
Recent Papers

Tumor Segmentation and Automated Training for Liver Cancer Isolation

Image segmentation is the process of subdividing the image to into its parts that are constituent and is considered one of the most difficult tasks in image processing. It plays a task that is a must any application and its particular success is based on the effective implementation of the segmentation technique. For numerous applications, segmentation reduces to locating an object in an image. This involves partitioning the image into two classes, background or object. Into the individual system that is visual segmentation happens obviously. Our company is experts on detecting patterns, lines, edges and forms, and making decisions based upon the information that is visual. At that time that is same we have been overwhelmed by the quantity of image information which can be captured by technology, as it is not feasible to manually process all such images.Automatic segmentation of tumor faction from medical pictures is difficult due to size, shape, place and presence of other objects with the intensity that is exact same in the image. Therefore, cancer segments from the liver where tumor persists cannot be easily segmented accurately from medical scans utilizing approaches that are traditional. The performance of ANN been examined in classifying the Liver Tumor in this research. An approach for segmentation of tumor and liver from medical pictures is principally used for computer aided diagnosis of liver is required. The method is use contour detection with optimized threshold algorithm. The liver is segmented region that is utilizing technique efficiently close around the liver tumors. The whole process is a learning that is supervised; the classifiers require training information set which can be segmented. The classifier that is last evaluated with test set total error in tumor segmentation of this liver is be calculated. Algorithm should be based on segmentation of abnormal regions in the liver. The category regarding the regions can be carried out based on shape categorization and lots of other features using methods such artificial networks that are neural.

Published by: Shikha Mandhan, Kiran Jain

Author: Shikha Mandhan

Paper ID: V2I4-1141

Paper Status: published

Published: July 5, 2016

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MRI Fuzzy Segmentation of Brain Tumor with Fuzzy Level Set Optimization

Image segmentation is a task that is fundamental many image processing and computer vision applications. Due to the existence of noise, low contrast, and intensity in homogeneity, it really is still a difficult issue in majority of applications. One of the steps that are first way of understanding images is to segment them in order to find down different objects inside them. However, in real images such as MRI graphics, noise is corrupting the image information or image usually consists of textured sections. The images produced by MRI scans are frequently grey images with strength in the product range scale that is gray. The MRI image associated with the brain comprises of the cortex that lines the surface that is outside of brain additionally the gray nuclei deep inside of the mind including the thalami and basal ganglia. As Cancer may be the leading cause of death for all as the explanation for the condition remains unknown, very early detection and diagnosis is one of the keys to cancer control, and it will increase the success of treatment, save lives and reduce expenses. Health imaging is very often used tools which can be diagnostic detect and classify defects. To eliminate the dependence of the operator and increase the precision of diagnosis system aided diagnosis computer are a valuable and ensures that are advantageous the detection of cancer tumors and classification. Segmentation techniques based on gray level techniques such as for instance threshold and methods based on region are the easiest and find application that is restricted. However, their performance can be improved by incorporating them with the ways of hybrid clustering. practices based on textural characteristics atlas that is using look-up table can have very good results on the segmentation of medical pictures , however, they require expertise within the construction of the atlas Limiting the technical atlas based is that , in some circumstances , it becomes difficult to choose correctly and label information has difficulty in segmenting complex structure with variable form, size and properties such circumstances it is best to use unsupervised methods such as fuzzy algorithms. In this work we proposed a novel fuzzy based MRI Image Segmentation algorithm, Fuzzy Segmentation involves the task of dividing data points into homogeneous classes or clusters making sure that things within the same class are as similar as possible and items in numerous classes are as dissimilar as you can.

Published by: Poonam Khokher, Kiran Jain

Author: Poonam Khokher

Paper ID: V2I4-1140

Paper Status: published

Published: July 5, 2016

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Non-Probabilistic K-Nearest Neighbor for Automatic News Classification Model with K-Means Clustering

The news classification is the branch of text classification or text mining. The researchers have already done a lot of work on the text classification models with different approaches. The news works has to be classified in the form of various categories such as sports, political, technology, business, science, health, regional and many other similar categories. The researchers have already worked with many supervised and unsupervised methods for the purpose of news classification. The supervised models have been found more efficient for the purpose of news classification. The k-means algorithm has been used for the classification of the keywords into the multiple groups. The k-nearest neighbor (kNN) classification algorithm has been utilized to estimate the category of the news in the processing. The proposed model has been recorded with the average accuracy of the 93.28% obtained after averaging the accuracy of all test cases, which higher than the previous best performer naïve bayes and SVM based news classifier, which has posted nearly 83.5% of accuracy for classifying the news data. The proposed model has been tested with the 91%, 95%, 90% and 97% of the accuracy over the input test cases of S1, S2, S3 and S4 respectively, which higher than all of the existing models. Hence the proposed model can be declared as the better solution than the previous classification models.

Published by: Akanksha Gupta

Author: Akanksha Gupta

Paper ID: V2I4-1139

Paper Status: published

Published: July 2, 2016

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Study of Different Techniques for Human Identification using Finger Knuckle Approach

There are different biometric modalities used to identify person which includes palmprint, face, fingerprint, iris and hand geometry. Apart from these biometric modalities, finger knuckle print also used as one of the cost effective biometric identifier. Finger knuckle print is defined by the back side of fingers. On the back side of fingers there are three joints named as Metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint, Proximal InterPhalangeal (PIP) joint, distal InterPhalangeal (DIP) joint. The joint which connects hand with the fingers is known as MCP joint and the pattern generated on MCP joint is referred as second minor finger knuckle print. The joint in the middle of finger is known as PIP joint and the pattern generated on this joint is referred as major finger knuckle print. The joint on the tip of finger is known as DIP joint and the pattern generated on this joint is referred as minor finger knuckle print.

Published by: Sanjna Singla, Supreet Kaur

Author: Sanjna Singla

Paper ID: V2I4-1138

Paper Status: published

Published: July 1, 2016

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A Closer Overview on Blur Detection-A Review

The image blurring is caused by motion and out of focus parameters and type of blur can be classified as global blur and local this paper the most challenging spatially varying blured detection schemes are proposed..In this the blur detection techniques for digital images are used in order to determine the blur detection several classifiers are used.In this paper we reviewed SVM & DCT based different blur detections.

Published by: Ravi Saini, Sarita Bajaj

Author: Ravi Saini

Paper ID: V2I4-1137

Paper Status: published

Published: July 1, 2016

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The Art of Scheduling in Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is one of the fastest growing technologies which has replaced machine paradigm shift. Cloud computing provides very large scalable and virtualised resources over Internet. In Cloud computing, there are many jobs that are required to be executed by available resources while achieving best performance, minimal total time for completion, shortest response time, utilization of resource etc. To achieve these objectives we need to design, develop and propose a scheduling algorithm. In this paper we are surveying various types of scheduling techniques and issues related to them in Cloud computing. Here we have also surveyed various existing algorithms to find their appropriation according to our needs and their shortcomings.

Published by: Harshita Vashishth, Kamal Prakash

Author: Harshita Vashishth

Paper ID: V2I4-1136

Paper Status: published

Published: July 1, 2016

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