
Recent Papers

Efficient Scheduling by Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing

Multiprocessing is the ability of a system to support more than one processor and the ability to allocate tasks between them. The main advantage of using multiprocessor system is to get more work done in shorter period of time. To improve the efficiency of CPU, we do scheduling by the use of genetic algorithms. Genetic algorithms are powerful and widely applicable stochastic search and optimization methods based on the concepts of natural selection and natural evaluation. Simulated annealing is a generic probabilistic met heuristic for the worldwide optimization issue of finding a great approximation into the global optimum of a given function .In this paper, efficient genetic algorithm and simulated annealing have been proposed for solving the problem of CPU scheduling. The operator which are used for implementing the genetic algorithm such as real value encoding for encoding, Roulette wheel method is used for selection, Uniform crossover operator is used for crossover, interchange for mutation.

Published by: Pooja Nehra, Mr. Sunil Ahuja

Author: Pooja Nehra

Paper ID: V2I3-1194

Paper Status: published

Published: June 23, 2016

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A Region based Offloading Mechanism in Mobile Cloud Computing Environment

Cloud computing permits the end user to access the required software or hardware structures on demand. This will reduce the cost of installation and maintenance. Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is introduced to increase the experience of end user by providing them the services at best. The development of cloud computing and virtualization techniques, enables smart phones to overcome the resource limitation constrained by allowing them to computation offload and transfer several parts of application for computation to very powerful cloud servers. The proposed system is based upon the user’s moving path mobility. It will assume the user’s region to finish the process. The proposed system will reduce the response time as well as improve the load balancing.

Published by: Arshdeep Singh, Neena Madan

Author: Arshdeep Singh

Paper ID: V2I3-1193

Paper Status: published

Published: June 23, 2016

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On the Selection of Optimum Topology for QoS Aware ZigBee-WiMAX based Healthcare Monitoring System

In this work I have proposed different network architectures using OPNET which consists of combination of ZigBee and WiMAX topologies. ZigBee is used to sense the data from the human body whereas WiMAX is used as a backbone to deliver the data at the distant location using microwave links. The nee of using WiMAX with ZigBee arises as ZigBee network’s coverage area is limited to few meters. This paper provides the layout architecture on the healthcare monitoring system developed using different combination of topologies of WiMAX and ZigBee in OPNET. The successful implementation of ZigBee-WiMAX based healthcare network depends upon the performance of the different proposed networks. In this paper the performance comparison is done between six different ZigBee-WiMAX topology combinations which include ZigBee mesh WiMAX mesh, ZigBee star WiMAX mesh, ZigBee tree WiMAX mesh, ZigBee mesh WiMAX Point to Multipoint (P2MP), ZigBee star WiMAX P2MP and ZigBee tree WiMAX P2MP topologies. Through simulations performed in OPNET, QoS parameters like throughput, load and delay have been evaluated to obtain the optimal performance of the proposed system based and to select best suitable topology combination out of the proposed network architectures.

Published by: Karanvir Singh, Jyoteesh Malhotra

Author: Karanvir Singh

Paper ID: V2I3-1192

Paper Status: published

Published: June 23, 2016

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Implementation of GRP Routing Protocol in MANET

Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANETs) are used most commonly all around the world, because it has the ability to communicate each other without any fixed network. It has the tendency to take decisions on its own that is autonomous state. MANET is generally known for infrastructure less. The bridges in the network are generally known as a base station. In, this paper we simulate GRP routing Protocol, to know the network performance in the MANET.

Published by: Vipin Verma, Saurabh Sharma

Author: Vipin Verma

Paper ID: V2I3-1191

Paper Status: published

Published: June 22, 2016

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Complex Key Amalgamation Method for Secure Authentication (CKAM-SA) for 4G/LTE Networks

It is normal that a scope of security dangers will develop in 4G remote because of various components including: Takeoff from restrictive working frameworks for handheld gadgets to open and institutionalized working frameworks open nature of the system structural planning and conventions (IP-based). With this move to open conventions and principles, 4G remote systems are currently vulnerable to PC assault methods exhibit on 70 the Internet. Such systems will be progressively powerless against a scope of security assaults, including for instance Malware, Trojans and Viruses. Aside from end-client hardware posturing conventional security dangers, it is normal that new patterns, for example, SPIT (SPAM for VoIP) will likewise turn into a security concern in 4G LTE and WiMAX. Other VoIP-related security dangers are likewise conceivable; for example, SIP enrolment commandeering where the IP location of the criminal is built into the bundle header, along these lines, overwriting the right IP address. In the proposed model, the major focus has been shifted over the robust and secure authentication key mechanism for the 4G/LTE models to add the higher level to the security of the 4G/LTE networks. The complex key mechanism has been designed for the generation of the complex key to add the higher level of security to the 4G/LTE networks channels. The experimental results have justified the performance of the proposed model in the terms of time complexity, uniqueness of the keys, etc.

Published by: Zinnia

Author: Zinnia

Paper ID: V2I3-1190

Paper Status: published

Published: June 22, 2016

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Automated LED Text Recognition with Neural Network and PCA –A Review

Light-emitting diodes text dot-matrix text (LED text) is being widely used for displaying information and announcements. LED display for modernization of society and catch on for its versatile application with many benefits. Existing paper used k-nearest neighbor(k-NN) approach, low computation complexity method for pattern recognition, is used to recognition character component as any class of character and canny edge was used to detect character pixels when appear in led display area from scene images. The drawback of existing system is that it cannot handle text line with non-uniform color and containing less than 3 characters. It also cannot detect continuous LED text. Our proposed system will utilize the probabilistic neural network (PNN) classification to add the robust classification for the higher level of the adaptiveness. Principal component analysis (PCA) is a statistical procedure that uses an orthogonal transformation to convert a set of observations of possibly correlated variables into a set of values of linearly uncorrelated variables called principal components. Our proposed system will achieve better detection and recognition rate than existing system.

Published by: Sonu Rani, Navpreet Kaur

Author: Sonu Rani

Paper ID: V2I3-1185

Paper Status: published

Published: June 20, 2016

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