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Research Paper

The impacts of COVID-19 on the investment behavior of entrepreneurs in India

Investment behavior is directly proportional to market stability. The onset of COVID-19 rattled the economy and as a result, there was a steep decline in the market stability. Various investors across the globe have reacted to this sudden change by adapting to the situation and making amendments to their investment strategies. Similarly, entrepreneurs have done the same by adopting a certain methodology to approach investment and make profits in the investment industry during the pandemic. The purpose of this paper is to analyze qualitative factors of investment behavior of entrepreneurs such as mental stress and underlying mentality to understand their investment strategies and provide a few solutions to decrease their chances of losses when they invest in any securities, especially during the pandemic. Primary data is used to conduct the research so that entrepreneurs can anonymously provide their insight on what they think are factors and purposes of investment for someone who has active business operations underway.

Published by: Dr. Varsha Agarwal, Findoliya Vidhiben Ashwin Bhai, Neha Suresh

Author: Dr. Varsha Agarwal

Paper ID: V7I4-1856

Paper Status: published

Published: August 26, 2021

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Research Paper

Rape: Legal changes towards justice for rape

The word “rape” has come from the Latin word “rapio” which means to “seize.” The crime of Rape is a major problem in India and this paper tries to highlight the same issue by giving an overview of sexual violence cases and the amendments brought to it. The criminal procedure code, Indian penal code, and Indian Evidence Act are the milestones discussed in this paper to give light on such sensitive topics of Rape in India. The stigma which exists in our society for a very long period of time is RAPE. The dictionary meaning of the word rape is “the ravishing or violation of a woman.” The woman who is the victim of the rape undergoes a traumatic situation and it is really very difficult for a woman to come out of this painful trauma. In India Rape is considered a cognizable offense. There are many various provisions under IPC (Indian Penal Code) rape is defined under article 375[1] of IPC, 1860. The definition of the crime is defined under this article and also it prescribes the punishment of rape. When a man penetrates or does a sexual activity or sexual intercourse with a woman without her consent, it will amount to rape. Here penetration means that even the slightest touch of the penis to the vagina amounts to rape, it cannot be said that rape is not committed if the hymen is ruptured. Under IPC it has been clearly mentioned that no person can disclose the name of the rape victim and if anybody does so, he will be punished with either description for a term that may extend to two years and shall also be liable for a fine. That person who commits such crimes is considered a psychologically sadistic person who commits such shameful crime of Rape. It is regarded as a threatening act towards a woman, it creates fear and humiliation in the mind of the victim. It is not an assault only against a woman but against her family and community as well. Sexual violence and domestic violence is not only a national problem but a global problem. Though many efforts need to be done to provide justice to all the victims of Rape. Legislative acts and judicial judgments can bring major changes in society. Investigative officers and health care departments play a vital role in such sensitive matters especially during criminal trials going against the prosecutor. Every state should try to bring positive changes towards providing justice to sexual assault victims, 164(A) CrPC, Section 164A (7) CrPC, section 39 CrPC, section 375 IPC or 376 IPC, 176 CrPC, Section (1A),

Published by: Isha Pandey

Author: Isha Pandey

Paper ID: V7I4-1831

Paper Status: published

Published: August 25, 2021

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Direct Control of Instantaneous Torque of Switched Reluctance Motor using ANFIS Controller in Generating mode and Motoring mode

A flexible combination of vehicle modes and modified collision-brake vehicles can be used to control the quality of equipment and various processes. This type of SRM electric drive is very different from traditional electric drives in both construction and control. The paper looks at the design features of the SRD brake control system. According to it is proposed a novel algorithm for direct control of rapid torque. Analysis of the dynamics of electric and mechanical driving during the transition of adjacent sections is analyzed. The effectiveness of the proposed control method is proven by the simulation model. In addition, factors affecting the accuracy of the high-speed control system are analyzed.

Published by: Bagyalakshmi B., D. Bhanu Murthy

Author: Bagyalakshmi B.

Paper ID: V7I4-1790

Paper Status: published

Published: August 25, 2021

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Review Paper

Flexible manufacturing technology – A review of facility design and the scheduling

This paper presents developments on facility layout design and the scheduling in Flexible Manufacturing Systems. We address conventional ways of design and issues related to layout design. We discuss development and approach in facility design for layout design, P/D points, and flow path design. Also, various approaches to scheduling in FMS are discussed in the paper. Various literature is reviewed and formulated in a simplified manner.

Published by: Ershad Jahagirdar, Harish

Author: Ershad Jahagirdar

Paper ID: V7I4-1840

Paper Status: published

Published: August 24, 2021

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Research Paper

A research study on the rise of crude oil prices with global context

The price of Crude oil reached a 32 month high as the price of Brent crude rose by 6 tenths of a percentage to $73.29. However the surge is not expected to end here. The rise in the price of crude oil has lead to the surge in the price of petrol and diesel which is already becoming unaffordable for the common man. The rise in price of crude oil can be explained by Adam Smith also known as the father of economics, theory of supply and demand. In the year 2020 the world was plagued with an unforeseen once in a century pandemic. .During the time of the pandemic many countries were forced to put its people on Lockdown which lead to a drastic fall in demand which lead to crude oil being traded on the negative thus at that time a decision was taken by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to cut the supply. In the year 2021 with the discovery of the Vaccine against the coronavirus Economic activity has resumed in most parts of the world which lead to a sky rocketing of demand with which the supply, previously cut could not match. The current price of Brent crude is now at $52 a barrel at the time of Lockdown it was trading at 19 dollars a barrel. According to OPEC’s monthly report of June they expect the demand of crude oil 96.58 barrels per day when in 2020 it was 90.63 barrels per day. According to the same report the demand of crude oil is said to further increase in the second half of the year with more and more of the world resuming economic activity. The international energy agency has predicted that by 2022 the pre pandemic level demand will be surpassed and has asked all oil producing nations to “open the tap” to continue to keep the world running. The rapid increase in the price of crude oil has had a significant impact on the state of India. Petroleum prices have skyrocketed and have become almost unaffordable to the common man. The price of petrol has been raised by 10.8 rupees a litres and in the same time period the price of diesel has been raised by 11.5 rupees a litre with both fuels being sold upwards of rupees 100 a litre.

Published by: Arhant Bubna

Author: Arhant Bubna

Paper ID: V7I4-1836

Paper Status: published

Published: August 24, 2021

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Review Paper

Estimation of public building (office building) in Google spreadsheet

Traditionally, estimating meant using Microsoft Excel to create a spreadsheet on your desktop or server. With the rise of cloud-based tools, today you might use Excel online, which allows you to collaborate with others in an online spreadsheet or Google Sheets which is a similar online tool. Which version you choose will likely depend on your company setup and whether you use Outlook (Microsoft) or Gmail (Google) for your general company email and functions. If you do happen to find any mistakes you can simply go back and edit the drawings and reprocess your file. About estimating, it is done to find out quantity of materials required for a particular project, also rate analysis if done for the same work which needs to be done. Rate analysis includes finding out cost of materials, labours with extra charges which are included in further chapters. The plans is made using AutoCAD, which are given at the end of project in appendix. This plans were made and estimation was done of the building in plan

Published by: Sufiyan Hidayat Khan, Rohit Vasudev Lassi, Om Rajesh Dhonnar, Bhushan Umesh Alhat, Nyra Hiren Narang

Author: Sufiyan Hidayat Khan

Paper ID: V7I4-1833

Paper Status: published

Published: August 24, 2021

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