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Web Application for E-Vehicle marketplace using Django

The worldwide electric vehicle market size is projected to develop from 4,093 thousand units in 2021 to 34,756 thousand units by 2030, at a CAGR of 26.8%. India has effectively demonstrated its strong fascination to be a significant piece of this car outlook change. Adding to that, India has as of now set forward the craving to turn into the greatest center point for electric vehicles later. Industry pioneers consider electric vehicles to be a promising choice.

Published by: Durbhakula Sai Praneeth, Hari Sarathi M.

Author: Durbhakula Sai Praneeth

Paper ID: V7I5-1388

Paper Status: published

Published: October 26, 2021

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Research Paper

Image classifying AI Chatbot

We have built the bot by using HTML and CSS for a simple front-end display and JavaScript for the application tier. The neural network is constructed using Brain.js, a GPU accelerated library for handling neural networks in JavaScript. Brain.js consists of multiple neural network implementations mainly to foster the ability of different neural nets to perform different tasks well. The object detection feature is built using ML5.js. Training of the bot by exposure to both specific and generic questions would be crucial. Also, whenever a user isn’t satisfied with the answer given by the bot, he can raise an issue, and the answer for that question would be answered correctly in future updates. The bot also learns with each question the user asks, thereby making it better and better with each iteration. The bot also has an image classifier feature for detecting objects.

Published by: Pritham Sriram G., Prasana Venkatesh S.

Author: Pritham Sriram G.

Paper ID: V7I5-1378

Paper Status: published

Published: October 26, 2021

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Research Paper

3D Printing and Mechanical Characterization of Polylactic Acid in 0.02mm layer height with different nozzle diameters

Rapid prototyping (RP) technologies have emerged as fabrication methods to obtain engineering components within a short span of time. Desktop 3D printing, also referred to as Additive Manufacturing (AM) technology is a powerful method of rapid prototyping technique that can fabricate three-dimensional engineering components. Poly Lactic acid (PLA) is a green alternative to petrochemical commodity plastics, used in packaging, agricultural products, disposable materials, textiles, and automotive composites, 3-D printing technology enables fabrication of PLA and bronze filled PLA, which has less tensile and flexural modulus. In order for 3D printed parts to be useful for engineering applications, the mechanical properties of the material will play an important role in the functioning of the components. In the present study, commercial-grade PLA & bronze-filled PLA has been considered as material for the preparation of samples using a desktop 3D printer. The samples were tested for their mechanical characteristics like Tensile and flexural strength properties. The test samples were fabricated using 3D printing with 0.02mm layer height and with different nozzle diameters. Comparison between 0.02mm layer height & different nozzle diameter of PLA based on the experimental results are discussed and found PLA has superior tensile and flexural properties.

Published by: Ashish Varshney, Ayush Varshney

Author: Ashish Varshney

Paper ID: V7I5-1373

Paper Status: published

Published: October 26, 2021

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Research Paper

The role of student’s in the Telangana movement – A historical study

The student movement in Separate Telangana movement launched by the student organizations in the state is by far one of the most powerful movements ever considered to have been launched in the state. Demand for Telangana State was relegated back seat till 1995 and again initiated discussions, workshops, seminars and public meetings by intellectuals in Kakatiya University, Osmania University Students are actually the backbones of the Telangana movement. Besides TRSV several other student wings like ABVP, NSUI, PDSU, AISF, and Dalith Student Organization, etc. also supported the cause of the Telangana movement. Most of the student organizations assembled in the Kakatiya University on the. 17th of November 2009 and formed a student JAC and 23rd invited this JAC by the supreme of TRS, KCR, and supported him if he were gone for a hunger strike. Actually, he was already declared his hunger strike. Students are actively involved in the movement because they are aware of the cause since their childhood days.

Published by: Dammani Sailu

Author: Dammani Sailu

Paper ID: V7I5-1371

Paper Status: published

Published: October 26, 2021

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Research Paper

Single Page Application Implemented in Train Ticket Booking

The railway reservation system facilitates the passengers to enquiry about the trains available on the basis of source and destination, booking and cancellation of tickets, enquiry about the status of the booked ticket, etc. The aim of the application is to design and develop a web page to maintain record of train status, passenger details by rendering it has a component in our application. The application is designed in such a way that, it should provided security to user credentials by using SHA-256 Hashing algorithm When it works out manually numbers of employees were needed. But through this system, we could overcome the above-mentioned problems. Some of the main features of our project, Single Page Component Rendering, security updates like hashing SHA-256 algorithm is used to secure password of the user. If any person enters to book the tickets they could view the details of all the persons who have booked tickets until and also about what are all the places already booked. Presently available seats also shown. According to the passengers wish they could reserve the tickets. All the booking details and cost of tickets for reservation will be displayed. This is less time consuming and also reduces the overhead of railway employees.

Published by: Guru S. S., Gowtham D., Gokul K., Bala Subramaniam K., Clinton Hadrian Devanand

Author: Guru S. S.

Paper ID: V7I5-1354

Paper Status: published

Published: October 26, 2021

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A Study to assess the effect of balloon blowing exercise on airway patency among preschool children with acute respiratory illness in selected schools at Kanyakumari district

Children are the blessings from the Lord. They are like clay in the potter’s hand. Health plays a major role in the future of the children to withstand and meet personal, psychological, and social needs and fulfill the challenges in life. In India, about 35% of the total population are children below 15 years of age. The World Health Organization(WHO) estimates that respiratory infections account for 6% of the total global burden of disease. The study was a quasi-experimental study with a quantitative research approach. The study was conducted in two government primary schools (Marankonam and Mundavilai). The data collection period was one month. The samples were preschool children between the age group of 4-6 years with acute respiratory illness. A purposive sampling technique was used to select the samples, the sample size was 40. The tool used for data collection Was Respiratory Parameter’s Observation Checklist. The findings revealed that the pre-test means score level of respiratory parameters among preschool children was 24. The post-test mean score level of respiratory parameters among preschool children was 16.5. the ‘t’ value 19.034* which is significant at p<0.001. The mean score of respiratory parameters among preschool children with acute respiratory illness in post-test was 16.5 and in control group 19.4 respectively. The unpaired ‘t’ values were 3.908* which is significant at p0.05.So the hypothesis (H2) is accepted.

Published by: Abisha Olive O. G., Dr. Daly Christabel H, Dr. Santhi Letha, Suja Renjini, Shanthi, Agin Navis Mary, Ajitha

Author: Abisha Olive O. G.

Paper ID: V7I5-1345

Paper Status: published

Published: October 21, 2021

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