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Research Paper

Caption generator for random images using CNN & LSTM

With the rapid growth of artificial intelligence in recent years, picture caption has steadily grabbed the attention of many artificial intelligence researchers and has become an important study topic. alluring and arduous task. Image captioning and spontaneously generating natural human language captions according to the content observed in the above-captured image is an important part of scene understanding, which requires the knowledge of computer vision and natural language processing. The operation of the image caption generator is far-reaching and eloquent, for instance, the realization of human-computer interactions. This paper encapsulates methods and focuses on the attention mechanism, which plays a vital role in computer vision and is recently used in image caption generation tasks.

Published by: Ranga Prasad, B.Satyanarayana, Shaik Shahid

Author: Ranga Prasad

Paper ID: V8I3-1313

Paper Status: published

Published: May 20, 2022

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Research Paper

Comparative Study of Conventional Frame and diagonally intersecting metal with Geometric Irregularities

High-rise buildings are more vulnerable tocollapseduetohighwindandearthquakepressure.Insuchabuildingriskoffailurecanbeminimizedbyadoptinglateralloadresistingsystem.Inthisstudy,wecomparedthreelateralloadresistingframei.e.diagrid frame and chevron braced frame with conventional frame system. The seismic analysis is done on these three frames. Thestructures are analyzed by linear static method. The building is considered to be irregular in plan. For irregular plan, C-shape plan,T-shape plan considered. The results are obtained after analysis are compared by various parameters like storey drift, absolutedisplacement, base shear, moment and axial forces. The First Comparison is between diagridsystem, chevron braced system andconventional frame system for C-Type and T-Plan separately and after that second overall comparison is between C-Plan and T-plan.The analysis is done on by using STAAD Software. The result of work showed that diagrid system resist lateral moreefficiently than chevron braced system and conventional frame system as it yields the least value for absolute displacement, storeydrift,topstoreyshear andbaseshear.

Published by: Priya Uikey, Girish Sawai

Author: Priya Uikey

Paper ID: V8I3-1316

Paper Status: published

Published: May 20, 2022

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Survey Report

A Survey Paper on Health Monitoring Application

The challenge of maintaining a proper diet can be facilitated by the use of mobile phones. Mobile phones provide a fair infrastructure, which can be used to provide cost-effective high-quality aids to behavior monitoring and modification. The nature of mobile phones allows the user for customization and personalization, retrieval of nutrition information on-demand, as well as the ability to truly monitor the user’s consumption trends. This android application is a one-stop solution for all health-related issues and questions. It has various functions like diet tracking, nutritional information about foods, a BMI calculator, and information about some basic medicines.

Published by: Aishwarya K. C., Arpita K. Palled, Akshata B. Kallolli, Tallam Veena Varshini, Parashuram. K. Deshpande

Author: Aishwarya K. C.

Paper ID: V8I3-1317

Paper Status: published

Published: May 20, 2022

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Research Paper

Problems of the Anganwadi workers

Recognizing that the children are the assets of the country and future manpower, the Government of India has launched a massive integrated child development program for the promotion of the health of the children and mother. The program was implemented on a project basis and the Anganwadi center is the key at the grass-root level to supplement nutrition, immunization, reduce infant mortality, health-checkup and referral health, nutrition education, pre-school education, etc, The center is manned by an Anganwadi worker. The qualification prescribed is 10 years of schooling. To perform the above task they were exposed to pre and In-service training programs. The functionary has to interact and expose to various sections of people at various levels. The effectiveness in discharging their functions largely lies in identifying the bottlenecks and overcoming them. The training that was given to them should expose them to the anticipated problems in discharging their duties and functions. The present study is conducted in this direction to identify the problems faced by the Anganwadi workers as felt by themselves and from supervisors’ point of view. The knowledge of the anticipated problems will form a base for formulating the training curriculum of the functionaries.

Published by: P. Adinarayana Reddy, N. Balasundaram, B. Ravi Naik

Author: P. Adinarayana Reddy

Paper ID: V8I3-1305

Paper Status: published

Published: May 19, 2022

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Research Paper

Impact of marital status on labour composition

Paid work paves the way toward social and economic stability. All around the world, men and women engage in work as a labor force to earn a living. It is essential for an independent source of income, to be able to live a decent life. Equal opportunities and treatment in the labor forces of a market are essential to establishing a decent working environment. But the question of the hour is, is everyone provided with the same opportunities. There is evidence that there exists a gender divide in the workforce systems all around the world, especially when it comes to the equitable status of women in the labor force aspect. This paper aims at investigating the impact of gender and marital status on labor composition and review the conditions of female labor force composition in India.

Published by: Anushka

Author: Anushka

Paper ID: V8I3-1308

Paper Status: published

Published: May 19, 2022

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Research Paper

E-Commerce System for Visually Challenged People

A website design that allows visually impaired to access and shop without any assistance. For visual impaired people it is difficult to do online shopping. This system gives voice instruction to users and an input is requested from the user. The user is required to hover over the entire page using the curser to access different voice messages for various fields. We are developing system which helps blind people to choose clothing patterns and other accessories by using speech recognition. It translates spoken words into text speech recognition. The main aim of this project is to propose an online shopping application especially for blind people through which they can choose whatever they want by simply speaking a sentence and to provide more flexibility and compatibility.

Published by: Vidya Kalmani, Shivani Sansuddi, Sujatha. M. Patil, Vidya. S. Shindhe, Parashuram K. Deshpande

Author: Vidya Kalmani

Paper ID: V8I3-1309

Paper Status: published

Published: May 19, 2022

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