
Recent Papers

Case Study

The Biofuel Price Stabilization Mechanism

This article studies the capacity of biofuels to reduce motor fuel price fluctuations. We hypothesize the dependence between crude oil and biodiesel blend prices in Spain and the EU. Copula models are a method of study. Results suggest that the practice of blending biodiesel with diesel can protect consumers against extreme crude oil price increases. This can also help reduce the carbon emissions and the Green House Gases (GHG's) emitted upon burning fossil fuels

Published by: Soham Das

Author: Soham Das

Paper ID: V7I5-1166

Paper Status: published

Published: September 7, 2021

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Review Paper

Sentiment analysis of COVID-19 Vaccination Tweets on Twitter using Machine Learning Algorithm

After Declaring pandemic in March 2020 public health prevention measures have proven to be somewhat effective in limiting the spread of COVID-19. Protective immunity through vaccination will be great importance of in ending the pandemic. This work aims to identify the sentiments of the masses towards vaccination by analyzing the text tweets. 68,654 tweets are retrieved from Twitter posted within the timeline from December 2020 to January 2021. Sentiment, polarity score, and subjectivity score were computed and analyzed on the basis of text and date columns. According to the polarity and subjectivity scores, tweets were classified as positive, negative, and neutral using the TextBlob library of natural language processing. Also, the user’s view on the vaccination was analyzed using machine learning algorithms such as Naïve Bayes (NB) and Logistic Regression (LR). The highest accuracy achieved was 90% by Logistic Regression (LR). It was observed from the results that the sentiments towards the vaccine were positive on the initial day but a shift to negative sentiments was observed. Later, the sentiment towards vaccines is again positive.

Published by: Disha Jethva

Author: Disha Jethva

Paper ID: V7I5-1175

Paper Status: published

Published: September 7, 2021

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Review Paper

The Effect of Nylon Fibers in Self-Consolidating Concrete (SCC)

Self-compacted concrete (SCC) is a unique type of concrete that settles into the formwork and fills all of its corners without the use of compaction or vibration. Because SCC has a higher flowability, it becomes brittle and performs poorly under stress and bending. One of the most effective ways to increase the tensile and flexural performance of SCC is to include randomly distributed short and discontinuous fibers. In this regard, this experimental study is undertaken to investigate the effect of nylon fibers (NF) on the fresh and hardened properties of SCC. Two different lengths, 20 mm and 12 mm, were used, as well as five different volumetric percentages of NF, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5 percent. The results demonstrated that adding NF to SCC had a minor effect on its fresh characteristics. However, the magnitude of the influence is not large enough to be considered a significant factor. According to EFNARC criteria, the fresh characteristics of whole mixtures are within the required range. With the addition of NF, the strength qualities improve. the extent of increment is greater for the longer length of NF. The optimum volumetric fraction of NF for producing high strength SCC was found as 0.5%. The fresh properties of complete combinations are within the required range, according to EFNARC guidelines. The strength properties enhance with the addition of NF. The length of NF has a significant impact on the amount of increment. The volumetric proportion of NF required to produce high-strength SCC was discovered to be 0.5 percent.

Published by: Qasim Alsherify

Author: Qasim Alsherify

Paper ID: V7I5-1171

Paper Status: published

Published: September 7, 2021

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Research Paper

Adsorption Behavior of Cu, Al, Mn, Sr, Pb, Cd, Zn, and Ca Metal Ions on Cation Exchange Resign Dowex 50 WX8 (NH4+ form) from Aqueous Acetone – Ammonium Propionate Media

In the field of inorganic separation, the incentive to explore the use of non-aqueous or mixed solvent has been enhanced selectivity’s, discovered quite early in such media for Zeolites [1] and ion exchange resins [2]. The partial substitution of an aqueous solution by organic solvent produces a number of changes in an exchange system. The electrolyte plays a significant role in the ion exchange equilibrium with aqueous solutions. This effect is expected to be even more important in the adsorption equilibriums of metal ions from mixed aqueous organic solvents. Adsorption equilibrium depends on the properties of the organic solvent and the reaction with resin and electrolytes which determine the equilibrium. The metal ion exchange on cation exchangers and their uses has been done.

Published by: Rajan Kamble

Author: Rajan Kamble

Paper ID: V7I5-1169

Paper Status: published

Published: September 7, 2021

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Research Paper

Automated real-time detection and reporting accidents using IoT based helmet

In recent days, road accidents are occurred as regular habits by mainly using motorbikes. The goal of this project is proposed to prevent, detect and report the accidents to the respective authorities. This may reduce severe accidents and as well as may save the lives of people. We propose the solution, where the helmet itself initiates communication to report the accident using a person’s phone. Our design consists of Arduino Microcontroller, transmitter and receivers, and sensors. By using RF transmitter and indicator, indicates that the person is wearing a helmet, if it doesn’t indicate which means the person doesn’t wear a helmet. Only then does the bike get started. So, this will be the initial prevention in this design. If a severe accident occurs, the pressure sensor in the helmet detects the pressure limit, then python code executes and triggers the alert message using cloud authentication. Mobile application catches the trigger and obtain the device’s location and sends the alert message to nearby hospitals, relations. There will also be a buzzer sound to alert the nearby people to draw attention, even if it is unable to send an alert message. If there is a mild accident and no injury, there will be a reset button to cancel the sending of the alert messages using a secret PIN.

Published by: Karthik B.

Author: Karthik B.

Paper ID: V7I5-1151

Paper Status: published

Published: September 4, 2021

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Supercharge the dopamine naturally for a good feel

“Happiness depends on ourselves.” More than anybody else. Yes when an exogenic force shakes our mental equilibrium to drop down, we must be aware to reboot with our God’s pharmacy app that is inbuilt in our body. Dopamine also plays a big role in our ability to think, plan, focus, and engage in activities; it drives motivation. If dopamine levels are low, we may struggle with motivation or feel a little down. Thankfully, there are some incredible ways to increase dopamine levels naturally. So, let us dive into the natural mood-boosting hacks that will drive us to positivity and success. This article scribes down to unveil the ways to boost our hanging android that is sad and sorrows, weary and worn out by just activating the hormone app that is inbuilt as God’s Pharmacy.

Published by: Dr. Esther John, Priscilla Prabu

Author: Dr. Esther John

Paper ID: V7I5-1136

Paper Status: published

Published: September 4, 2021

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