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Automatic Drain Water Cleaner System

The proposed concept is to exchange the manual add gutter cleaning by Automated Drain Water cleaner system. Now-a-days albeit mechanical drainage plays an important role altogether domestic and industrial applications within the proper disposal of sewages from domestic, industries and commercials are still a challenging task. Drainage pipes are using for the disposal and unfortunately sometimes there could even be loss of human life while cleaning the blockages within the system . The Automated Drain Water Cleaning system may be a machine which helps to guard the environment from different sorts of environmental hazards through the promotion waste management by the removal of garbage from the drainage system. These wastes when not removed end up settling in residential places where these wastes are burnt thereby causing global climate change otherwise these wastes block the drainage systems thereby causing flooding. In this project the proposal concept is to exchange the manual add drainage cleaning by automated system. We know that water features a superb importance face to face life, the water flow in drain full of wastes like polythene, bottles etc. The gutters get blocked because of these wastes in water. To overcome this problem and many |to avoid wasting “to save lots of lots of human life we implement a design “Automated Gutter Cleaning system” which we've designed our project to use this in efficient thanks to control the disposal of wastages and with regular

Published by: Kaushik Shet, ASHISH KALEKAR, Amol Yadav, Aniket Bhade, Krushna Ghadale

Author: Kaushik Shet

Paper ID: V7I4-1415

Paper Status: published

Published: July 18, 2021

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Research Paper

An efficient quality-driven of face occlusion detection and recognition

This paper affords a identify and discover human faces in a photograph irrespective of their position, scale, in-aircraft rotation, orientation, pose, illumination, etc. To efficaciously become aware of the individual through surprising the history and different noises withinside the photograph. It has to be easy and powerful for the customers and become aware of faces which might be covered with a scarf, mask, shades, etc, This is one of the vital components that influences the overall performance of face reputation. Many algorithms and technology are proposed to clear up the occluded face reputation wherein we use a haar cascade set of rules that is the simplest one. Initially, this set of rules wishes loads of nice pix(pix of faces) and terrible pix(pix without faces) to teach the classifier then we should extract features from it. Facial detection is prompted through the readability of the photograph, colored or black and white pix. It can simplest help frontal detection of pix and the education does take loads of time with a purpose to separate a terrible face from a nice face.

Published by: Shashidhar V., Harshitha B. S., Kavya K., Kaveri K., Rashmi J. B.

Author: Shashidhar V.

Paper ID: V7I4-1392

Paper Status: published

Published: July 18, 2021

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Research Paper

Voice Based Message System Visually Impaired People

The advancement in computer based accessible systems has opened up many avenues for the visually impaired across a wide majority of the globe. Audio feedback based virtual environment like, the screen readers have helped visually impaired people to access internet applications immensely. However, a large section of visually impaired people in different countries, in particular, the Indian sub-continent could not benefit much from such systems. This was primarily due to the difference in the technology required for Indian languages compared to those corresponding to other popular languages of the world. In this paper, we describe the voice message system architecture that can be used by a visually impaired person to access messages easily and efficiently. The contribution made by this research has enabled the visually impaired people to send and receive voice-based messages in their native language with the help of a mobile device. Our proposed system GUI has been evaluated against the GUI of a traditional message server. We found that our proposed architecture performs much better than that of the existing GUIS. In this project, we use voice to text and text to voice technique access for visually impaired people. This project introduces the Voice based message system structural design that can be used by a visually impaired person to access messaging easily. The involvement of research is helping visually impaired individual to send and receive voice based messages in their inhabitant language with the help of a computer

Published by: Nagesh S., S. Sathish Kumar, Latha K., S. Shanmuga Priya

Author: Nagesh S.

Paper ID: V7I4-1413

Paper Status: published

Published: July 18, 2021

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Research Paper

Development and evaluation of solar photovoltaic driven condensing unit for the solar distillation system

Solar distillation is a promising technology for clean water production in areas with abundant solar energy. The main constraint of this technology is low production capacity. In various studies, it has been found that improving water evaporation and vapor condensation inside distillation units can help in increasing the productivity of the solar distillation unit. In the proposed research work single basin double slope solar distillation unit was modified using external reflectors and a solar photovoltaic driven condenser. Experimentation was carried out for comparative performance evaluation of simple conventional distillation unit and modified distillation unit with external reflector and condenser. It was found that the external reflector on the glass cover increases the incident solar energy and thus increases water temperature inside the distillation unit. The rate of evaporation also increased due to condensing fan and condenser coupled with the distillation unit. Results obtained for comparative performance simple distillation unit and modified distillation unit shows that the productivity of single basin double slope solar distillation unit with reflector and SPV drove condenser was 35%. Also, it was found that the modified distillation unit was economically feasible than the conventional distillation unit.

Published by: Supriya Balasaheb Ghule, Dr. A. G. Mohod, Dr. Y. P. Khandetod, Dr. K. G. Dhande, M. B. Patil

Author: Supriya Balasaheb Ghule

Paper ID: V7I4-1357

Paper Status: published

Published: July 18, 2021

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Research Paper

Melanoma Classification using Convolutional Neural Network Model Integrated with Tabular Model

Melanoma is a major skin cancer type that has a very high death rate. The various sorts of skin abrasions cause an imprecise analysis because of their high resemblance. Precise categorization of the skin abrasions in the premature phase will allow dermatologists to cure the affected individuals in well time and hence saving their lives. This is backed by a research that shows that 90% of the cases are curable, if identified in the initial phase. With the advancements in the computing power and image classification, automatic detection of the melanoma using computer algorithms has become far reliable. With many methods used, neural networks prove to be the best solution devised to attain the highest accuracy in classifying melanoma through early symptoms. We did our survey to find the drawbacks of recent models that serve this purpose with the goal to overcome them and provide a better solution. With the findings based on this survey, we proposed a model that stives to overcome the drawbacks concluded from the previous models. With an accuracy of ~96%, the proposed model provides better solution in prediciting whether the skin lesions are malignant or not.

Published by: Harshkumar Modi, Bhavya Chhabra, Sukkrit

Author: Harshkumar Modi

Paper ID: V7I4-1427

Paper Status: published

Published: July 18, 2021

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Research Paper

Facial Recognition with Expression

In this paper, motions are a strong tool in communication and a technique that humans show their emotions is through their facial expressions. one among the difficult and powerful tasks in social communications is countenance recognition, as in non-verbal communication, facial expressions are key. In the field of computing, face expression Recognition (FER) may be a spirited analysis space, with many recent studies using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). during this paper, we demonstrate the classification of FER supported static images, using CNNs, while not requiring any pre-processing or feature extraction tasks. The paper conjointly illustrates techniques to improve future accuracy throughout this space by victimisation preprocessing, which includes face detection and illumination correction. Feature extraction is utilized to extract the foremost prominent components of the face, together with the jaw, mouth, eyes, nose, and eyebrows. what is more, we tend to conjointly discuss the literature review and gift our CNN design, and the challenges of victimisation max-pooling and dropout, that eventually aided in higher performance. we tend to obtained a check accuracy of 61.7% on FER2013 throughout a seven-classes classification task compared to seventy five.2% in progressive classification.

Published by: Manoj P., Mahesh N., Shivakumar Vishwakarma R., Alpha Vijayan

Author: Manoj P.

Paper ID: V7I4-1410

Paper Status: published

Published: July 18, 2021

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