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Case Study

“Kachre se kanchan tak” A Novel idea of Maha-Metro Rail Corporation (Pune Metro Rail Project) that has reclaimed the dumpsite legacy waste and reused the received soil in backfilling to conserve the virgin soil resource

Land is scarce commodity in urban context. It is estimated that more than 10,000 hectares of urban land is locked in Indian dumpsites. Pune Metro Rail Project has been allocated one of such dumping site (Kothurd) to construct the depot for serving the East-West Corridor. The land area of Kothurd dumping site spreads over 12.2 hectares and predominantly filled with Municipal Solid waste heaped in 10 to 12 meters height, home for pigs, stray dogs and rodents. This area is also surrounded by the residential /commercial complex posing an environmental hazard to nearby residents. This article presents that how Maha-Metro, Pune Metro Rail Project has reclaimed a three decades-old garbage dumpsite with in-house effort and converted into state of art depot and unencumbered all nearby residents from ill effects of dumping site. Reclamation of kothurd dumpsite having huge quantities of decades-old garbage (aged waste or legacy waste) in an environmentally sound manner was a challenge. Maha Metro Pune Metro Rail Project took this challenge and formulated strategy for reclamation of this dumpsite. The emphasis was to conserve the virgin soil resource and to maximum reuse of earth soil to meet the backfilling requirement at various ongoing Metro Construction sites. Environment Management Division (EMD) of Pune Metro Rail Project has conducted some primary studies to understand the waste composition, organic content etc. and visited Mulund dumping site on 30.4.2019 to understand the aged/legacy waste reclamation process prescribed under Municipal Solid Waste Management Rules 2016. Primary studies on compositional analysis reveals that legacy waste consist 14 % biodegradable material, 39% recyclable (RDF- Paper card board, textile rags, plastic, rubber etc.). 8% recyclable (Non-RDF- glass metal etc.) and 39% Inert Construction & Demolition material. However, organic analysis of the waste reveals that waste was fully degraded and converted into soil like compost through natural process. The heavy metal analysis of legacy waste indicates that all the parameters are within the permissible limit (Schedule II, SWM Rules 2016) and could be effectively reused in gardening, landscaping, green belt development and median plantations. Further, the possibility of using the received soil in back filling was also explored and a lab test was carried out to understand the quality of soil. The result reveals that soil is meeting the quality criteria of IS standards can be effectively reused in backfilling at various ongoing Metro construction sites.

Published by: Ratnakar Pandey, Atul Gadgil

Author: Ratnakar Pandey

Paper ID: V8I1-1450

Paper Status: published

Published: February 25, 2022

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A study on challenges faced by women entrepreneurs in India

India's economy is one of the world's fastest-growing. The number of start-ups launched has been steadily increasing over the last decade. The vast majority of these have been started by men. The good news is that women have shown a strong interest in entrepreneurship and starting new businesses. The issue is that women's success rates are considerably lower than men's due to a variety of cultural factors like fear, lack of motivation, as well as a lack of commercial resources such as development and training. Women, in general, are for the most part seen as domestic producers with small to do with economy or commerce. The theme of ladies in business has been largely neglected both in society in general and within the social sciences. For occurrence, in spite of the fact that ladies have made gigantic strides in instruction in later years, such as outperforming men within the number of degrees allowed, they are still underrepresented in areas like building and computer science, which are the establishments for so much entrepreneurial action. Additionally, while women have held increasingly parts in organizations, they’ve been less spoken to within the sorts of positions that “involve senior-level key arranging and need setting.” This paper has been made to ascertain the challenges faced by women entrepreneurs in the process of setting up and managing the business in a business environment. We have used secondary data to do this research paper.

Published by: Samhitha V., Pranathi A., Aishwarya A. B.

Author: Samhitha V.

