
Recent Papers

Anatomical Variations of Nose and Para-Nasal Sinuses: CT Scan review in South Gujarat

To identify frequency and characters of anatomic variations in paranasal sinuses in computed tomography scan of paranasal sinuses. Methods: The retrospective study was conducted at the SSG Hospital, Baroda, and comprised computed tomography scans of 75 patients who had presented between December 2016 and January 2017. The scans were reviewed for the presence of deviated nasal septum, paradoxical middle turbinate, Haller cell, Onodi cell, and pneumatization of the middle turbinate and uncinate process. Results: The mean age of the patients was 32±13.15 years. The most frequent variant being the deviated nasal septum 32 (63%) and the middle nasal Concha 16 (22%). Conclusion: Computed tomography is excellent means of providing anatomical information of paranasal sinuses considering the wide range of variations in the anatomy, each and every para-nasal sinus case should be planned individually and carefully to avoid dreadful complications and maximize patients’ benefit. Keywords: Anatomic variations, Para-nasal sinuses, deviated nasal septum, Concha bullosa.

Published by: Dr. Abhishek S, Dr. Bhavtik Kapadia, Dr. Nandakishore G. Patil, Dr. Girbide Shubhangi

Author: Dr. Abhishek S

Paper ID: V3I1-1219

Paper Status: published

Published: January 18, 2017

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Human Face Detection using Fusion Technique

Nowadays face detection and recognition has become an important tool for identification in industry, Educational institutes, verifying websites, hosting images and social networking site. Face Recognition is nothing but Features such as eyes, nose, lips etc. are extracted from a face, these features are processed and compared with similarly processed faces present in the database. If a face is recognized it is known or the system may show a similar face existing in a database else it is an unknown face. In proposed system, an input image can be taken as a static image or by capturing an image. The system is trying to improve efficiency. The system is using ANN (Artificial Neural Network) and Euclidean Distance Measure is working collaboratively for detection of the face. Over here, features are been marked using ELBP (Elliptical local binary pattern) using specific values. Facial features such as forehead, eyes, nose, lips and cheeks. The system basically converts RGB values of features to HSV (Hue saturation value) and stores this HSV values. These HSV values are compared with the feature values of HSV which are stored in databases and if these values are matched with the database face image values then the face is detected otherwise it is not detected. These features distances are calculated using Euclidean distance algorithm. For improving the efficiency OCA (Optimized comparison algorithm) plays an important role as in OCA two features are taken for comparison with the database image. Two features lips and cheeks are taken into consideration and it is compared with the all the database image. Whatever images have got is further compared with the optimized database and finally, face is recognized otherwise user not found message will be printed. Also for real time application live streaming is facilitated in the system for recognition and continuous processing is done. This way system facilitates to efficiently recognize the faces and also helps to improve the accuracy of the system.

Published by: Rupali Balasaheb Pawar, Deepak Dharrao, Priya Pise

Author: Rupali Balasaheb Pawar

Paper ID: V3I1-1217

Paper Status: published

Published: January 18, 2017

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An Application Of Multi Objective Programming Techniques: A Case Study of Central India (Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan)

In India and abroad, the commonly used decision modeling in real life rests on the assumption that the decision maker seeks to optimize a well-defined single objective using traditional mathematics programming approach. A farmer may be interested in maximizing his cash income, with certain emphasis on risk minimization. On the other at county level especially in a developing country a planner may aspire for a plan while maximizes food grains production and also to some extent considers employment maximization etc as the goals. Keeping in view the objectives of the study, state-wise secondary data on different variables for the period 1980-81 to 2014-15 were collected from Statistical Abstracts of Punjab, Fertilizer Statistics, Agricultural Statistics at a glance and the reports of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices, published by Ministry of Agriculture By taking its deviations of observed Yt from its estimated value we got the error or the risk coefficients for each year for each crop. These risk coefficients were taken in the matrix formulation in the MOTAD format suggested by Hazell (1971 a and b). To give a meaningful explanation to the level of risk, total mean absolute deviations in gross returns were derived as under: Min A = 1/S Σ│ (chj-gj) xj│ Where A is the minimum average absolute deviation defined as the mean over (h=1………s) years, of the sum of the deviations of gross returns (chj) from the trend in gross returns (gj) multiplied by activity levels x j (j = 1………n). Where A is an unbiased estimator of the population mean absolute income deviation Where A = estimated mean absolute deviation S = no. of years chj = gross returns of the jth activity in hth year gj = sample mean of gross returns of jth activity x j = activity level This was minimized subject to the following constraints: Σaij xj ≤ bi (for all i = 1………….m, j =1……..n) Total activity requirements for the i th constraint, the sum of the unit activity requirements aij for the constraint i times the activity levels ‘xj‘do not exceed the level of the i th constraint bi for all ‘i’ and x j 0 all activity levels are non negative. Where a ij = per unit technical requirement for the jth activity of the ith resource. bi = the ith resource constraint level m = no. of constraints n = no. of activities.

