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Review of VANET Security on Trust Base

In Trust based Networks, nodes are typically being controlled by realistic entities such as people. Trust based Network is aiming at enabling communication through highly heterogeneous networks by relying on dynamic nature of message transmission whenever there is arise in communication opportunities, such communication thus does not rely on a routing infrastructure and is peer-to-peer in nature. The delay-tolerant paradigm is akin to trust based networks, thus a suitable approach to address the lack of connectivity and the mobility. In this thesis we simulate attack and are monitoring the nodes by Particle swarm optimization, thus preventing the attack and which will lead to through put increase and overhead reduce.

Published by: Diljot Kaur, Simarjit Singh Malhi

Author: Diljot Kaur

Paper ID: V2I6-1241

Paper Status: published

Published: December 19, 2016

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Characteristic Study and Enhancement of Mechanical Properties of Al2024 Gray Cast Iron Powder Reinforced MMC by Heat Treatment

It is proposed to study the mechanical properties of Al2024-gray cast iron composite with age hardening process and compared with as cast specimen. All heat treatment processes are carried out in atmospheric conditions. Al2024 is a reasonable choice as a matrix material to prepare MMCs owing to high strength (especially at elevated temperatures), toughness, and, in specific cases weld ability. Among different types of the recently formed composite materials, particle reinforced MMC and in particular aluminum as matrix material has found to have industrial applications. Gray cast iron powder reinforced aluminum 2024 composites possess a unique combination of high specific strength, high elastic modulus than the corresponding unreinforced matrix alloy system. By double stir casting method, Al2024 will be reinforced with gray cast iron powder. Heat treatment is given so as to tailor and improve the required mechanical properties as per the requirement. Gray cast iron is selected since it is believed to improve the hardness as well as the mach inability due to the presence of both iron carbide and free graphite in gray cast iron powder. Here three different proportion of gray cast iron composite are prepared by stir casting process. Age Hardening treatment is given to the samples with different percentage of gray C.I, and different properties such as microstructure, hardness and corrosion are compared with as cast Al2024- gray cast iron composite of respective composition. The possible outcomes maybe increase in mechanical properties by addition of gray cast iron.

Published by: Manikanta M, S. S. Sharma, Sathish Rao U

Author: Manikanta M

Paper ID: V2I6-1239

Paper Status: published

Published: December 19, 2016

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Design of Steam Piping System for Dryers in Paper Machine and Checking its Sustainability through Finite Element Analysis using Caesar II

Process piping is a form of pipe work used to transport materials used in industrial processes and manufacturing. It is specially designed for particular applications to ensure that it will meet health and safety standards, in addition to suiting the needs of a given manufacturing process. The designer of the piping also has to consider issues like the amount of pressure the piping will be subjected to and the width of the piping, when selecting an appropriate construction material for longer life of system. In this project study, by using data like P & ID, 2-D and 3-D piping system is designed by following codes and standards. Finite element analysis is performed with the application of various loading cases to check sustainability of piping system in design service condition. The results of the study show that the primary and secondary stresses are within code allowable limits. Hence system is safe for stresses. Also nodal movements are shown in displacement summary report.

Published by: Mohammad Taseem Rafique Kadagaonkar, Milind S Yadav

Author: Mohammad Taseem Rafique Kadagaonkar

Paper ID: V2I6-1238

Paper Status: published

Published: December 19, 2016

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A Comparative Study of Gender and Youth between Rural and Urban

Objective: The purpose of the study is comparison of Rural and Urban Gender discrimination among the youths. Subjects and Method: For the purpose of study the subjects were one hundred, twenty (120), sixty (30+30=60) rural boys and girls from Belagatta, Madakaripura Sasalahatty villages of Chitradurga Taluk, sixty (30+30=60) urban boys and girls from Chitradurga town of Karnataka State. Between the age of 18 to 28 years were selected. The researcher had been selected the following groups at the village level literate, illiterate, hereditary job holders, traditionalists, caste, family, At the urban educated, migrants, unorganized workers, unemployed youths. The data was analyzed by applying independent t-test. The level of significance was set at 0.05.

Result: The results of this study show that the majority of the components are significantly higher in rural joint family group. The results of the study also indicate that the significant difference in exclusive on rural caste restricted to youths and migrants in urban. The urban youths are better than the rural youths.

Conclusion: In significant difference found in endurance and flexibility between rural and urban gender discrimination among the youths. And there were significant difference found in inequality treatment to boys and girls in rural society, But in urban some better treatment to both.

Published by: S. Ananda

Author: S. Ananda

Paper ID: V2I6-1237

Paper Status: published

Published: December 19, 2016

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Structural and Vibrational Analysis of Wheel Rim

The purpose of the car wheel rim is to provide a firm base on which to fit the tyre. Its dimensions, shape should be suitable to satisfactorily accommodate the particular tyre required for the vehicle. In this a tyre of a car wheel rim belonging to the disc wheel category is considered. Design is an important industrial activity which influences the quality of the product. The wheel rim is designed by using modeling software CATIAv5R18.In modeling the time spent in producing the complex 3-D models and the risk involved in design and manufacturing process can be easily minimized. So the modeling of the wheel rim is made by using CATIA. Later this CATIA model is imported to ANSYS for analysis work. ANSYS software is the latest software used for simulating the different forces, pressure acting on the component and also for calculating and viewing the results. A solver mode in ANSYS software calculates the stresses, deflection, bending moments and their relations without manual interventions, reduces the time compared with the method of mathematical calculations by a human. ANSYS static analysis work is carried out by considering two different materials namely Aluminum Alloy and Structural steel and their relative performances have been observed respectively. In addition to this, rim is subjected to vibration analysis, a part of Dynamic Analysis is carried out and its performance is observed.

Published by: P. Dileepkumar, G. Ramesh, G. Suresh

Author: P. Dileepkumar

Paper ID: V2I6-1236

Paper Status: published

Published: December 19, 2016

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Implementation of Anonymous and Secure Communication System with Group Signatures: A Review

For Privacy Preserving Communications Both Anonymity and end to end encryption mechanism is essential. Identity Based Encryption technique is best suitable for secure and anonymous communications. For solving anonymous and secure communication problems both cryptographic and IBE based protocols needed which governs the proper communication between two parties. For the purpose of authentication of the user proxy server is maintained between user and service providers. The GM and KGC are essential in anonymous communication for issuing both signing and decryption keys for getting plaintext from ciphertext in original form. Public key encryption and digital signature mechanism needed for guarantees of secure communication between both ends. Finally protocol realizes secure and anonymous communication between sender and receiver.

Published by: Vaibhav P. Thakare, Chetan J. Shelke

Author: Vaibhav P. Thakare

Paper ID: V2I6-1233

Paper Status: published

Published: December 19, 2016

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