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Research Paper

Application of Operations Research for Lap Time Optimization in Formula 1 Racing

Our research paper is based on the lap time optimization of an F1 car in a race. We have achieved this with the use of various Operations Research techniques. In order to explain how the overall lap time is forecasted and optimized, the Monte Carlo Simulation method has been used. The Hungarian Assignment Problem helped us determine the most efficient allocation of a pit crew in a pit stop in a race to get the lowest possible pit stop time. Game Theory is used in order to understand the mindset of a driver driving wheel-to-wheel on every chicane. We have also dealt with the Decision Theory to gain insights on the choice of tyres made by teams on a race weekend. Many smaller variables, such as lap time variations, affect the outcome of a race. As a result, if a potentially winning strategy is to be devised, these occurrences and influences should be modelled within the race simulation. Using these OR techniques we have formulated a way in which we can optimise the race time from different race situations

Published by: Lavanya Choudhury, Krishnam Pachiesia, Manav Rohira, Manavv Sarrdana, Mokshil Mehta

Author: Lavanya Choudhury

Paper ID: V7I5-1360

Paper Status: published

Published: October 19, 2021

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Research Paper

Deep Learning-Based Computer Vision in Image Contrast Enhancement for Brightness Preservation

Image Contrast Enhancement for Brightness Preservation main objective is to overcome the problems faced by the existing methods of image contrast enhancement. Image Contrast enhancement is a process that makes the image features stand out more clearly by making optimal use of the colors available on the display or output device using deep learning computer vision concepts. There are several existing methods for image contrast enhancement like Histogram Equalization, Bi-linear interpolation, Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization and Dynamic Stretching. We have considered a base paper which proposed dynamic stretching after comparing with the other methods. There are some issues identified with the existing dynamic stretching method: light and brightness levels not being changed and there are no positive results for dusty and low light images. Moreover, it is an iterative process operating on a single intensity channel and using a golden section search algorithm to calculate pixel positions using mean brightness. Our approach tries to address the issues by proposing a new methodology. Our proposed method makes use of dynamic stretching approach but the operation is being done on all [R, G, B] channels and using RGB to HSI conversion and later using HSI to RGB conversion just before producing the enhanced image thus making the proposed method efficient. Histogram Equalization has also been used as a part in our proposed method for preserving brightness and contrast enhancement. Experiments conducted on different images from different domains like medical images, low light images, dusty images and black and white satellite images without haze showed efficient results with brightness preservation while performing image contrast enhancement. Hence our proposed method has overcome the issues faced with the existing image contrast enhancement methods.

Published by: Gouri Lakshmi Chennuru, Pinapathruni Mutyala Mukesh Babu

Author: Gouri Lakshmi Chennuru

Paper ID: V7I5-1353

Paper Status: published

Published: October 19, 2021

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Research Paper

Hobby, Business and Education of Aquarium Fish with Little Capital

Although the fishing and food fishing business is quite old, the hobby, business and education of aquarium fish is almost new. Cultivation of this aquarium fish has been a well business flow in India for almost 200 years. It is said that although it is new, this subject is increasing and becoming more accessible than before. Although there is no specific idea about this yet, many people cannot imagine having a hobby or doing business on this subject. Some brave young men and women plan on this subject but it is seen that in between they have to face various obstacles. Most people think that these are just a matter of the rich. Again, the initial investment in this business is probably a lot. But in real life it has been seen that even if there is no money, this aquarium fish can be hobbies, studies, education and farming or business can be done. It is possible to inspire others by standing on your own two feet, even starting from small.

Published by: Patit Paban Halder, Dr. Manjusha Tarafdar

Author: Patit Paban Halder

Paper ID: V7I5-1363

Paper Status: published

Published: October 19, 2021

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Research Paper

Evolution of Cyber Criminology

A dramatic change has taken place in the world of commercial and industrial activities due to a revolutionary communication method that evolved and which is known as Information Technology. It is a boon to society and more so for the manufacturing and trading sections. Information technology has economically reduced the cost of management as well as the cost of repetitive production systems wherever mass production is in vogue. Apart from that with the advent and spread of new technology, new terms and phrases have been added in the dictionary of the commercial and financial world such as internet, cybercrime, dot-com, e-mail, paperless business, electronic documents, digital signatures, ransomware, computer network, encryption, asymmetric cryptosystem, backup, data, database, e-commerce, hard copy, media, web site, password, public key infrastructure/PKI, server, bugs, virus, web browser, advertising on the web, domain names and its registration, hackers, crackers, etc., A new discipline of study connecting the information technology and criminology has been evolved, called as ‘Cyber Criminology’. This new field talks about the threat of corruption and destruction of digital information with the help of various types of programs such as viruses, Trojans, Worms, and logic bombs. This new field of study introduces new concepts to be adopted for the purpose of protecting the legal rights of parties, introducing laws of privacy, and various compliance standards and benchmarks on digital transactions referred by the impact of International Laws. The purpose of this article is to analyze the evolution of the new discipline of study, ‘cyber criminology’.

Published by: Ravichandran Ramasamy

Author: Ravichandran Ramasamy

Paper ID: V7I5-1327

Paper Status: published

Published: October 19, 2021

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Finding some Addresses of Ornamental Fish Hub in West Bengal

At present, Ornamental Fish or Aquarium Fish has been made for farming, hobbies and business. Although it has not improved much, as the field is largely unorganized. Even on top of that there is very little education. Many unemployed young women are involved in this business, while many are planning to participate in this business. It has been noticed that many people have lost their way in this matter. The main reason for this is not to know the search of different places related to this business. So here we have tried to find various Ornamental fish farmers and local and international fish traders, following which can benefit many.

Published by: Patit Paban Halder, Dr. Manjusha Tarafdar

Author: Patit Paban Halder

Paper ID: V7I5-1361

Paper Status: published

Published: October 19, 2021

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Research Paper

Preference and adoption towards electronic vehicles among youngsters

Road transportation is the preferred mode of transportation in India. Using conventional fuel vehicles has led to pollution and global warming. The production of electric vehicles and their related components are anticipated to increase the share of manufacturing in GDP to over 24% by 2022-23. The study is evidence that preference for electric vehicles is increasing especially among youngsters. They are aware that EV has better performance and low operating costs. Their concern is regarding the lack of charging stations and the high initial cost of the vehicle. Companies only have a few EV models, and customers have very limited choices.

Published by: George Sebastian

Author: George Sebastian

Paper ID: V7I5-1366

Paper Status: published

Published: October 18, 2021

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