transform domain of the carrier color image without considering the green plane, hence it is resulting in high quality stego image. Hence this technique is called as improved color image steganography technique in transform domain. Here in this paper, DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) technique has been used.

Published by: K. S. Sadasiva Rao, Dr A. Damodaram

Author: K. S. Sadasiva Rao

Paper ID: V2I6-1260

Paper Status: published

Published: December 26, 2016

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Physicochemical Studies on Schiff Bases Derived from Substituted Coumarins with Substituted Diamines in Aqueous-Alcohol Medium

Schiff bases derived from substituted coumarins with substituted diamines were synthesized by cyclo-condensation. Proton-ligand ionization constants and metal-ligand stability constants at constant ionic strength in aqueous-alcohol medium (50/50% V/V) were evaluated using Irving-Rossotti method. The ligands exhibit pKa values around 11.5 due to the phenolic –OH group. The metal ligand stability constants with Cu (II), Co(II), Ni(II), Zn(II), Cd(II) and Hg(II) were also determined. The effects of substitutions on the stability constants were studied.

Published by: Uma Desai, Suresh

Author: Uma Desai

Paper ID: V2I6-1259

Paper Status: published

Published: December 26, 2016

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Class Imbalance Problem in Data Mining using Probabilistic Approach

Class imbalance problem are raised when one class having maximum number of examples than other classes. The classical classifiers of balance datasets cannot deal with the class imbalance problem because they pay more attention to the majority class. The main drawback associated with it majority class is loss of important information. The Class imbalance problem is a difficult due to the amount and nature of data. This paper focuses different methods of class imbalance problem. It is been considered the majority class to achieve the class imbalanced problem. This paper mainly focuses the minority class sample to achieve the problem and proposed method for class imbalance problem using minority sample data. The oversampling and undersampling both concept were used to identify the correct class label of the sample using probabilistic approach, the main objective of this paper, to proposed method to minimize the misclassification rate of minority class sample, balance and classify the data more accurately thereby improving the performance of classifier.

Published by: Disha Gupta, Reetu Gupta, Prashant Khobragade

Author: Disha Gupta

Paper ID: V2I6-1258

Paper Status: published

Published: December 26, 2016

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