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Psoriasis stages detection through image processing

Air Pollution can have numerous unfavorable impacts on the skin. In thickly populated regions, skin infections are more normal. These infections can effectively affect lives and make an extraordinary requirement for determination. This proposition centers around precise analysis utilizing picture handling. This strategy intends to identify skin infections by looking at the information picture. This includes separating the info picture to eliminate clamor and changing it over to grayscale. At last, picture division is performed. To diminish the information that should be prepared by the classifier, highlight extraction is utilized. To recognize skin illnesses, the SVM (Support Vector Machine), is utilized for picture grouping. Innovation has made it simpler to analyze and treat sickness rapidly. The proposed technique can recognize skin conditions, for example, rosacea and melanoma with a high precision speed of 89%

Published by: Prabaharan J, Srihari U., Sharath C, ThanujKumar V, Vishal S

Author: Prabaharan J

Paper ID: V7I4-1516

Paper Status: published

Published: August 10, 2021

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Research Paper

Progressive collapse analysis of steel frame structure in different earthquake zones

The progressive collapse of structures is initiated by the loss of one or more load-carrying members. As a result, the structure will seek alternate load paths to transfer the load to structural elements, which may or may not have been designed to resist the additional loads. Failure of overloaded structural elements will cause a further redistribution of loads, a process that may continue until stable equilibrium is reached. Equilibrium may be reached when a substantial part of the structure has already collapsed. The resulting overall damage may be disproportionate to the damage in the local region near the lost member. Loss of primary members and the ensuing progressive collapse are dynamic nonlinear processes.

Published by: Mohammed Aamair Ameen, Jitesh Jagannath Dhule

Author: Mohammed Aamair Ameen

Paper ID: V7I4-1740

Paper Status: published

Published: August 10, 2021

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Research Paper

A novel approach to acquiring communication through ‘LSRW’ skills

Language learning and communication are skill-building activities, which can be developed and acquired by doing…doing…doing a lot of practice. If we talk about language learning and communication, everyone should remember about the four key skills – Listening [L], Speaking [S], Reading [R] and Writing [W]. Without the acquisition of these major skills, it is impossible for anyone to be competent enough to converse in English with others.

Published by: Dr. S. R. Kannan

Author: Dr. S. R. Kannan

Paper ID: V7I4-1500

Paper Status: published

Published: August 10, 2021

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Review Paper

Object segregation using R-CNN

Computer vision is the science of computers and pack-age systems that can also recognize how images and scenes are perceived. PC Vision consists of a variety of solutions that include image recognition, object recognition, image generation, super-resolution of images, and much more. widely used in facial recognition, vehicle recognition, pedestrian counting, network mapping, security systems, and autonomous cars, but here we have a tendency to specialize in completely different sensible objects, those with different kinds of fruits, buttons, coins, etc. In this project, we use extremely correct object recognition algorithms and methods like RCNN, FastRCNN, FasterRCNN, Mobilnet, and fast but extremely correct methods like SSD. If we understand frameworks by using dependencies like TensorFlow, OpenCV, etc., we can recognize every single object in the image through the realm object in a highlighted area and determine every single object and assign its label to the object. This also includes the precision of every technique used to distinguish between objects.

Published by: Nihal Kumar Singh, Aakash Singh, Ashish Prasad, S. Usha

Author: Nihal Kumar Singh

Paper ID: V7I4-1511

Paper Status: published

Published: August 9, 2021

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Research Paper


White pebbles of Silica origin, found in large quantities at Lonar Crater has been reported, though the source and origin of these pebbles as well as big boulders and basaltic rocks appearing white in color is not yet understood still. Research papers on Lonar Crater has not reported the abundance of pebbles and boulders present in Lonar Crater affected area, so far river pebbles and Lonar Crater pebbles exhibits similar in characteristics, physically and in chemical compositions, but boulders of big size are not found in any other water body or wetland water body. It has been reported through this paper of such big boulders and concluding that Lonar pebbles and big size boulders are not Lonar Crater origin. They have been transported by human activity and natural calamity. Boulders and pebbles may not be the evidence of meteorite impacted at Lonar Crater. They are not related to meteorite impact or volcanic eruption. They are not formed from the impacts of meteorites or volcanic eruptions.

Published by: Harishchandra Bala Mali, Raju D. Jadhav

Author: Harishchandra Bala Mali

Paper ID: V7I4-1672

Paper Status: published

Published: August 9, 2021

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Research Paper

Prediction of the stock price using Machine Learning techniques

As people's interest in forecasting stock prices has been increased in recent years, research on stock price analysis using big data and artificial intelligence. In this paper, we performed sentimental analysis by this work by creating and analyzing a sentimental vocabulary using news items. We can get the positive index of news stories using the sentimental dictionary. We can get the positive index of news stories for each date using the emotive dictionary. We can get the positive index of news stories for each date using the emotive dictionary. We can confirm the utility and possibility of sentimental analysis in the stock market by examining the correlation value between the positive index value and the stock return value.

Published by: Apoorva Y.

Author: Apoorva Y.

Paper ID: V7I4-1686

Paper Status: published

Published: August 9, 2021

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