Published by: Prince Singh, Dr. Seema Manchanda

Author: Prince Singh

Paper ID: V3I1-1213

Paper Status: published

Published: January 17, 2017

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An Application of Multi Objective Programming Techniques: A Case Study Of South India (Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka)

In India and abroad, the commonly used decision modeling in real life rests on the assumption that the decision maker seeks to optimize a well-defined single objective using traditional mathematics programming approach. A farmer may be interested in maximizing his cash income, with a certain emphasis on risk minimization. On the other, at county level especially in a developing country, a planner may aspire for a plan while maximizes food grains production and also to some extent considers employment maximization etc as the goals. Keeping in view the objectives of the study, state-wise secondary data on different variables for the period 1980-81 to 2014-15 were collected from Statistical Abstracts of Punjab, Fertilizer Statistics, Agricultural Statistics at a glance and the reports of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices, published by Ministry of Agriculture By taking its deviations of observed Yt from its estimated value we got the error or the risk coefficients for each year for each crop. These risk coefficients were taken in the matrix formulation in the MOTAD format suggested by Hazell (1971 a and b). To give a meaningful explanation to the level of risk, total mean absolute deviations in gross returns were derived as under: Min A = 1/S Σ│ (chj-gj) xj│ Where A is the minimum average absolute deviation defined as the mean over (h=1………s) years, of the sum of the deviations of gross returns (chj) from the trend in gross returns (gj) multiplied by activity levels x j (j = 1………n). Where A is an unbiased estimator of the population mean absolute income deviation Where A = estimated mean absolute deviation S = no. of years chj = gross returns of the jth activity in hth year gj = sample mean of gross returns of jth activity x j = activity level This was minimized subject to the following constraints: Σaij xj ≤ bi (for all i = 1………….m, j =1……..n) Total activity requirements for the i th constraint, the sum of the unit activity requirements aij for the constraint i times the activity levels ‘xj‘do not exceed the level of the i th constraint bi for all ‘i’ and x j 0 all activity levels are non-negative. Where a ij = per unit technical requirement for the jth activity of the ith resource = the ith resource constraint level m = no. of constraints n = no. of activities

Published by: Prince Singh, Seema Manchanda

Author: Prince Singh

Paper ID: V3I1-1212

Paper Status: published

Published: January 17, 2017

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Online Blood Bank Using Cloud Computing

As we all know the Working of Blood Bank Management System. A blood bank is a cache or bank of blood or blood components, gathered as a result of blood donation or collection, stored and preserved for later use in blood transfusion. The main aim of this project is to save lives of people by providing blood online using technology. Our project Online Blood Bank system using Cloud Computing is developed so that users can view the information of nearby donors, hospitals, blood banks. This project is developed by three perspectives i.e. hospital, blood bank, and patient/donor. We have provided security for authenticated user as a new user have to register according to their type of perspective and existing user have to log in. While registering, to check whether the donor is giving correct information about his blood group we will ask the donor to upload his/ her license or any government id proof on which blood group is mentioned. This project requires an internet connection. We are using the android application to find a nearby donor and to select the nearby hospital online instantly by tracing its location using GPS. We are also proving an alert system for severe accidents as using that function an ambulance will be sent to your destination without any wastage of time. Notification regarding blood donation camps, health check-up drives etc. in the area will also be sent to the registered users. This application reduces the time to a greater extent that is searching for the required blood through blood banks and hospitals. Thus this application provides the required information in less time and also helps in quicker decision making. It basically bridges the gap between donor and the receiver. It provides better blood management and storage.

Published by: Sagar Shrinivas Vasaikar, Vijay Suresh Yennam, Krupa Manoj Patel, Prof. Trupti Shah

Author: Sagar Shrinivas Vasaikar

Paper ID: V3I1-1210

Paper Status: published

Published: January 16, 2017

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3D Printed Device and Method for Converting Air into the Water through Condensation

Exemplary embodiments of the present disclosure are directed towards a system for converting the air into the water through condensation comprising a condensation unit comprising, one of the fans and a condenser coil wherein, the water vapor is condensed for providing drinkable water; an auto cooling fan configured to cool down the condenser’s heated portion configured to maintain a predetermined heating point; a water collector configured to collect the condensed water vapor from the condensation unit through a connected funnel; a sensors module configured to sense at least one of temperature, cooling, and heating point details, water filtration details, humidity, dew point and voltage details; a display unit configured to display at least one of humidity, cooling temperature, heating temperature, flux, dew point, sensors details and its status of working; a power filter and converter module configured to reduce the noise and the distortion in the current, wherein the voltage may be converted according to the compatibility; and a relays module configured to switch at least on of a UV lamp, a cooling unit, and a fan.

Published by: Jawwad Khizar Patel

Author: Jawwad Khizar Patel

Paper ID: V3I1-1207

Paper Status: published

Published: January 16, 2017

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