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Anti-malarial drug therapy employing falcipain2 inhibitors

Malaria is one of the most infectious disease affecting 300-500 million people every year. The increased resistance of the parasitic strains to anti-malarial drugs have made it all the more difficult to combat the disease at an early stage. Therefore, there is an immediate need to come up with novel strategies to arrest the spread of infection. We have been able to conclude that falcipain2, cysteine protease from P.falciparum is mainly responsible for degradation of haemoglobin and thus inhibitors of falcipain2 will block the hydrolysis of haemoglobin, preventing the further spread of infection. This article mainly focuses on the identification of new drug targets for antimalarial therapy and characterization of falcipain2 inhibitors by carrying out docking studies and statistical analysis. We have used docking softwares to identify the specific conformations of ligands that show the maximum binding affinity with the target and further analysed these results by generating descriptors manually to perform QSAR. We have made use of regression studies to perform similarity analysis by generating optimum models using statistical software. The models were generated with r2 =0.99, r2cv= 0.99, s= 0.002 when Ds and GATS8s descriptors were correlated. The main classes of falcipain2 inhibitors include peptides comprising of vinyl sulphones, aldehydes, and ketone groups7. These peptides were tested for anti-malarial activity and two potential hits were identified.

Published by: Swarnali Sarkar

Author: Swarnali Sarkar

Paper ID: V7I4-1832

Paper Status: published

Published: August 24, 2021

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Research Paper

Hybrid Cryptography for Secured Cloud Computing

Cloud is the ideal method to hold our information consistently. However the secrecy of our information is a major worry in the treatment of cloud information. Information honesty, verification and privacy are fundamental security dangers in the cloud. Cryptography methods and Outsider Evaluator (TPA) are extremely valuable to force the uprightness and classification of information. In this paper, a framework is proposed Improving information insurance that is housed in distributed computing. The recommended arrangement utilizes the RSA calculation and the AES calculation to encode client information. The hybridization of these two calculations permits better information security before it is put away in the cloud. Secure hash calculation 512 is utilized to register the Hash Message Confirmation Code (HMAC). A steady review program is additionally presented for Outsider Reviewer (TPA) use

Published by: Sanjana Krishnamsetty, B.Ravindra babu

Author: Sanjana Krishnamsetty

Paper ID: V7I4-1835

Paper Status: published

Published: August 20, 2021

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Online reservation system

In this project, we have used Microsoft Visual Studio ( as frontend and SQL Server 2008 as a backend the topic is of online hotel booking system "A complete solution for Banquet Hall and Hotel Booking” is selected for the purpose of this project and the algorithms used in Online hotel booking is the main focus. This program is intended to reduce the manual work related to booking a banquet hall for a specific purpose. This uses specific locations and makes the booking of banquet hall easier and effective for the user. This system provides information related to the banquet hall and on basis of customer preference like capacity it proposes and recommends the best banquet hall available at a particular location. The database would include a series of information and with help of algorithms, it combines the preferences of the customer and provide the best banquet hall. The specific features of every banquet hall would be added to the database to provide the best method of booking.

Published by: Navin, Rajendra Singh Khatana

Author: Navin

Paper ID: V7I4-1821

Paper Status: published

Published: August 20, 2021

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Research Paper

Credit card fraud detection using Machine Learning

The task is primarily centered around charge card misrepresentation location in the genuine world. An incredible development in the quantity of charge card exchanges has as of late prompted a significant ascent in fake exercises. The intention is to get products without paying or to get unapproved assets from a record. Execution of effective misrepresentation recognition frameworks has gotten basic for all charge cards giving banks to limit their misfortunes. Perhaps the most vital difficulty in making the business is that neither the card nor the cardholder should be available when the buy is being made. This makes it unthinkable for the trader to check whether the client making a buy is a valid cardholder or not. With the proposed conspire, utilizing irregular timberland calculation the exactness of recognizing the extortion can be improved. Order interaction of irregular timberland calculation to examine informational collection and client current dataset. At last, streamline the exactness of the outcome information. The presentation of the procedures is assessed dependent on exactness, affectability, and explicitness, and accuracy. The presentation of the procedures is assessed dependent on exactness, affectability, and explicitness, and accuracy.

Published by: Sree Maurya Eluri, K. Madhu Kiran

Author: Sree Maurya Eluri

Paper ID: V7I4-1826

Paper Status: published

Published: August 20, 2021

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Research Paper

Ideas and suggestions for integrating future urban areas with roads & highways development for economic prosperity

This paper focuses on how we should effectively utilize and develop the civil engineering infrastructure - for the much-needed growth and development considering that 42% of India’s population will be staying in urban areas by 2030. it will be highly imperative that India builds more infra facilities in urban areas and develop suburbs and satellite cities and focus on smart area development/ smart satellite cities to accommodate the movement & shift to the cities/ urban areas. this needs government support in terms of land, buildings, medical personnel, and their training colleges in the first place. there has to be some nodal and well-established government body that drives the entire process of creating a healthy infrastructure first.

Published by: Dinesh Bhaskar Bandivdekar

Author: Dinesh Bhaskar Bandivdekar

Paper ID: V7I4-1814

Paper Status: published

Published: August 20, 2021

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Review Paper

Literature survey of black nightshade (Solanum Nigrum Linn)

Night black shade (Solanum Nigrum) is an important medicinal plant widely used in the Unani system of Medicine. (Family – Solanaceae). The plants are cultivated throughout the country in dry parts. Common in cultivated lands, roadsides and gardens. The plants are prescribed in various aliments like – Ascites, Piles, Chronic Cirrhosis of the liver, Gonorrhoea, Gouty joints, and various skin disorders. Through this paper, the effort has been to collect information on the Medicinal properties of Mako (Solanum Nigrum) plant species.

Published by: S. Nithya

Author: S. Nithya

Paper ID: V7I4-1782

Paper Status: published

Published: August 19, 2021

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