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Personal Financial Planning and its effect on the Indian Economy

“FAILING TO PLAN IS PLANNING TO FAIL” Financial planning is planning which deals with money. Personal financial planning refers to the proper planning and implementation of well-coordinated plans to achieve financial objectives. The savings and investments made today should match the future goals. Every human being is interested in leading a ‘Happy Life’ as long as he lives. Happy life would mean having some goals to be achieved and possessing sufficient money to attain those goals. Personal Financial Planning helps one to lead a happy life by planning one’s goals, the process required to achieve the goals, the timing of the investments, and the class of assets to be invested in. In India, the knowledge of personal finance is very poor at all ages. People are not aware of such a concept and whatever they learn is from observing what their parents or friends do. Financial education and awareness from an early stage would definitely help in increased fiscal responsibility being taken by the young citizens of India and also result in wise spending and improved savings and investment for the economy.

Published by: Aman Mehta

Author: Aman Mehta

Paper ID: V7I5-1374

Paper Status: published

Published: October 21, 2021

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Research Paper

An analysis of Vivādi Rāga-S handled by Muttusvāmi Dīkṣita

Rāga, tāla, and pada are the three foundational elements of Indian Classical Music. A rāga comprises a group of svara-s which have a specific and well-defined relation with each other, and clear-cut patterns of movement. The intra-relationship between these svara-s in a phrase gives each rāga its unique flavor. A svara in a rāga which is prominent and is used frequently is known as vādi. There are said to be three ways in which svara-s are related to each other with reference to the vādi - samvādi, anuvādi and vivādi. Svara-s that have a discordant relation to the vādi are called vivādi. The presence of vivādi relationship between svara-s in a rāga is considered to be a ‘defect’ and ‘dōṣa’. This ‘vivāditva’ is seen in forty out of the seventy-two mēla-s and in this mēla-s, forty-four compositions of Muttusvāmi Dīkṣita are found in Saṅgīta Sampradāya Pradarśini, the earliest authentic source of his compositions. While rendering these mēla-s, Subbarāma Dīkṣita, the author of Saṅgīta Sampradāya Pradarśini says that it is tradition to observe ‘vādi vivādi lakṣaṇa-s’ in order to offset the ‘dōṣa’ of vivāditva. An analysis of the handling of vivādi rāga-s by Muttusvāmi Dīkṣita is taken up in this paper.

Published by: Aarti Ananth Krishnan, Dr. S. Subbu Lakshmi

Author: Aarti Ananth Krishnan

Paper ID: V7I5-1372

Paper Status: published

Published: October 21, 2021

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Research Paper

Age of Deglobalization: Scenario, Winners, and Opportunities

Since the great recession of 2008, an era of deglobalization in terms of the flow of immigrants, money, and trade across borders has started. Trade has risen steadily for about more than 50% until the shock of the 2008 downturn turned many countries inward since the 1970s. As they start erecting new tariffs and NTB’s by the hundreds, global trade has fallen back, and the general consensus is that the whole world is worse off as a result. But as trade flows fell, they also began to shift. China’s share of global manufacturing exports peaked at more than 17% in 2014 and began to fall, particularly in cheap, labor-intensive sectors like apparel. China’s loss has benefitted those nations with the most advantageous labor and regulatory conditions, unfortunately, does not benefit much to India. But, a conducive policy environment could materialize this deglobalization era for India’s job-led manufacturing sector. This paper aims at analyzing the shifts of supply chains of global to other Asian nations and the opportunities for India amid burgeoning trade differences between two economic giants i.e. U.S. and China.

Published by: Sumant Kaushik

Author: Sumant Kaushik

Paper ID: V7I5-1168

Paper Status: published

Published: October 21, 2021

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Research Paper

Real Electrical Signals to Text

In this paper, for the first time, we successfully achieved two major accomplishments (1.) predicting any real clean analog signal to the English language (2.) converting real clean electrical signal of a nanomanufacturing fluidic electronics multi-100,000 nodes nanoscale pores chip [1] to Unicode language.

Published by: Vishal Nandigana, K. Vikas Mahendar

Author: Vishal Nandigana

Paper ID: V7I5-1158

Paper Status: published

Published: October 21, 2021

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Research Paper

Implications of blockchain technology on corporate governance in India

With the advent of technology, humans have made it possible to arrive at a place where they can carry out huge transactions all by themselves without the help of any intermediaries. This technology is very famously called blockchain technology (BCT). The primary focus of this article is to see what implications BCT would have on corporate governance being specific to India. Corporate governance includes the government, big companies, and financial institutions that work through a framework for the smooth functioning of the companies. Although BCT is at a very primitive stage in India, if implemented it can fix the lop-sidedness of corporate governance in India for it provides greater transparency, efficiency, and security. The author through this article has explained the working of blockchain technology. Finally, the author has emphasized the need of adopting BCT for better corporate governance in India.

Published by: Aashi Shah

Author: Aashi Shah

Paper ID: V7I5-1341

Paper Status: published

Published: October 20, 2021

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Strategy of Aquarium Fish Business

There is an underlying reason for this. The work has been chosen for various purposes. There are a lot of people who are deprived of employment opportunities i.e. becoming a self-reliant is the case with this ornamental fish farming. It has been observed that this ornamental fish farming involves understanding and applying a variety of content. So if you understand and know these issues better, you can make it more self-sufficient. In a word, apart from the traditional education, there is a need for institutional education as well as systematic practical education. The whole subject can be considered as part of the backyard of education. On top of this, if the quality and application of education increases in the last level, the concept of ornamental fish farming will change a lot and it will be possible to make a lot of improvements in business and leisure. So there is a great scope or opportunity for self-reliance or entrepreneurship development through the teaching of ornamental fish. This job has been chosen with these issues in mind. I am also involved in special work on it with my long 35 years of experience and learning from different places. I have tied the knot of my life by further improving these ornamental fish farming, hobbies, education and business, with which I have now been able to come from that small range into a normal environment or range. So even if others start small, it is possible to improve them at some point. Not just me, but countless other kids like me have made great strides in this field. Others are also hopeful that they will be able to establish themselves quickly. So others have a special kind of scope to enter this case. Here is a special way to solve the unemployment problem. It will inevitably take the form of a larger field if it is followed in a simpler and clearer way of understanding and illuminated in the field of learning. As a result, he will become helpful to others in the society along with his own welfare.

Published by: Patit Paban Halder, Dr. Manjusha Tarafdar

Author: Patit Paban Halder

Paper ID: V7I5-1364

Paper Status: published

Published: October 19, 2021

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