
Recent Papers

Review of Image Watermarking Technique for Medical Images

In this article, we focus on the complementary role of watermarking with respect to medical information security (integrity, authenticity …) and management. We review sample cases where watermarking has been deployed. We conclude that watermarking has found a niche role in healthcare systems, as an instrument for protection of medical information, for secure sharing and handling of medical images. The concern of medical experts on the preservation of documents diagnostic integrity remains paramount. Medical image watermarking is an appropriate method used for enhancing security and authentication of medical data, which is crucial and used for further diagnosis and reference. This paper discusses the available medical image watermarking methods for protecting and authenticating medical data. The paper focuses on algorithms for application of watermarking technique on Region of Non Interest (RONI) of the medical image preserving Region of Interest (ROI).

Published by: Kamalpreet Kaur, Er. Suppandeep Kaur

Author: Kamalpreet Kaur

Paper ID: V2I5-1139

Paper Status: published

Published: August 31, 2016

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Review on Grey- Hole Attack Detection and Prevention

— These Grey Hole attacks poses a serious security threat to the routing services by attacking the reactive routing protocols resulting in drastic drop of data packets. AODV (Ad hoc on demand Distance Vector) routing being one of the many protocols often becomes an easy victim to such attacks. The survey also gives up-to-date information of all the works that have been done in this area. Besides the security issues they also described the layered architecture of MANET, their applications and a brief summary of the proposed works that have been done in this area to secure the network from Grey Hole attacks

Published by: Suman Brar, Mohit Angurala

Author: Suman Brar

Paper ID: V2I5-1137

Paper Status: published

Published: August 31, 2016

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Research Paper

Diabetes Prediction by Supervised and Unsupervised Learning with Feature Selection

: Two approaches to building models for prediction of the onset of Type diabetes mellitus in juvenile subjects were examined. A set of tests performed immediately before diagnosis was used to build classifiers to predict whether the subject would be diagnosed with juvenile diabetes. A modified training set consisting of differences between test results taken at different times was also used to build classifiers to predict whether a subject would be diagnosed with juvenile diabetes. Supervised were compared with decision trees and unsupervised of both types of classifiers. In this study, the system and the test most likely to confirm a diagnosis based on the pre-test probability computed from the patient's information including symptoms and the results of previous tests. If the patient's disease post-test probability is higher than the treatment threshold, a diagnostic decision will be made, and vice versa. Otherwise, the patient needs more tests to help make a decision. The system will then recommend the next optimal test and repeat the same process. In this thesis find out which approach is better on diabetes dataset in weka framework. Also use feature selection techniques which reduce the features and complexities of process

Published by: Rabina, Er. Anshu Chopra

Author: Rabina

Paper ID: V2I5-1136

Paper Status: published

Published: August 30, 2016

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Analyze the Effect of Base Station and Node Failure and Recovery on the Performance of Wimax

In this paper the effect of Base and node failure and Recovery is analyzed on the performance of Wimax by using different modulation techniques in a network. To analyze the performance opnet modeler is used. The performance is compared in terms of Delay, throughput and Load. The result shows that when base station fails then the performance Decrease and when node fail then performance increase. The result also shows that when different modulation techniques in different cells are used in same network then there is no change in performance.

Published by: Kanika, Er. Amardeep Singh Virk

Author: Kanika

Paper ID: V2I4-1187

Paper Status: published

Published: August 23, 2016

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Phylogenetic and Evolutionary Studies of Flavivirus

Abstract Viruses of Flavivirus genus are the causative agents of many common and devastating diseases, including yellow fever, dengue fever etc. so for proper development of efficient anti viral pharmaceutical strategies there is a need for proper classification of viruses of this group. To generate the most diverse phylogenetic datasets for the Flaviviruses to date, we analyzed the whole genomic sequences and phylogenetic relationships of 44 Flaviviruses by using various bioinformatics tools (MEGA, Clustal W, PHYLIP). We analyze these data for understanding the evolutionary relationship between classified and unclassified viruses and to propose for the reclassification of unclassified viruses which shows sequence similarity and also similar mode of transmission with classified viruses.

Published by: Meenu Priya Kontu, Dr. Sweta Prakash

Author: Meenu Priya Kontu

Paper ID: V2I4-1186

Paper Status: published

Published: August 22, 2016

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A Comparison of Different Techniques used to Detect and Mitigate Black Hole Attack in AODV Routing Protocol based on MANET

A Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a self organized system which doesn’t have any pre-defined network infrastructure where mobile devices are connected by wireless links. Hence, a MANET can be constructed quickly at a low cost, as it doesn’t rely on existing network infrastructure. This paper presents a review on different techniques used to detect and mitigate the black hole attack in MANET i.e. for single black hole and also for cooperative black hole attack which are a serious threat to ad hoc network security. In cooperative black hole attack multiple nodes collude to hide the malicious activity of other nodes; hence such attacks are more difficult to detect. In this paper a comparison of various techniques that have been proposed in the literature for detection and mitigation of such attacks is presented.

Published by: Shivani, Pooja Rani, Pritpal Singh

Author: Shivani

Paper ID: V2I4-1185

Paper Status: published

Published: August 22, 2016

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