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Research Paper

Design and Fabrication of agriculture sprayer and seed sowing machine

Recently in agricultural field, the growth of the plants is affected by harmful insects. This attacks mainly the outer layer of the plants. In order to reduce the attack various methods are employed. But in our project spraying equipment such as spraying nozzle, and pump are used. Here we implement a new idea for spraying insecticides and pesticides for plants and seed sowing. By using a Movable vehicle, we can easily operate the sprayer and seed sowing in required areas. This project consists of a semi-automatic vehicle, a water tank, a pump, battery, and motor. The ultimate objective of seed planting using sowing equipment is to achieve precise seed distribution within the row.

Published by: Surendher S., Sridharan S., Vaanmugilan M., Karthi P.

Author: Surendher S.

Paper ID: V10I1-1232

Paper Status: published

Published: April 12, 2024

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Research Paper

Smart glove for Malayalam sign language recognition and audio output

Sign language, which is a medium of communication for deaf and mute people, uses manual communication and body language to convey meaning, as opposed to using sound. In this system, we are proposing a hand-wearable device by which deaf and mute people can communicate with normal people through the glove. The National Institute of Speech and Hearing (NISH) recently introduced Signs for Malayalam Alphabets. The Malayalam Sign Language alphabet is distinguished by this wearable system combining five flex sensors, a three -axis MPU sensor, an Arduino nano microcontroller, and a WiFi--BT--BLE MCU module. The glove tracks hand and finger movements through sensors, sending data via Wi-Fi to a mobile app that converts it into text and audio. The RTOS enables concurrent task management with deterministic timing, ensuring efficient operation of multiple functions like sensor data acquisition, gesture interpretation, and communication. The system emphasizes dataset creation for this newly formed sign language, training a model using Support Vector Machine (SVM) to recognize these signs, and integrating the model into a flutter application for ease of access.

Published by: Muralikrishna K. S., Nikhitha Prakasan, Haritha T. K., Asha J. George, Rini T. Paul

Author: Muralikrishna K. S.

Paper ID: V10I1-1298

Paper Status: published

Published: April 10, 2024

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Research Paper

The Increasing Potential of AI in Businesses

Modern digital conditions that keep changing require businesses to integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI). The essentiality of AI in businesses for competitive advantage and operational efficiency cannot be overemphasized. In this regard, this study explores how businesses are using AI as a tool for improved productivity, customer experience enhancement, decision making among other aspects that contribute towards their overall performance growth. Artificial intelligence is now changing the way we do business by enabling us handle massive quantities of data, automating processes and providing insights which can be acted upon. The paper also looks at how quickly AI technology has grown; this is clear from the fact that there has been an investment boom in AI tech and it’s being adopted faster than ever before. Besides improving operational efficiency AI also helps in improving competitive advantage.

Published by: Harmeher Kaur

Author: Harmeher Kaur

Paper ID: V10I1-1305

Paper Status: accepted

Submitted: April 10, 2024

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Research Paper

Simulation of an Autonomous Robot Independently Lifting a Person in a Home Setting

Although different modifications have been added to enhance the quality of wheelchairs, the process of transferring in and out of a wheelchair can be exhausting and harmful: caregivers face a higher risk of injury when aiding their patients in doing so, and any slight change in lifting can cause severe injury for the patient. Other human-dependent robots for hospital use have been designed, but not independent or for home use. This paper outlines the simulation of an autonomous robot that can safely lift and carry a physically disabled person at home without depending on or risking the health of the caregiver. Upon the person requesting assistance by raising their hand, the robot travels to them. The robot determines the safest locations to place its arms in order to lift the person before carrying them to their destination. This autonomous robot thus serves as a personal assistant to provide wheelchair users a more comfortable transfer in and out of a wheelchair and throughout the house.

Published by: Anvitha Mattapalli

Author: Anvitha Mattapalli

Paper ID: V10I1-1301

Paper Status: published

Published: April 9, 2024

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Research Paper

Marketing mix and strategic investment’s role in business expansion: targetting sales maximization, diversification, and brand equity.

The evolution of marketing has been noteworthy over the centuries. Marketing plays an essential role in determining the prosperity of a business. Achieving the targetted sales figures, expanding and diversifying your business, and creating your brand’s equity depend upon strategically investing the available capital and simultaneously adopting the marketing strategies. This article formalizes a model that allows analysis of the present marketing mix. The detailed, descriptive, and surveyed research, also provides an idea to marketers and can be used as a tool to assist marketing strategies. Elucidates marketing, its traditional, and modern concepts, the difference between marketing and selling, to the explanation of the 7Ps, 4As, and 4Cs of Marketing. For further details, please read the research paper. Marketing Mix, SWOT Analysis, 4P, Value Investing, Growth Investing, Momentum Investing, Dollar – Cost Averaging

Published by: Tushar Garodia

Author: Tushar Garodia

Paper ID: V10I1-1290

Paper Status: published

Published: April 9, 2024

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Review Paper

Blockchain-Based eVault for Legal Documents

Blockchain-based centralized file-sharing platforms are not capable of providing security and privacy to data which leads to an increase in security attacks, single points of failure, and censorship. As we know the digitization of legal documents has taken a rapid growth which results in the transformation of the legal industry and provided efficiency, accessibility, and security to a multitude of stakeholders. However, there is a need for a trusted and immutable system for storing, sharing, and verifying these documents remains a challenge. The paper is based on the concept of "Blockchain-Based eVault for Legal Documents," It leverages blockchain technology to address the issues of document authenticity, data security, and legal document management. The proposed eVault is designed to act as a secure repository for legal documents, offering a robust solution to the persistent challenges of document tampering, fraud, and unauthorized access. By utilizing blockchain technology, which provides decentralized, transparent, this eVault ensures the integrity or authenticity of legal documents.

Published by: Gauri Yogeshwar Wankhade, Shantanu Rawade, Harshal Lokhande, Anish Bhalerao, Prof. Shrishail Patil

Author: Gauri Yogeshwar Wankhade

Paper ID: V10I1-1289

Paper Status: published

Published: April 5, 2024

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