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Research Paper

Application of operational research in the oil and natural gas industry

Operations research is a science/process in which one applies mathematics to real-life business problems to come up with the most highly effective and efficient solutions/ decisions. Algorithms, simulations, and optimization are the key to finding any solution with the help of OR. The oil and natural gas industry were one of the early adopters of this scientific process and the use of OR helped this industry to grow and overcome several hurdles throughout. The report further provides insights into the different problems faced in the operations of the business in this industry and how different models and theories of Operations Research help in making the best decisions regarding it. We have also discussed in detail how several oil corporations have used OR in their functioning.

Published by: Kajal Mendiratta, Astha Banka, Mehar Swarup, Viraj Chahal, Sanchay Bharara

Author: Kajal Mendiratta

Paper ID: V7I5-1199

Paper Status: published

Published: September 15, 2021

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Research Paper

Hydroponics v/s Geoponics

Since the advent of civilization, the open field method of farming has been used for agriculture. In a country like India where agriculture yields about 23% of the GDP employing 59% (FAO 2018) of the total workforce, it is of significant importance that the farming techniques should be more up to date and that the country should take a stance on this serious issue. Day in and day out sustainability issues in land-based farming have been arising either due to poor harvest or because of insufficient profits caused by the lack of agricultural marketing. In such an environment, the paper thus explores hydroponics (a new farming technique) that can be implemented instead of geoponics (the traditional soil-based farming method).

Published by: Adwitiya Goenka

Author: Adwitiya Goenka

Paper ID: V4I4-1562

Paper Status: published

Published: September 14, 2021

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Research Paper

Spatial planning in museums for display gallery and its importance

The major issue in the designing of any exhibit space involves one question as to how the layout of the space interacts with the layout of the objects In museums display gallery is a very important area as it is the heart of museum .so while designing the gallery spatial planning is a very important role to play .spatial planning of display gallery not only gives clear vision for curator but also for the visitor who is going to visit the museum. Area for smooth movement of visitors is also one of the aspects for consideration of spatial planning .museums are known for their artifacts and arranging the artifacts in display gallery is directly proportionate to the number of visitors. if the museum has a nice display arrangement along with interesting spaces for visitor’s it will create great revenue for its future .museum will sustain for long life for future generations also .museums in Maharashtra are having great heritage value despite those values it is found that rethinking about display gallery is needed to add some heritage value for its future exitance .few museums are well care taken about its planning and few are still neglected. In few museums are having very high value for their intangible heritage and definitely rethinking should be needed for designing display areas.

Published by: Meghana Patil, Dr. O. P. Chhangani

Author: Meghana Patil

Paper ID: V7I5-1201

Paper Status: published

Published: September 14, 2021

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Research Paper

Spatial Distribution of Cholera cases in Damaturu Town, Yobe State, Nigeria

Cholera disease appears to be a serious infections disease that bedeviled many locales, particularly in developing countries. A single case of cholera is a threat to neighboring areas and a global concern. The distribution of the disease is largely determined by series of environmental factors such as climate, local geography as well as living standards. Similarly, poor sanitation and hygiene are part of the drivers for the disease progression in most affected communities. Based on 10 years of data from the epidemiological unit, this study undertook the spatial analysis of cholera disease incidences in the Damaturu Local government area so as to determine the hotspots of the disease in the area and awareness of the disease among people. Also, six wards were purposively selected and questionnaires were administered to 381 household respondents. Descriptive statistics and GIS tools were used to analyze the data. Results were presented in maps and frequency tables. The findings reveal that there are three high vulnerable areas, five moderate areas, and three low-risk areas. The epidemic was concentrated in Nayinawa, Kukareta, and Maisandari wards. Nearest to the water body and high population density are factors that determine the spread of cholera disease in the study area. Further research is needed especially in the environmental factors influencing the occurrence of cholera in other to prevent and control future outbreaks and disasters.

Published by: Hadiza Usman, Falmata Usman Charangi

Author: Hadiza Usman

Paper ID: V7I5-1204

Paper Status: published

Published: September 14, 2021

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Research Paper

In-vitro Antimicrobial activity of Moringa Oleifera and Ocimum Sanctum leaves against subclinical mastitis-causing pathogens

Among the 164 culturally positive samples, In vitro drug sensitivity test was conducted on 20 samples, and among these 19, 17, 15, 13, 9, and 7 samples showed a sensitivity of 95.00, 85.00, 75.00, 65.00, 45.00, and 35.00 percent to Enrofloxacin, Ceftriaxone, Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid, Tetracycline, Gentamicin, and Streptomycin, respectively. These samples also showed maximum sensitivity to leaf extract of Moringa oleifera and Ocimum sanctum at 30 mg and 50 mg concentrations with the highest zone of inhibition as 16mm and 20mm, respectively.

Published by: Dr. Aruna Maramulla, Dr. Ambica Gadige, Dr. Lakshmi Kosapati, Dr. Swathi Bommu, Dr. Padmaja Katta, Anilkumar Banothu

Author: Dr. Aruna Maramulla

Paper ID: V7I5-1152

Paper Status: published

Published: September 13, 2021

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Research Paper

Recreating Solar Panels: An Integrated Approach

As solar power becomes increasingly popular as a clean and renewable energy source, there is a need to better understand the technology used to convert sunlight into electricity. Bell Labs first used the photovoltaic effect to harness the striking of photons on a solar panel to create an electrical charge. In my paper, I propose two novel methods to increase the efficiency of solar panels. The first method utilizes solar tracking and computer science to tilt solar panels to face directly toward the sun throughout the day to maximize photon strikes. The second method concentrates photons through a magnifying glass to maximize the surface area of light being focused onto the panel. Developing better approaches such as those suggested in my paper have the potential to make solar panels more efficient and affordable, thereby increasing the scope of the solar power market.

Published by: Praneel Midha

Author: Praneel Midha

Paper ID: V7I5-1181

Paper Status: published

Published: September 13, 2021

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