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Research Paper

Simulation and application in slot Machine Analytics

This research paper deals with busting 3 major myths associated with slot machines. Here, we have used the simulation to replicate a real-life casino slot machine and use it to bust the 3 myths. The simulation was made keeping into consideration several factors such as Return-To-Player Ratio, weighted symbols, and many more to make the simulation as accurate as possible. Findings from this were then used to debunk the myths.

Published by: Shreya Agarwal, Yatharth Keswani, Yug Vyas, Avi Kumar, Krishna Gupta

Author: Shreya Agarwal

Paper ID: V7I5-1350

Paper Status: published

Published: October 18, 2021

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Research Paper

Application of operations research in supply chain management of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises

Keeping in mind the complexity of the functioning of the Supply Chain Management of Small and Medium Enterprises, the authors of the paper have aimed at focusing on various methods that can be used to arrive at the best results with optimum utility of resources. The paper also depicts the functioning and procedures of the various methods and which one should be used under different circumstances that can obtain the best outcome for the enterprises. The aim is to show a way of improvement in supply chain management of micro, small and medium enterprises. Sustainability of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is significant as SMEs con-tribute to GDP substantially in every economy. This research develops an innovative and sustainable supply chain performance measurement model for SMEs.

Published by: Deev Parmar, Zayaan Karmali, Atharva Naik, Zerius Davar, Raghav Kothari

Author: Deev Parmar

Paper ID: V7I5-1349

Paper Status: published

Published: October 18, 2021

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Research Paper

Experimental studies, analysis and comparison of EPR spectroscopy for DPPH, Myoglobin and Manganese Chloride

Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy is a spectroscopic technique that can be used to study complexes containing unpaired electrons, due to a phenomenon known as the Zeeman effect. This paper will aim at performing an experiment to retrieve and analyze Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) Spectra. Samples of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), Myoglobin, and Manganese Chloride were analyzed through room temperature and low-temperature EPR runs, using liquid nitrogen as the cooling agent. The spectra obtained were then used to calculate quantitative values and the values were analyzed and interpreted to provide the nature of the unpaired electrons in the complex. Lastly, the results were compared with literature values and future opportunities for research about EPR in biochemistry and geology were also discussed.

Published by: Ananya Shailendrasinh Solanki

Author: Ananya Shailendrasinh Solanki

Paper ID: V7I5-1347

Paper Status: published

Published: October 14, 2021

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Case Study

Effective utilization of textile effluent in the concrete of Solapur textile industrial water

In a future world, the population is going to be under high water scarcity according to WorldWater Development (UN) report. Countries of Africa and Asia like Cambodia, Bangladesh, China, and India are still developing are likely to face water scarcity more. It was expected that by 2055, 70 to 75 % of the population will leave in the city of India. With the shrinking of water, low rainfall, etc it is difficult to provide water to such a high population. Water is one of the most highly consumed materials in the world. Scarcity of fresh drinking standard water is becoming evident due to increasing population, improvement of lifestyle, climate change, and lack of appropriate water resource management. Therefore, the conservation of freshwater is becoming an important issue. The study reported 825 billion liters of freshwater were required to satisfy the world's concrete requirement in 2010. This research aimed to use treated industrial wastewater as a substitute for fresh water in the mixing and curing of concrete. Water samples were obtained from the central wastewater treatment plant of Chittagong Export Processing Zone (CEPZ), Chittagong, Bangladesh which generally is disposed to the Bay of Bengal after treatment. Firstly, treated wastewater quality is examined and compared with the relevant standard of pure drinking water. Cement setting time and mortar flow were evaluated using both freshwater and treated wastewater. Both types of water were used to produce and cure concrete. Workability, compressive strength, and Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity(UPV) tests were conducted on the concrete samples. It is concluded that treated wastewater could be a replacement for freshwater in the production and curing of concrete and can help to save a large amount of valuable freshwater and thereby achieving sustainability in the concrete industry. This study tries to provide problems arising due to waters car cities in India.

Published by: Amit B. Patil, Amarjit B. Mohite, Shubham N. Sirsat, Digvijay C. Mudkanna, Gundesha R. Phundipalle, Vijay A. Pujari, Pravin V. Kulkarni

Author: Amit B. Patil

Paper ID: V7I5-1266

Paper Status: published

Published: October 14, 2021

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Research Paper

A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding breast crawl among staff nurses working labour room in selected hospital

Introduction: Mother Nature equips newborns with a wonderful innate sense of cues. Breast Crawl demonstrates the process of initiating breastfeeding exclusively by baby’s own ability. WHO and UNICEF recommend early initiation of breastfeeding for lower neonatal mortality. Evidence shows that early initiation of breastfeeding can prevent 22% of all deaths among babies below one month in developing countries. About 16% of neonatal deaths could be prevented if all infants were breastfed from day 1 & 22% if breastfed within 1st hour after birth. Nurses as health professionals if work in coordination as a team to bring forth & promote Breast crawl initiative into maternity hospitals; it will be beneficial for Mother and Baby. Methodology: The research methodology adopted for the study was Pre experimental research approach. Consisting of one group pretest-posttest design. A structured teaching programme on Breast Crawl was administered to staff nurses & their level of knowledge was assessed. Semi-structured questionnaires were prepared for assessing the Pre & Post knowledge. Validity was established by the experts. A pilot study was conducted to check the feasibility of the study. The reliability of the tool was done by the test retest method and Pearson correlation formula. The reliability score was 0.86 which shows that the tool is reliable. Data collection was done on 100 samples by Non- Probability Convenient method. Pretest was taken; structured teaching programme was administered & on the 7th day Posttest was conducted. The collected data were tabulated in the master sheet and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Paired t-test to compare pretest and posttest knowledge scores of staff nurses regarding breast crawl was used. T-value was 31.8. Since p-value is very small (less than 0.05), the null hypothesis is rejected. The average knowledge score in the pretest was 6.4, post test was 17.3. The association between knowledge and demographic variables was assessed using Chi square test. Since all the p- values are larger, (> 0.05), there was no evidence against the null hypothesis. None of the demographic variables was found to have a significant association with knowledge score. Indicating that a structured teaching programme on assessing knowledge regarding breast crawl is effective.

Published by: Kalyani V. Makasare

Author: Kalyani V. Makasare

Paper ID: V7I5-1275

Paper Status: published

Published: October 14, 2021

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Research Paper

DES and AES hybridization by the genetic process of image transfer by comparison

Hybrid paper in which there is the use of cryptography to protect images. Hybrid techniques are basically a combination of cryptography and steganography integrated with a genetic algorithm. The effectiveness of the two methods is the same but different from each other. It can join encryption techniques by installing cryptography and hide encrypted text by sending Steganography. The idea of ​​this analysis is to communicate in a secure manner and to go beyond the confines of confidential communications that can handle high security and enable image handling and anonymity.

Published by: Gaurav Arora

Author: Gaurav Arora

Paper ID: V7I5-1346

Paper Status: published

Published: October 14, 2021

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