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Research Paper

Improving the efficiency of public transportation in India using operations research

The analysis shows that no single model or theory, such as Queuing Theory, Transportation Problem, Vehicle Routing problem, Hubs, and Spoke Model, etc., aim at increasing the efficiency of public transportation by addressing a particular segment of the problem are enough to solve the problem holistically. In this paper, we touch upon the shortcomings of the existing models and algorithms and suggest that a model should be developed which encompasses all these factors and provide an all in all solution to the problem.

Published by: Pranav Jain, Piyush Agarwal, Nimisha Soni, Parth Mandavgane, Naman Shah

Author: Pranav Jain

Paper ID: V7I5-1324

Paper Status: published

Published: October 8, 2021

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Research Paper

Applications of operations research in advertising media of fantasy sports

This paper aims to find out how techniques of operations research can be used by fantasy sports companies to market their products successfully to potential customers. The dawn of the customer-centric approach has left marketing processes like online and viral marketing with several gaps which can be filled using OR techniques. In this paper, the selection of media used for marketing their products to maximize profits under budgetary constraints is being ascertained using a simplex linear programming model.

Published by: Eshan Maniar, Chirag Agarwal, Dishay Shah, Divyansh Pugalia, Divyaj Shah

Author: Eshan Maniar

Paper ID: V7I5-1317

Paper Status: published

Published: October 8, 2021

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Research Paper

Comparison of Vedic and Modern Maths in Forward Difference by Meru-Prastar

In this paper, we will use the Binomial Theorem in the Forward Difference Operator of Modern Mathematics. On the other hand, Vedic Mathematics offers a new approach to mathematics. If we find the coefficients with the help of the Binomial Theorem, we experience difficulty, when we find the same coefficient with the help of the Vedic method Meruprastra, we get it easily. MeruPrastra method is also known as Pascal’s Triangle. Vedic Mathematics reduced efforts by around 50%.

Published by: Naveen Kumar, Rashmi Yadav, S. R. Singh

Author: Naveen Kumar

Paper ID: V7I5-1308

Paper Status: published

Published: October 8, 2021

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Research Paper

Using the GARCH framework to aid in decision making for businesses with Forex Exposures

The increased volatility that has been witnessed over the past few years has posed a problem to SMEs. The authors of this paper would wish to prepare a framework that can help solve this problem by giving SMEs a guideline for making payments and to hedge their exposures. Earlier literature has already covered the prediction of spot prices of the forex rates. The authors wish to use this for decision-making. The model used for this is the eGARCH model used on the R software. Using monthly and daily predictions the authors have developed a framework that can be used for decision making and hedging. This model is limited to working in normal times and not stressed situations.

Published by: Neil Vora, Niyati Shah, Pranav Vithlani, Pranav Sachdev, Prithwiraj Ghosh

Author: Neil Vora

Paper ID: V7I5-1323

Paper Status: published

Published: October 8, 2021

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Research Paper

Design and analysis of fifth wheel car parking mechanism

In earlier methods of parking, the time taken is 2 minutes, the driver needs to be more alert while parking in order to avoid hitting the car during the reverse motion. Therefore, to avoid these inconveniences, a concept of fifth wheel parking is made, where the total time will be 50 to 60 seconds. This parking can be done using an additional wheel fifth wheel. A screw is used to control the fifth wheel to land and lift. DC motor enables the forward and reverses motion for the screw. It also helps to know malfunctions during the landing or lifting of the wheel. This concept is mainly used for four-wheeler vehicles. This setup makes the vehicle turn parallel at a significant angle with reference to the front axle within a short period. The model enables the driver to park the vehicle between two vehicles, where the space is limited.

Published by: Vijay S.

Author: Vijay S.

Paper ID: V7I5-1320

Paper Status: published

Published: October 7, 2021

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Research Paper

Optimization of shelf space using OR techniques

This research paper focuses on shelf space optimization in supermarkets or retail stores. Mathematical techniques have been used in the context of operations research in order to arrive at a set of findings. Through this research paper, methods of product placement on rack and shelves used in stores has been explained. Optimization and linear programming methods have been used to find the optimal product placement. Binary integer programming has been used which uses only two decision variables to come to a conclusion whether to place a certain product in a certain rack/shelf or not. The literature review also highlights work done in the past by other researchers in this field. Consumer psychology has also been explored to a certain extent when it comes to purchasing a product. The logic behind product placement has also been highlighted. Through the findings of this paper, basic decision-making that goes behind product placement has been shown. Findings in the research paper are done on a small scale which is why several factors like shape, size, etc. of the product have been ignored.

Published by: Janhavi Nangrepatil, Harsh Mehta, Jay Garkhel, Harshit Shah, Harshit Nagpal

Author: Janhavi Nangrepatil

Paper ID: V7I5-1314

Paper Status: published

Published: October 6, 2021

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