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Fasting for husband’s long life: A study of Hindu women living in Dhangadhi Sub-Metropolitan City, Kailali District

Fasting has been undertaken for spiritual or religious reasons throughout history. No matter what, whether it is “Teej,” “Sarwan-Brata” “Karva-Chauth” or any other special occasion, a Hindu woman fasts for her husband to live long. Fasts “Vrata” or “upavasa” is a centuries-old tradition observed annually in Nepal, and girl children follow their mother’s and grandmother’s footsteps without questioning the matters of fact. For fasts, usually, Hindu women wake up before dawn to begin a fast at sunrise, take a bath, put on clean clothes, not eat or drink until evening. For a long time, I was constantly preoccupied with the question of fasting and did not get a rational answer, so I have decided to explore why Hindu women pray for love and long lives for their husbands in Nepal? Does fasting extend the life of the husband? To know the proper answer, I had been through religious scriptures, reviewed scientific research articles, interviewed a few priests and women who have fasting experience. Based on research findings, fasting for the husband may or may not bring longevity to the husband’s life, but scientific research articles reported that fasting is good for detox and builds health and immunity for those who are fasting. In addition, not eating is the key to losing weight. Based on statistics from 2009 to 2019, the life expectancy at birth for women in Nepal was about 72.21 years, and the life expectancy at birth for men was about 69.26 years on average. The concluding remark is that fasting for a husband’s long life may or may not extend the husband’s life, but it extends the healthy life of those who fast.

Published by: Giri Bahadur Sunar

Author: Giri Bahadur Sunar

Paper ID: V8I1-1355

Paper Status: published

Published: February 15, 2022

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Research Paper

A critical analysis of how learning and development affects employee motivation and performance in an organization

In today's fast-paced, competitive world, learning and development have become crucial aspects for every organization. A great organization is distinguished from a good one by its human capital and their unique competencies. Organizations that engage in excellent human resource training and development reap both immediate and long-term rewards. Due to organizational, technical, and social dynamics, employees tend to become obsolete, making the need to adapt to constant learning environment and upgrading of skills and knowledge vital. The given research is an attempt to understand different perspectives on how learning and development is important in organization’s today and how it tends to affect performance of an employee in a positive or a negative way. This research is divided into two parts; First part provides an overview and perspective of the Employees towards how Learning and Development helps in employee productivity. The number of participants was 107; method used was snowball sampling and instrument used was a structured questionnaire. Employees who were working in an organization for the duration of one year or more were taken into consideration. The second part consist the views of 8 Human resources professionals who have been engaged with the same organization for a minimum duration of two years. Their responses were taken into account with the help of semi-structured interviews which were further analysed using the method of content analysis. Furthermore, a comparison was drawn between the views of the employees and the HR professionals to bring out the contrasts and similarities of the opinions on this phenomenon.

Published by: Yashi Chauhan, Alisha Jawade, Dr. Sudhakar Gaonkar, Dr. Dur Khan

Author: Yashi Chauhan

Paper ID: V8I1-1416

Paper Status: published

Published: February 14, 2022

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Research Paper

News aggregator web application

News Aggregator is a web app that collects and displays all of the latest news stories and events happening around the world in one place. It helps reduce time consumption. One other thing to do is to provide a few lines of text to summarize the article. This paper presents a system that collects news from various electronic publishers and distributors.

Published by: Kartik Bhatnagar, Arya Tomar, Dr. Shalini Goel

Author: Kartik Bhatnagar

Paper ID: V8I1-1418

Paper Status: published

Published: February 14, 2022

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The trends in developing businesses globally

Today Corporate Insider Intelligence and several eMarketer’s are progressing at a higher rate. Through this article, readers can have better learning of the current situation of businesses globally and their changing operation trends during this Covid-19 pandemic. The article further proceeds by evaluating the case studies with a high growth perspective and technological innovations. The article seeks relevance through checking the probability of business replicas and planning strategies for the next few years to combat the situation.

Published by: Abdul Mujeeb

Author: Abdul Mujeeb

Paper ID: V8I1-1399

Paper Status: published

Published: February 14, 2022

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Research Paper

Strategy for developing a competency model

There is a trend in the industry towards competency-based approaches to the training, assessment and development of employees. The trend is evident in various disciplines and specialist areas in the field of behavioural health. A step-by-step process for developing a competency model. Models and legal implications of competency development followed by a description of the seven steps involved in creating a competency model or position. This modeling process builds on complementary work on competencies in business and industry. The aim of this study is to develop a personalized competency model for a knowledge-based organization. A competency model is a company-wide framework and descriptive tool that identifies the competencies required to perform effectively in a particular job, occupation, industry, or organization. These are the built-in knowledge, skills, judgment, and qualities people need to do a job effectively. By having a defined set of competencies for each role in your company, you show employees the types of behaviours that the organization values and needs to help you achieve your goals. It is a quantifiable list of knowledge, skills, and traits demonstrated through individual behaviour that leads to excellence in a particular work context. This document is designed to provide a step-by-step process for developing a model of competition. The overview of competencies, competency models and the implications of competency development is followed by a description of the seven steps for creating a competency model for a specific function, role or position. This modelling process is based on advanced work on competencies in business and industry. A special competence model has been developed for employees working in management. The employees were mapped with the competence model developed for their current vis-à-vis competencies. contributes to original research by providing a starting point for solving the full spectrum of HR activities to improve organizational effectiveness in R & D environment. It adds to the practice as the model developed can be applied to similar organizations.

Published by: Alisha Panjwani, Chetan Shinde, Dr. Dur Khan, Dr. Sudhakar Gaonkar

Author: Alisha Panjwani

Paper ID: V8I1-1404

Paper Status: published

Published: February 14, 2022

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Research Paper

Generation of clean energy through nuclear energy with a global perspective

Nuclear energy is commonly defined as the energy released by a chain reaction, such as fission or fusion. Nuclear energy, in practice, generates steam and power using fuel produced from mined and processed uranium. We have more cost-effective and creative ways to harvest and store wind and solar energy but nuclear power is the only form of energy that can provide a consistent supply of electricity, which is referred to as baseload power. —reliably without emitting greenhouse gases. The thermal energy from nuclear reactors may also be used to decarbonize other energy-intensive sectors such as transportation – the largest contributor to carbon pollution. In 2019, nuclear plants operated at full power more than 92% of the time, making it the most reliable energy source. DOE and its national labs are working with industry to develop new reactors and fuels that will increase the overall performance of these technologies and reduce the amount of nuclear waste that is produced. To improve operating costs, DOE is also working with the industry to develop new fuels and cladding known as accident tolerant fuels. These new fuels could increase plant performance, allowing for longer response times, and will produce less waste. Accident-tolerant fuels could gain widespread use by 2025.

Published by: Saivya Singh

Author: Saivya Singh

Paper ID: V8I1-1375

Paper Status: published

Published: February 14, 2022

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