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Research Paper

Breast cancer detection using a Machine Learning algorithm

Breast Cancer is the most customarily recognized cancer amongst ladies and fundamental purpose for the growing mortality rate amongst ladies. As the analysis of this sickness manually takes long hours and the lesser availability of systems, there's a want to broaden the automated analysis gadget for early detection of most cancers. Data mining techniques contribute a lot to the development of such a system. To classify benign and malignant tumors, we have used classification techniques of machine learning within which the machine is learned from past knowledge and might predict the class of recent input. There are many Classification techniques used to predict breast cancer, several of which can be Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree (C4.5), Naive Bayes (NB), k Nearest Neighbors (k-NN), and random forest. This paper is a comparative study on implementing a model using a Support Vector Machine (SVM). These techniques are coded in python and executed in a jupyter notebook, the Scientific Python Development Environment. Our experiments have proven that support vector machine(SVM) is exceptional for predictive evaluation with an accuracy of 96.4%.

Published by: Ritik Naresh Raut, Khushbu Raju Burde, Anmol Raut, Vicky Jadhav

Author: Ritik Naresh Raut

Paper ID: V7I6-1312

Paper Status: published

Published: December 20, 2021

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The project can be defined clearly as the pre-booking or registering to get a book from the library without any delay. The user will register for the required book he/she needs from the library. Initially, the user will sign up for the application; if he/she is already having an account then they can directly login into the application. A home page will be displayed initially which shows the branches available in the college. After selecting the branch, it displays the semesters of the students and the student selects the semester. After selecting the semester, we display all the subjects that are present in that semester. Each subject will have its own reference books along with the availability in the library. The student selects the reference book and registers to take the book. After adding it to the cart the final step is displaying the submission date and an ID for the book is generated by which the student can easily acquire a book from the library using it. If the student doesn’t return the book on time or before the submission date the fine starts calculating for the book as usual as the regular method followed in the library. An alert message will be sent to the student about the fine calculation.

Published by: S. Aashritha Reddy

Author: S. Aashritha Reddy

Paper ID: V7I6-1311

Paper Status: published

Published: December 17, 2021

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Research Paper

Skin diseases analysis using a Machine Learning approach

Dermatological illnesses are caused by flaws in the skin's components or layers. It has targeted individuals of various ages, genders, races, socioeconomic statuses, and backgrounds. When health priorities are established, skin disorders are often seen as minor players compared to the worldwide league of illnesses that cause significant mortality, such as HIV/AIDS, community-acquired pneumonia, and TB. On the other hand, skin issues are among the most often seen illnesses in tropical primary care settings (such as India). In this work, I want to eradicate the practice of overlooking minor skin deformities as they may be the symptoms of something severe. Because ignoring a small red inflation spot on your chin may be okay, as it may be Acne, which does -practically- no harm to your body, but ignoring an ununiform black mole may be the biggest mistake of your life as there is a significant possibility that it may be the cause of Melanoma- the most severe type of skin cancer. This work gives the overall review of skin issues by predicting them using the machine learning (ML) approach.

Published by: Neeraj Radhakrishnan Pillai

Author: Neeraj Radhakrishnan Pillai

Paper ID: V7I6-1310

Paper Status: published

Published: December 17, 2021

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Review Paper

Study of 5G network slicing

Network operators deploy currently the 5th generation (5G) of the cellular network and many manufacturers commercialize new 5G end-user devices. It is the first step in the development of 5G still the 5G potential is far from being reached. Network slicing is one of the main 5G technologies for the researcher’s community. Many heterogeneous services like voice communication, video streaming, e-health, vehicular communication are provided and flexibly by exploiting the 5G infrastructure. Security is a critical aspect like every new technology. In this paper, security in 5G network slicing is highlighted life-cycle security, intra-slice security, and inter-slice security along with threats and recommendations are highlighted in this paper.

Published by: Juhi Singh

Author: Juhi Singh

Paper ID: V7I6-1305

Paper Status: published

Published: December 17, 2021

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Case Study

Role of Swamji Vethathiri maharishi’s acupressure 14 points exercise therapy in the effective management and wellness of hypertriglyceridemia to a near-normal level found on a 59-year-old male teacher

We reported a 59-year-old male school teacher with a history of higher-level Triglyceride (295mg/dL) (Hypertriglyceridemia) associated with vertigo problems and a significant reduction in the higher Triglyceride levels to a near-normal level (140mg/dL) and a total recovery from vertigo problems through a regular practice of Acupressure 14 points exercise therapy, designed by Swamiji Vethathiri Maharishi, a South Indian born Saint and Savant (1911-2006) was followed. Acupressure 14 points exercise therapy was practiced by the teacher for nearly six month’s duration Unintermittently and that too 3 times per day at an interval of four hours duration. This resulted in a complete recovery from the agonizing vertigo problems and a significant reduction to a near-normal triglyceride level. Acupressure 14 points exercise therapy designed by Swamiji Vethathiri Maharishi is a legacy delivered by him to the welfare of mankind It can be very well said that this Acupressure 14 points exercise therapy is a non-pharmacological, complementary alternative medicine (CAM) which is very safe to use, involves no side effects and, very inexpensive therapy.

Published by: Dr. C. Vijayalakshmi, V. Devarajan

Author: Dr. C. Vijayalakshmi

Paper ID: V7I6-1304

Paper Status: published

Published: December 17, 2021

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Research Paper

The relevance of TVET education in preparing graduates for the labor market in Kenya

The economy of Kenya is an industrializing one with a number of manufacturing and service industries and robust service sectors that are all well established. In order to support the continued growth of these industries, it is necessary to ensure that the TVET training institutions produce graduates with competencies that are relevant to the world of work. This study sought to assess the relevance of TVET education in preparing graduates for the labor market. The research design employed was a simple random sampling method with a sample population of 91 comprising of TVET graduates and the Heads of Departments drawn from TVET institutions engineering departments in Rift Valley and Nairobi regions. A large number of the academic Heads of Department in TVET institutions respondents disagreed that the skills and experience in training prepare the graduate well for the labor market. The majority of the graduate respondents disagreed that the skills and experience in training prepare graduates ready for the labor market. This study was guided by one research objective, to determine the relevance of TVET education in preparing graduates for the labor market.

Published by: Aluoch John Rays Jeremy, Dr. Hosea Kiplagat, Christopher Wosyianju

Author: Aluoch John Rays Jeremy

Paper ID: V7I6-1283

Paper Status: published

Published: December 16, 2021

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