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Cost-effective social distance maintenance in primary schools

During the СОVID-19 раndemiс, teсhnоlоgiсаl sоlutiоns аre сritiсаl keeр оur сities funсtiоnаl, аnd truly the lоng-lаsting imрасts оf engаging teсhnоlоgies оn urbаn аreаs mаy оссur beyоnd СОVID-19. This Reseаrсh Tорiс аims tо reseаrсh the sustаinаbility, tоlerаbility аnd reliаbility оf IоT sоlutiоns in resроnse tо the СОVID-19 раndemiс. In Indiа, mоst оf the eduсаtiоnаl institutiоns shut dоwn аt the beginning оf Mаrсh 2020. Сhildren аnd раrents hаd thоught thаt sсhооls wоuld орen uр аfter twо оr three mоnths. But аfter оne yeаr, the sсhооls remаin сlоsed. Аlsо, sоme sсhооls thаt did орen аre being рооrly аffeсted by the seсоnd wаve оf соvid sрreаd. Аn аutоmаtiс hаnd sаnitizer disрensing mасhine is аutоmаted, nоn-соntасt hаnd sаnitizer disрenser, whiсh finds its use in hоsрitаls, wоrk рlасes, оffiсes, sсhооls аnd fаr mоre. Sаnitizer is essentiаlly а sоlvent, аnd аlsо а reаlly gооd disinfeсtаnt in соmраrisоn tо sоар оr sоlid sоар, аlsо it dоesdon't need wаter tо sсrub оff sinсe it is vоlаtile аnd vароrizes instаntly аfter аррliсаtiоn tо hаnds. We аre аlsо inсluded sосiаl distаnсing in оur рrороsed system by using ultrаsоniс sensоr whiсh indiсаtes the distаnсe between the students аnd system sо thаt соntасtless envirоnment саn be сreаted in оrder tо аvоid sрreаding оf Соvid-19. The effeсtiveness оf the рrороsed аррrоасh in terms оf reliаbility, соst is meаsured аnd рresented in this рарer.

Published by: Joicy Castilino, Vandana C. P., Harshitha Sundarvelu, Helen Hephzibah, Simran Fathima

Author: Joicy Castilino

Paper ID: V7I4-1402

Paper Status: published

Published: July 19, 2021

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Research Paper

Study showing the relationship between online food delivery platforms and revenue earned by restaurants in Mumbai.

Online orders and doorstep delivery are one of the most significant developments in India in recent times. The customers are fortunate to select any food item of their choice from any of the listed restaurants at whatever time to any place. The main objective of this study is to collect information about online food platform and how it influences the revenue earned by restaurants in Mumbai. The data will be collected through the questionnaire distributed to 114 restaurants and 100 customers across Mumbai City who are using online food delivery platforms. Also, interviews will be conducted with the managers to know to analyze the cost and benefits of using an online delivery platform. Also, secondary sources of information like journals and research articles will be used for the purpose of the research. Data will be analyzed using SPSS Package, etc and the conclusion will be based on analyzed data.

Published by: Prachi Malgaonkar, Ayudha Raul

Author: Prachi Malgaonkar

Paper ID: V7I4-1433

Paper Status: published

Published: July 19, 2021

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Research Paper

CARKART: A Machine Learning and Augmented Reality application to ease car retailing

CarKart is a user-friendly futuristic android application with Machine Learning and Augmented reality capabilities. It enables the user to upload the image of the car which can be processed to detect the foremost probable car. The machine learning model is trained on the Stanford car dataset containing 196 classes of cars. Hence, this problem is categorized as a multi-label classification problem. Additionally, the users are going to be able to view various models of cars available within the market alongside their specifications and video feed, Fetch a list of nearby showrooms and repair centers, set service reminders, provide their feedback, survey on used cars, check their availability and costs, be able to contact car dealers, thereby introducing the concept of retail. The app also displays the live-size 3D prototype of certain selected car models using Augmented Reality. So, the user can consider all the essential factors before arriving at an informed decision as per their requirement.

Published by: Mrunalini M., Kasthuri C. M., Pranjal Sharma, Gururaj S. P.

Author: Mrunalini M.

Paper ID: V7I4-1407

Paper Status: published

Published: July 19, 2021

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Research Paper

Facial emotion recognition and detection

Face and Emotion recognition presents a challenging problem in the field of image analysis and computer vision. The security of information is becoming very significant and difficult. Security cameras are presently common in airports, offices, universities, ATMs, and banks, and in any locations with a security system. Face recognition is a biometric system used to identify or verify a person from a digital image. The Face recognition system should be automatically able to detect a face and its emotions. This system would be able to perform for multiple people at a time.

Published by: Pranav S., Praveen C., Niveditha C. B., Asha Rani Borah

Author: Pranav S.

Paper ID: V7I4-1385

Paper Status: published

Published: July 19, 2021

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Review Paper

Seed Vigor Testing in Cotton: A Review

Attaining seed and seedling vigor in cotton is a goal of both researchers and producers. By separating and defining components of seed and seedling vigor, progress can be achieved. Seed vigor should be distinguished from seed viability and defined in terms of low degree of seed deterioration. Being a connecting link between two generations of plants or crops, seed is a carrier of new technology or new improvements made by the breeders, seed vigour is an important parameter, needs to be assessed primarily to supplement germination and viability tests to gain insight into the performance of a cotton seed lot in the field or in storage. Seeds are prime factor for crop production, human nutrition, and food security. The key component of the performance of crop seeds is the complex trait of seed vigour. In Agriculture, the crop yield and resource use efficiency depend on successful plant establishment in the field, and it is the vigour of seeds that defines their ability to germinate and establish seedlings rapidly, uniformly, and robustly across diverse environmental conditions prevailing in region. Improving vigour to enhance the critical and yield-defining stage of crop establishment remains a primary objective of the agricultural industry. The knowledge of the regulation of seed germination has developed greatly in recent decades. However, the understanding of the basis of variation in vigour and therefore seed performance during the establishment of crops remains limited. Here we consider seed vigour at an eco-physiological, molecular, and biomechanical level. We discuss how some seed characteristics that serve as adaptive responses to the natural environment are not suitable for agriculture. Past domestication has provided incremental improvements, but further actively directed change is required to produce seeds with the characteristics required both now and in the future. In this paper, the focus is to discuss ways in which basic plant science could be applied to enhance seed performance in cotton production.

Published by: Dr. Vaibhav V. Ujjainkar, Dr. Manoj W. Marawar

Author: Dr. Vaibhav V. Ujjainkar

Paper ID: V7I4-1347

Paper Status: published

Published: July 19, 2021

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Research Paper

Characteristic study in optimization of Biomethanation process for high TDS spent wash from Distilleries

Acidic in nature, dark brown colored rich source of salts, a highly thick and viscous by-product of the sugar industry is known as Molasses. This molasses also contains sugar which could not be crystallized. It is one of the strongest organic industrial waste and even complex troublesome having extremely very high Chemical Oxygen Demand and Biological Oxygen Demand values. Due to the high concentration of organic contents in distillery spent wash which acts as a potential source of renewable energy. In a developing country like India, distilleries have become a major source of pollution as 88% of its raw materials are converted into waste and discharged into the distillery for every liter of ethanol produced.

Published by: Lalitha Devaraju, Dr. Manju B., Dr. Sathisha N. S., Dr. Kiran B. M.

Author: Lalitha Devaraju

Paper ID: V7I4-1261

Paper Status: published

Published: July 19, 2021

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