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Analysis of vandhya rog chikitsa from yogaratnakar on the basis of modern and ayurvedic text: A review

Ayurveda is a science which is having its own diagnostic methods and treatment based on it. Ayurvedic classical texts elaborate treatment of Vandhytva (infertility), in almost all important Samhitas. In present scientific research, many causes of infertility are explored because of the vast availability of diagnostic tools. In the period when Samhita's were written the diagnostic methods are very different, so when acharya cite the treatment, it was quoted that the treatment is useful in infertility, as a general term. It is need of an hour to analyze this ancient treasure of treatment in terms of modern scientific knowledge. This effort will help a clinician to find the absolute indication of the infertility treatment. In this analytical study the infertility treatment mentioned in Yogratnakar, (one of the classical texts) is critically evaluated to find out the absolute indication. The chapter from Yogaratnakar namely “Yonivyapada Roganam Chikitsa, Vandhyarog Chikitsa” is critically analyzed. It is observed that the formulations which are evaluated are having estrogenic action, potent aphrodisiac, endocrine stimulants, so they are useful in unovulation, tubal block, luteal phase defect, disorders of the endocrine system also in defective spermatogenesis.

Published by: Swati Mohite, Prachi Konde

Author: Swati Mohite

Paper ID: V8I1-1359

Paper Status: published

Published: March 1, 2022

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Research Paper

Awareness regarding cryptocurrency among investors

The research was designed to perceive the awareness of the Investors regarding CryptoCurrency. The Objective of the research is to observe the perception of cryptocurrency in terms of gender and whether awareness of cryptocurrency and gender are dependable variables; To find out people's preference about cryptocurrency, their trading preference there preferred cryptocurrency, and what they think as an advantage, disadvantage and important factors about cryptocurrency; To study the perception of investors regarding the acceptance of bitcoin as mode of cashless transaction. The data for the research was obtained through the Survey method, based on the Questionnaire, circulated in the form of Google Forms online. The data was analyzed using tables and chi-square was used in testing the hypotheses formulated to guide the research. The outcome of the testing proved that the awareness of cryptocurrency and gender are dependable variables and the male respondents was having more knowledge and awareness of crypto in comparison to female respondents. At the same time, the data help out to understand the preferences of the people and their perception regarding the acceptance of bitcoin as a cashless transaction.

Published by: Mustafa Shaikh, Mansi Patel, Satyajitsinh Gohil

Author: Mustafa Shaikh

Paper ID: V8I1-1461

Paper Status: published

Published: March 1, 2022

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Research Paper

Development of an android-based visual implementation of student project allocation system

Technology is every place we go in a moment's life. So, scholars of seminaries or sodalities, or universities bear an operation that supports smartphones to get all types of information related to examination, lecture notes, placement, systems regarding the announcement, events, transportation, etc. Rather than calling systems because nearly all mobile druggies have smartphones currently. This being system takes a pupil list and allocates administrators to scholars. Using a manual system in the management and allocation of projects to students is characterized by many problems, including the Inability of the project Guide to know that a title has been approved already for a student. Difficulty and inappropriate documentation of allocated project topics. Ineffective in entering, updating, and retrieving records of allocated projects. Difficulty in accessing the project Guide for approval of the topic. Duplication in project topics approved for students. We designed an operation to attain the demand of scholars. The main idea of the pupil design allocation system is to make a system that will give information for each pupil. Projects can efficiently be allocated to students without delay, and topic conflict between students in the same department will not arise here. Pupil updates can be fluently penetrated if the database system is enhanced. This design will give a fruitful way to manage data at a low cost. The Student Project Allocation contains colorful options similar to login/ logout, viewing and streamlining data, etc. It'll be secure. Data can be used by only those with an id and word while maintaining the data.

Published by: Sneka G., Deepitha N., Abisha D., Aishwaryalakshmi R. K.

Author: Sneka G.

Paper ID: V8I1-1470

Paper Status: published

Published: March 1, 2022

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Research Paper

Effect of COVID-19 on employees’ work-life balance at Swastik pulp and paper mill

In this report we have researched how the employees have balanced their work, as well as their routine life as we know the situation was very worst but earning, was also essential, therefore the company has given work from home to many employees. In work from home, many employees have enjoyed as they can do work at any time and they can enjoy other activities as well side by side. But because of that, the output was very much less as compared to work from the office and many employees were bored as well because they have to work from one place only and they don’t have to go anywhere. So sometimes they were also mentally pressured.

Published by: Dipti Patel, Bhumi Patel, Dr. Bijal Shah

Author: Dipti Patel

Paper ID: V8I1-1462

Paper Status: published

Published: March 1, 2022

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Survey Report

A survey on asynchronous distributed Federated Learning framework

Through the hasty growth of data generated by intelligent IoT devices, Federated learning (FL) seems to be a promising technique that provides distributed Machine Learning (ML) amenities at the same time protecting data privacy. FL is the novel form of Artificial intelligence (AI) that builds on decentralized data setup and carries out training that brings learning to devices. It’s mostly used in instances that involve security and privacy as the main concerns and empowers implementers to build secure learning environments. The federated averaging (FedAvg) is one the most used optimization algorithms that train models with a synchronized protocol. However, the algorithm is not realistic enough and communication efficiency issues tend to arise. The amount and distribution of collected data have a different training process because of varying sample sizes of devices. This paper carries out an in-depth review of FL and its asynchronous learning previous research. Lastly, the authors propose a privacy-preserving asynchronous FL framework for distributed healthcare care data that improve the model accuracy to health information. Although the framework is still being implemented it aims at guaranteeing improved communication amongst healthcare industry participants such as hospitals, clinics, laboratories, pharmaceuticals, and many more facilities.

Published by: Ashley Olebogeng Makgetho, Huang Qiming, Ousman Manjang

Author: Ashley Olebogeng Makgetho

Paper ID: V8I1-1463

Paper Status: published

Published: February 28, 2022

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Research Paper

The sustainability of US debt

US debt is a matter discussed worldwide, owing to the widespread use of the US dollar and the global economic power that the US holds. A large proportion of trade relies on the dollar, and many currencies are even pegged against the dollar. This has meant that global demand for the dollar has been constant. Furthermore due to a range of factors interest rates have remained extremely low, therefore the government has been able to borrow large amounts of debt and satisfy creditors. However, owing to the pandemic, unprecedented spending, tax cuts, and an unproductive spending plan the US government's fiscal position is slowly deteriorating. With uncertainty growing, the inevitability of tapering setting in, and rising inflation looming, the US economy must reconsider its spending patterns or cut back on current spending, both of which could lead to long-term social consequences. This paper discusses the current position of the government and its sustainability through various perspectives such as the ability to satisfy this debt in the future, growth hindered by debt through a neoclassical growth mode, unfunded obligations, and the effect of angst and defaults. On the contrary, it also explores how low-interest rates and the global strength of the dollar have made its position more sustainable than other countries. Finally, there are also proposals to help strengthen the government’s fiscal position, and long-term solutions to ease the situation and help the economy recover. These when implemented would not solve the crisis at once given its gravity but at least stabilize the government for the time being. Finally, after analyzing collaborating this diverse range of analyses, proposals, and information this paper proposes a concrete synopsis of something that could inevitably shake global markets and affect communities and countries at even an individual level.

Published by: Shreevardhan Atit Agarwal

Author: Shreevardhan Atit Agarwal

Paper ID: V8I1-1451

Paper Status: published

Published: February 25, 2022

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