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Encryption and real-time decryption for protecting machine learning models in Android applications

With the Increasing use of Machine Learning in Android applications, more research and efforts are being put into developing better-performing machine learning algorithms with a vast amount of data. Along with machine learning for mobile phones, the threat of extraction of trained machine learning models from application packages (APK) through reverse engineering exists. Currently, there are ways to protect models in mobile applications such as name obfuscation, cloud deployment, last layer isolation. Still, they offer less security, and their implementation requires more effort. This paper gives an algorithm to protect trained machine learning models inside android applications with high security and low efforts to implement it. The algorithm ensures security by encrypting the model and real-time decrypting it with 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) inside the running application. It works efficiently with big model files without interrupting the User interface (UI) Thread. As compared to other methods, it is fast, more secure, and involves fewer efforts. This algorithm provides the developers and researchers a way to secure their actions and making the results available to all without any concern.

Published by: Aryan Verma

Author: Aryan Verma

Paper ID: V7I5-1140

Paper Status: published

Published: September 2, 2021

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Research Paper

Open Pyramid Graph and Euler Circuit

The concept of open pyramid graph has been introduced and it has been established that it is closely related to BCK-algebra and Euler circuit.

Published by: Puja, Shree Nath Sharma, Ram Lakhan Prasad

Author: Puja

Paper ID: V7I4-1922

Paper Status: published

Published: September 2, 2021

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Research Paper

How the COVID-19 pandemic affected mother-daughter relationships

The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic has had drastic consequences on all aspects of our lives, especially relationships. Since research suggests that the mother-daughter dyad has a significantly higher influence on adolescents than any other familial relation, the purpose of this qualitative study was to assess the impact of the pandemic on this markedly influential relationship in the Indian context. Convenient sampling was used to recruit 20 female participants, all in the 14 to 17 years age group, studying in Neerja Modi School, Jaipur. Semi-structured interviews were conducted, transcribed, thematically analyzed, and the results were then tabulated. It was found that the pandemic positively impacted mother-daughter relationships for the majority of the participants, while for a select few, it led to detrimental effects like an increase in the number of fights and arguments. The study also aimed to evaluate the impact of these changes in relationships on the well-being of the daughter, and it was inferred from the data that for a majority of the participants, the shift in relationship dynamics was accompanied by a conspicuously positive impact on their wellness and mental health.

Published by: Lavanya Maheshwari

Author: Lavanya Maheshwari

Paper ID: V7I4-1902

Paper Status: published

Published: September 2, 2021

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Research Paper

Design and performance analysis of Interior Permanent Magnet Motor (IPMSM) using RMXPRT – ANSYS MAXWELL

This During manufacturing of any motor optimum design and performance check are vital. In this regards right selection of material and efficient design improves the performance of the electric motor. For this vary purpose Ansys RMxprt is much suited software for accurate and cost effective design of various electrical machines.This article explains about application of RMxprt for machine design and also presents the model and analysis of IPMSM. Further this paper highlights explains about the simulated results along with 2D and 3D mapping of various aspects of an IPMSM

Published by: Nithyanandam R., Parveen Kumar N

Author: Nithyanandam R.

Paper ID: V7I4-1447

Paper Status: published

Published: September 2, 2021

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Research Paper

A critical study of issues faced by farmers

The critical issues that plague Indian agriculture at present are the knowledge deficit and infrastructure deficit, especially in the rural areas. Problems related to irrigation infrastructure, market infrastructure, and transport infrastructure add significant costs to farmers' operations. Another issue is the lack of delivery mechanisms. There are a number of schemes aimed to bring development in agriculture. We do not have effective delivery mechanisms that can translate into effective facilitation in terms of increasing productivity or decreasing cost or increasing price realization at the ground level. Moreover, inadequate government support exacerbates these issues. Exploratory research was conducted and a data sample of 41 persons was taken who are from the farming background or profession. A chi-square test was conducted to see whether the suitability of agriculture for farmers due to globalization and the usefulness of new farmers are associated. After conducting the chi-square test it is concluded that the null hypothesis is accepted viz. The suitability of agriculture for farmers due to globalization and the usefulness of new farmers are associated. Corporate farming could be a solution to the Indian agrarian sector, but it needs deep thinking and innovating better policies so that neither the corporate nor the farmers be at loss. Also, the role of central government and state governments needs to be defined clearly as because of being a joint subject, it creates a lot of confusion. Eminent experts should do research in this aspect and governments must take proactive action. Indian agrarian sector in fact requires very innovative ideas for the uplifting of this sector. Also, without mechanization, farming is hard and back-breaking work. This has resulted in most farmers' children quitting farming and going for other vocations. Farmers get more money by selling their land to builders, malls, and factories. This has put more pressure on farmland, thereby requiring technologies to increase productivity so that shrinking farmland can feed billion plus people of India in the future. India, though one of the biggest producers of agricultural products, has very low farm productivity, with an average of only 33 percent of the best farms the world over. This needs to be increased so that farmers can get more remuneration from the same piece of land with less labor.

Published by: Dr. Anuradha Sarkar, Sai Badhe, Advait Syamsunder, Akshay Kadam, Himanshu Niwal, Shubham Lohakare, Kaustubh Naikwad

Author: Dr. Anuradha Sarkar

Paper ID: V7I4-1828

Paper Status: published

Published: August 31, 2021

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Research Paper

Application of lean principles to reduce break down cases in processes in automotive product development- A case study of Toyota company limited

The production process in the manufacturing industries has proven wasteful of the resources in the production process over time. integrating lean principles in manufacturing activities has brought notable success in a complex and slow production process in an industry. This study aims at integrating lean principles into a product development process to eliminate breakdown cases as it makes the process easy as well as speeding up the product development in the automotive industry. Three major phases are applied in product development namely; the early concept phase, middle core design, and the launch phase. An exceptional definition of products development of lean principles is applied to come up with an analysis framework. Through interviews, observations, documentation, and experience barriers that cause a large number of wastes can be established. Lean principles will then be applied to eliminate such causes in the product development and then derive the conclusion that shows the industry the process of lean in product development in the entire process

Published by: Levi Ptang Uny Cheworei

Author: Levi Ptang Uny Cheworei

Paper ID: V7I5-1137

Paper Status: published

Published: August 31, 2021

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