Paper ID: V8I1-1452

Paper Status: published

Published: February 25, 2022

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Research Paper

Sustainable irrigation planning for JOBAT Command Area using Multi Objective Fuzzy Linear Programming approach

In this study, an irrigation planning model is developed and applied in form of Multi-Objective Fuzzy Linear Programming (MOFLP) approach for crop planning in the command area of the Shahid Chandra Shekhar Azad Sagar (Jobat) in Dhar District of Madhya Pradesh, India. The formation of the MOFLP model is based on different Linear Programming (LP) models and Multi-Objective Fuzzy Linear Programming (MOFLP) models. Here models are used to maximize the Net Benefits (NB) and Crop Production (CP). The cropping patterns giving the best result for the Crop Production and Net-Benefit are different. The Area Under Irrigation is 0 for gram when just Crop Production is optimized. Similarly, when only the Net Benefit is optimized, the Area under irrigation is 0 for sugarcane because of the low value of the benefit coefficient. So, we find Optimal Cropping Pattern for the Crop Production and Net-Benefit by LP and MOFLP at different live reservoir storage

Published by: Chandra Mohan Shakya, Vivek Kumar, Durga Sawant, Sharad Dadhich

Author: Chandra Mohan Shakya

Paper ID: V8I1-1445

Paper Status: published

Published: February 22, 2022

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Research Paper

Impact of training and development on employee’s performance

Training and development can be seen as a means to a goal. It aids a business in achieving its ultimate goal, which is to raise the happiness quotient of its people, resulting in an excellent performance, quality production, and a healthy organization. Healthy businesses have higher staff retention which improves the company’s image and helps it acquire goodwill in the market. It functions as bridging the gap between competence and performance. Employee satisfaction depends on training and development. Human resource management is the most difficult challenge a business has and training and development appear to be the best alternative for dealing with and resolving this issue. The goal of this study is to investigate various training techniques, determine employee attitudes towards training. The study revealed that the employees strongly agree that training is a must for enhancing productivity and performance. The study suggests that organizations should be made training programs available and made it compulsory to lower the expense of recruiting new employees.

Published by: Dhruti Bhatt, Dhwani Patel, Dr. Bijal Shah

Author: Dhruti Bhatt

Paper ID: V8I1-1443

Paper Status: published

Published: February 22, 2022

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Research Paper

To Study Impact of Organizational Culture on Employee’s Job Satisfaction and Performance – A Case Study on Manufacturing Industry

The research was designed to examine the impact of organizational culture and its impact on employee performance and job satisfaction, using the organization “Orient Bell Ltd” as a case study. The objectives of the study were to evaluate how organizational culture influences employee performance and job satisfaction and the relationship between organizational culture, employee performance and job satisfaction in order to proffer possible solutions that will help organizations to build a culture that will have a positive impact on the performance and satisfaction of their employees. The data for the research was obtained from respondents who were mainly staffs of Orient Bell Ltd. The data was analyzed using tables and chi square was used in testing the hypotheses formulated to guide the research. From the findings, it was observed that majority of the respondents agree that organizational culture does have an impact on performance and satisfaction levels of employees. It was also discovered that the type of organizational culture practiced in an organization can also determine the level of employee performance and job satisfaction.

Published by: Prarthna Anant Halwe, Sandhya Gorakh Patil, Dr. Sapna Chauhan

Author: Prarthna Anant Halwe

Paper ID: V8I1-1441

Paper Status: published

Published: February 22, 2022

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Research Paper

Study of Anita Desai’s novels- A new perspective

Studying the novel as an expressive style enjoyed the highest level of glory in the 18th century. The term ‘novel’ derived from the Italian word ‘ novella’ was first used for each of a collection of about one hundred narratives that appeared in the later half of the 13th century. The very term ‘novel’ means something new. The novel's last literary form is to come into being among the major forms of literature, the other two being Prose and Drama. A ‘novel’ is a sustained story that is not historically true but might very easily be so. The novel has been made the vehicle for satire, for instruction, for political or religious exhortation, and for technical information. Its plain and direct purpose is to amuse by a succession of scenes painted from nature and by a thread of the emotional narrative.

Published by: M. Govindan

Author: M. Govindan

Paper ID: V8I1-1402

Paper Status: published

Published: February 22, 2022

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