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Research Paper

WeRescue: An initiative to prevent another epidemic

Bird flu, aphtha, BSE, and other major epidemics have happened on a regular basis since the 1980s. Some researchers also believe that the COVID-19 outbreaks we've seen in the last two years originated from bats. The World Organization for Animal Health has more than sixty diseases that affect livestock and more than ten diseases that harm poultry and fowl on its list of specific diseases. Many people became infected with bird flu and other diseases as a result. However, no method for identifying and preventing epidemics exist. So, increasing awareness about a disease that is spreading in a certain location can be accomplished by alerting health officials about the circumstance and cases that are happening nearby. But, how can this be managed to accomplish? Hence, in this overview of challenges, we have proposed a system that will prevent and minimize suspected outbreaks with the help of web technology and data analysis.

Published by: Rakhi Bharadwaj, Ranjana Burange, Aniruddha Bargaje, Deven Bhadane, Shubham Bodake

Author: Rakhi Bharadwaj

Paper ID: V8I3-1330

Paper Status: published

Published: May 25, 2022

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Research Paper

Effect of In Vitro Protein Digestibility on Bioavailable Protein in Cereals, Pseudo Cereals, Pulses and Super Seeds in both Uncooked and Cooked form

The nutritive value of protein in any food matrix depends on protein digestibility. Protein digestibility determines the bioavailability of the protein. Hence it is important that one should know protein digestibility to understand the nutritional value of the food matrix. The purpose was to study protein digestibility and understand the influence of protein digestibility on bioavailable protein. In cereals, protein digestibility is ranging from 59-to 90%, which is the highest and Sorghum is having lowest. 90% protein digestibility was obtained for pseudocereals and is comparable to wheat. Super seeds are rich in protein as well as in bioavailable protein as they exhibited superior digestibility of protein. In the case of pulses, all tested varieties have shown promising protein digestibility (91-84%) except for red kidney beans (75%). Also, a significant difference of p>0.01 was observed between protein content and bioavailable protein based on protein digestibility in both uncooked and cooked samples with few exceptions. These findings suggest that the protein digestibility of the food matrix is an important factor.

Published by: Shilpa S. Shetty, Dr. Kirti Sharma

Author: Shilpa S. Shetty

Paper ID: V8I3-1326

Paper Status: published

Published: May 25, 2022

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Research Paper

Gun mechanism for border security

The aim of this project is to develop and design a semi-automated sentry gun security system in order to detect, track and shoot the target for surveillance operations. This project is of a sentry gun that will be semi-automatic using an Arduino controller. It is a global issue that everyone wants to protect themselves and their beloved nation from various threats and dangers and keep their surroundings safe. This is a Bluetooth-based targeting gun system as the name suggests, it is based on a digitally controlled gun mechanism. This mechanism is built for good performance in the field with high sum accuracy, self-reloading gun, and ultimately used for soldier’s assistance. The gun mechanism used here is called a sentry gun because it has a gun mounted on a wall or stand and an operator can operate it from a control room via remote. It uses an IP camera to scan the area under surveillance and motion in that area is detected by a PIR sensor. It can definitely perform better in areas where human presence is prohibited. It will bring positive outcomes and reduce the death toll, if installed at every border and law enforcement agency, to stop undesirable & illegal intrusion.

Published by: Shweta Ganpat Rathod, Pranav Srinivas Macha, Shrutika Shripat Bhosale, Mayank Prashant Pawar, Jagdish Mandhare

Author: Shweta Ganpat Rathod

Paper ID: V8I3-1342

Paper Status: published

Published: May 25, 2022

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Case Study

The future of work in ASEAN: A matter of sustainability

ASEAN was initiated and formed on August 8th, 1967, a decade lesson learned from EEC which was formed by the 6 countries in 1958. However, in the case of the ASEAN community, it should not be foot-steeping to the EU. Since their landscape and demography are tremendously different: from no technology(mountainous/hill tribes) to high technology(Singaporean). The high percentage of the population classified as no technology to low technology is mainly in CLMV which joined the ASEAN in the late 1990s, while the medium to high technology consumers are in the ASEAN founding member states and Brunei Darussalam. These affect various kinds of jobs, skills, performances, productions and living styles/culture, and sustainability. Since some groups of people are among the top of the world(3rd to 4th wave) while the others are far left behind(1st wave). It is interesting the question of “What and how the sustainable work would be fit to the ASEAN members?” This issue is a black box or paradox of the “One vision, one identity, one community”. However, some studies revealed that the CLMV are focal points of the FDI’s industrial landmark due to new low-cost production sites, cheap labor, special economic zones, and benefit from AFTA to a huge market of US$2.6 trillion and over 622 million people. Our study revealed that a lot of FDIs, especially those advanced technology industries, do not employ the local cheap labor but substitute by installing robots or automatic machines or importing skilled labor from their own countries or from neighboring countries. In developed regions, computer skills and information technology skills are increasingly demanded in the labor market while the technical skills for natural products or handmade value-added development are highly demanded in rural areas. Otherwise, those agriculturists could not survive due to climate change.

Published by: Phasina Tangchuang, Chatchai Sirikulpan, Phramaha Sakun Thiangchai, Chalee Pakdee

Author: Phasina Tangchuang

Paper ID: V8I3-1171

Paper Status: published

Published: May 25, 2022

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Survey Report

Teaching effectiveness and academic environment in the Government Polytechnics of Assam

Teaching effectiveness and academic environment are the two important variables that determine the quality of student output from any institution. There are large-scale variations among the polytechnics in w.r.t. teaching effectiveness and academic environment. Again, there are multiple factors that affect teaching effectiveness. The factors are related to students, teachers, teaching-learning, and the academic environment of the institution. The academic environment includes the dimensions: institutional resources and facilities, involvement of students in teaching-learning, organization of scheduled activities, interaction with faculty and other staff etc. The author carried out a study to find out any differences in teaching effectiveness and academic environment in the polytechnics of Assam. The sample of the study was final year students studying in different Government polytechnics of Assam. In the study, a total of nine Government polytechnics were targeted and a total of nineteen branches were selected by taking 50% of the total branches of each institute subject to the inclusion of at-least two branches from each institute. Fifteen final semester students were randomly selected from each branch hence, a total of 285 (two hundred eighty-five) students were included in the study. Students Evaluation of Educational Quality (SEEQ) and Academic Environment Scale (AES) tools were used for collecting the data. The study reveals that there are significant differences among the various Govt. polytechnics of Assam with respect to various dimensions of teaching effectiveness and academic environment. It was also observed that most of the dimensions of teaching effectiveness and academic environment of Assam Textile Institute had a significantly higher rating than other polytechnics wherever significant differences were observed.

Published by: Nila Kumar Singha

Author: Nila Kumar Singha

Paper ID: V8I3-1327

Paper Status: published

Published: May 24, 2022

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Research Paper

Data Compression using a Generic Approach

The amount of data being generated in the great age of Big Data is enormous, which in turn has led to a large demand for storage infrastructures. With this growing demand, the storage infrastructures that depend on natural resources like silicon for hardware will become expensive. Hence there is a need to use techniques that minimize the size required by the data and efficiently store the data in these infrastructures. Data compression is a technique that reduces the size of data. This project’s goal is to reduce the size of the original data without losing the quality of the data. We propose a generalized system with which data of any type or more commonly multimedia can be reduced in size without losing the quality of the data.

Published by: Shreyas Kalrao, Someshwar Gaikwad, Sushant Sontakke, Yash Rathi

Author: Shreyas Kalrao

Paper ID: V8I3-1320

Paper Status: published

Published: May 24, 2022

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