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Research Paper

The outbreak of Extensively Drug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa associated with the use of Artificial Tears and Contraction in hospital settings – An Epidemiological Overview

Public health concern in the US due to the outbreak of extensively drug-resistant pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterium present in certain eye drops. Introduction: Drug-resistant mechanisms are present in this bacteria. Common exposures to the bacterium. Characteristics of the bacterium including morphology, biochemical characteristics, pathogenicity, resistance, etc. biological classification of the bacterium. Common exposures to the bacteria. Cases of the bacteria, severity of the disease, symptoms. treatments, prevention, and limitations of the study.

Published by: Arhaan Kohli

Author: Arhaan Kohli

Paper ID: V10I1-1257

Paper Status: published

Published: March 21, 2024

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Research Paper

Chemical Structure and Stability of Polyethylene and Polypropylene

Polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) are two of the most widely used thermoplastic polymers in various industries due to their exceptional mechanical properties, cost-effectiveness, and versatility. Understanding the stability of these polymers is crucial for ensuring their prolonged performance and sustainability. This study aims to comprehensively investigate the stability of polyethylene and polypropylene under various environmental and processing conditions.

Published by: Arhaan Kohli

Author: Arhaan Kohli

Paper ID: V10I1-1256

Paper Status: published

Published: March 21, 2024

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Review Paper

Key disparities between quantitative and qualitative research methodologies

This comprehensive review explores the key disparities between quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, aiming to enhance researchers' comprehension and facilitate informed decision-making in study design. The article underscores the significance of understanding these methodologies for researchers, emphasizing their distinct frameworks, tools, and philosophical underpinnings. The review spans the period from 2000 to 2024, systematically surveying English-language literature across prominent databases. Employing a strategic search strategy and Boolean operators, the investigation focuses on discerning significant characteristics of qualitative research methodologies, including research paradigms, data collection, and analysis methods. MeSH terms were applied in PubMed, and strict inclusion criteria were set for articles, resulting in the evaluation of 44 selected papers. The collected material, organized based on scientific content, provides a wealth of information on the characteristics of both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. The characteristics of qualitative research are elucidated through illustrative examples, emphasizing its naturalistic, inductive, and bottom-up approach. This method explores phenomena in-depth, using unstructured or semi-structured data collection, and often culminates in a descriptive report. However, concerns about reliability, validity, and time-consuming data gathering are acknowledged. In contrast, quantitative research, characterized by its scientific, deductive, and top-down approach, employs laboratory settings and structured data collection methods, concluding with statistical reports and emphasizing reliability and validity. The review recognizes the need for larger sample sizes in quantitative research and highlights its controlled, structured, and less time-consuming data collection methods

Published by: Dr. S. K. Mohanasundari, Pratheeba S., Preethi S., Dr. Vasanth Kumar Kasturi, Maggie Peter, Guru P., Era Deepika Dayal

Author: Dr. S. K. Mohanasundari

Paper ID: V10I1-1268

Paper Status: published

Published: March 21, 2024

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Research Paper

Addressing the Needs of Seniors through Diverse Health Interventions

This research paper explores the multifaceted challenges faced by the aging population and proposes a comprehensive approach to address the diverse health needs of seniors through a range of interventions. The study synthesizes current literature on the physical, mental, and social aspects of aging, highlighting the intricate interplay between these factors. By analyzing various health interventions, including medical treatments, lifestyle modifications, and community-based programs, the paper aims to identify effective strategies for promoting holistic well-being among seniors. Additionally, the research investigates the role of technology in enhancing healthcare delivery to seniors and fostering social connectivity. Through an integrative and inclusive perspective, this paper contributes to the ongoing discourse on optimizing health outcomes for the elderly, emphasizing the importance of tailoring interventions to the unique and evolving needs of this demographic. The findings underscore the significance of a multidimensional approach to senior health, encouraging collaboration among healthcare professionals, policymakers, and community stakeholders to create a more responsive and sustainable healthcare system for our aging population.

Published by: Vedika Srivastava

Author: Vedika Srivastava

Paper ID: V10I1-1260

Paper Status: published

Published: March 21, 2024

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Research Paper

Time management strategies for effective leadership: A comprehensive study

Time is of the essence for managers because they have many things to do in their hands simultaneously. The research paper seeks to provide a detailed analysis of time management techniques specifically tailored for leaders. This paper examines different time management techniques as well as their relevance to leadership and organizational success through extensive literature review and empirical evidence. In addition, it addresses the difficulties faced by leaders when managing their time effectively and suggests pragmatic approaches for overcoming them. This paper enhances leadership efficacy through a comprehensive synthesis of current literature and practical recommendations aimed at optimizing time management.

Published by: Ranveer Raj

Author: Ranveer Raj

Paper ID: V10I1-1258

Paper Status: published

Published: March 16, 2024

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Research Paper

How UI/UX enhances e-commerce sales

This research paper explores the significance of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design in the context of e-commerce and its impact on driving sales. With the exponential growth of online shopping, businesses are facing intense competition, making it crucial to differentiate themselves through superior user experiences. This study aims to identify the key elements of UX design AND UI design that can enhance the e-commerce user journey and ultimately drive sales. The research involves an introduction , methodology and finding and analysis on how user experience and user interface design has an impact on sales. This fits into the context of the field of the user experience as the end-user is central to optimizing the online experience, so gauging it will help optimize features in an application or platform. This also fits into the context of information systems as all applications and businesses, many of which are in the e-commerce and fashion spaces, utilize the technologies and concepts of information systems. This is not the first time this question has been asked as to how user experience,user interface drives e commerce sales a survey was conducted using Qualtrics, since conducting( a survey is a common method used to answer questions concerning the user experience). Subjects were asked preliminary questions, and questions addressing the five variables of user intention in buying products, usability, ease of use, findability, and desirability. Survey data was collected, and two multiple regression analyses were performed. The statistical significance of the results is determined, and then the relevance is evaluated. It was found that if an application in the mobile e-commerce fashion space is useful to the user, then it is desirable to the user. It was also found that if an app is desirable to the user, users in turn have the intention to buy products using these apps. From this research, next steps include obtaining a larger sample size to get more statistically significant data. Future research includes testing other factors of the user experience, modifying the survey to further test existing variables, and exploring different niche industries in mobile e-commerce applications to explore the user experience in other areas of e-commerce. Regarding the user interface which makes it visually pleasing , it does not only include aesthetic, many people are confused thinking that user interface is just about aesthetic which is not the case User interface ust like user experience holds a lot of importance , a lot of focus , strategies , ideas goes into making a website user friendly as well as visually accurate and pleasing , and to make that accurate and pleasing and easy to use.

Published by: Rukmani Pareek

Author: Rukmani Pareek

Paper ID: V10I1-1245

Paper Status: published

Published: March 15, 2024

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