
Recent Papers

Digital Photo Sensor Able to Differentiate up to Three Light Intensity Bands and its Applications

This paper deals with the design of a module which can differentiate among three different light intensity ranges. This module uses two LDRs in such a configuration, so that they can collectively give the output which helps in differentiating among various light intensity ranges. The unique feature of the module is to differentiate among three different light intensity ranges which finds applications in the area like automatic plant irrigation system, automatic street light system, maintaining light at a particular intensity and further more.

Published by: Akash Verma, Hikmat Beig, Vijay Kumar Yadav, Vivek Singh

Author: Akash Verma

Paper ID: V2I6-1214

Paper Status: published

Published: December 10, 2016

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Comparative Study of Manure Produced from Wastes

The blind use of fertilisers have made the soil dilapidated to such an extent that it would take 3 years of no cultivation and continuous fixing of minerals by organic methods, to convert the soil for the purpose of organic farming. Chemical fertilisers are like a drug to the soil, the more we use the more will be required. In order to bring a change and to make organic method more demanding and handy, a set of trials were done. The experiments were conducted inside the college campus using different type of manures, farm yard manure (made by cow dung straw and cow urine), garden manure (made by dry shredded leaves, kitchen waste and thrown flowers) and vermicompost (using Eisenia fetida earthworms) made by easy composting in normal pressure and temperature and were tested on mangifera indica (mango) plants. Significant effects were observed on the plant yield. The use of lactobacillus serum alone has increased the yield significantly. Field studies evaluated the use of leachate along with the green manure. The study was done on the optimum use of manure for the nutrition requirement of plant.

Published by: Gaurav Singh, Akhil Kumar Gupta, Divyank Tiwari, Matulya Mani

Author: Gaurav Singh

Paper ID: V2I6-1213

Paper Status: published

Published: December 10, 2016

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Innovation of Mobile, Mobile Commerce and Mobile Apps as Disrupted the Businesses of Small Units

Mobile, Internet and Mobile Application has created a new market and new world of network which has eventually disrupts an existing traditional business market and given importance to internet through Mobile Apps to online Business. The electronic gadget, computer which was nothing better than a big calculator has taken over the entire business market and captured as electronic market through e-Commerce, eventually established itself to M-Commerce, Business on the Mobile gadget where consumer carry any time, any place and do business at any point of time. This created a huge platform to new market and ultimately eliminated the existing business. Purpose of the study says that Flipchart, Amazon, e-bay, BigBasket, these business houses are attracting the customer through online. Customer can shop from home at much cheaper rates could save even up to 80% discount rates with all kind of guarantee and warrantee with best quality and replacement assurance. An objective of research work is to “To assess the impact of mobile, Mobile Commerce and Mobile apps on business practices.”. The article expected to through the light on the disruptive innovation of Mobile, Mobile Commerce and Mobile Apps.

Published by: R. Parvathi, Dr. Veena Angadi, Gattamraju Sreelatha, Dr Gopala Krishana

Author: R. Parvathi

Paper ID: V2I6-1212

Paper Status: published

Published: December 10, 2016

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Response of Jhelum Rice Variety to Different Crop Management Practices towards Morphological and Yield Parameters in Temperate Kashmir Valley

Field experiment were conducted to compare the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) Practices with the Conventional management Practices (CMPs) or farmers’ practices of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in context of Morphological and yield production parameters at district Kulgam of J& K(2016). The investigational variables included combinations of seedling number and age (10 day-old single vs. 21 day-old), spacing (25 x 25 cm vs. 20 x 10 cm), irrigation (intermittent irrigation vs. continuous flooding), and weed control (cono-weeding vs. manual weeding) however for both sets of methods, the organic manure (mixture with cow dung and straw) was applied along with chemical fertilizers at the same rate. The test was laid out in randomized factorial design. Highest grain yield (637.9 gm–2) were obtained from SRI practices (planting 10 days-old seedlings hill–1 at 25 x 25 cm spacing + intermittent irrigation and cono-weeding). Yield under CMP (planting 21 day-old single seedlings at 20 x 10 cm + continuous flooding and manual-weeding: 448.9gm-2) was lower than that of SRI practices. Thus the overall results indicated that all the cultivars under study performed better under SRI as compared to other traditional practices with respect to different morphological and yield traits including grain yield. All the cultivars exhibited increased leaf area, leaf area index and Crop Growth Rate (CGR) under SRI practice as compared to CMP cultivation practice.

Published by: Javaid Ahmad Wani, Dr. Amit Sharma

Author: Javaid Ahmad Wani

Paper ID: V2I6-1207

Paper Status: published

Published: December 8, 2016

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Research Paper

Synthesis and Characterization of O-Alkyl ,O-Aryl and O-Cycloalkyl Trithiophosphato Derivatives of Lanthanum (III) Chloride and their Adduct with Nitrogen Donar Bases

Chloro lanthanu (III) trithiophosphates (RO)(S)(P)(S)2LaCl where R = Me,Et, nPr, iPr, nBu, sBu, iBu , iAm, cyclohexyl, Phenyl,were prepared in the methanolic solution of LaCl3 and dipotassium salt of trithiophosphates.Addition complexes of the type (RO)(S)(P)(S)2LaCl .nL(where n=1,L=(C6H4N)2 1-10-phenanthroline and (C5H4N)2 2,2 -bipyridyl were prepared by reaction of chloro Lanthanum (III) trithiophosphate and nitrogen donar bases in dry methanol . These newly synthesized derivatives have been characterized by elemental analysis, moleculer weight measurement, I R ,13C ,31P spectral studies. Coordination no of three and five are suggested for La (III) in these derivatives. Key Words : La(III) ; 1-10-phenanthroline ; 2,2 -bipyridyl Corrosponding Author;[email protected]

Published by: Rafia Ahmad, U. N.Tripath

Author: Rafia Ahmad

Paper ID: V2I6-1208

Paper Status: published

Published: December 8, 2016

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Gas Sensor Array for Quantitative Detection of Gas Mixture

Two semiconductor gas sensors which are sensitive to methanol and acetone were chosen to form a gas sensor array. Response of sensor array combined with pattern recognition technique of artificial neural network was used to carry out the quantitative analysis of gas concentration in a mixture. Separate gas is injected on gas sensor to understand the sensitivity of sensor upon change in gas concentration. Gas mixture of different acetone and methanol gas composition is prepared and response on sensor array is acquired. The acquired data is a function of concentration profile of gas mixture. Data is pre-processed and given to neural network for quantitative analysis of gas concentration of the mixture. The results show that the system can analyze the gas mixture and produce quantitative data with good accuracy.

Published by: Pauroosh Kaushal, Nirlipta R. Mohanty

Author: Pauroosh Kaushal

Paper ID: V2I6-1205

Paper Status: published

Published: December 8, 2016

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