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Research Paper

Impact of E-Learning on Students

Education refers to the teaching or training of people. It is generally carried out in educational institutes such as schools, colleges, universities, etc. With time, the modes of teaching have changed with innovations and changes in technology, a new and better understanding of concepts, etc. However, in the last two to three years, the education sector was shocked worldwide. Due to the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic caused by the Coronavirus, schools, colleges, and all other educational institutes were forced to shut physical classes. Institutes across the globe had to adapt to the environment and shift to online methods of teaching. The change was notably difficult for most institutes. It was not only difficult for the teachers to teach but students also found it difficult to concentrate in online lectures and retain the same information they could easily retain in offline classes. With a little time and a better understanding of the resources at hand, the world has adjusted to online learning. However, with the pandemic dying down and things opening up physically worldwide, one question remains: What is the impact of offline classes and online classes on students? With the virus almost gone, is it better to resume offline classes, or do online lectures provide the students with better educational knowledge? This is an important question as this impacts not only the students but also decides what will make our future generations more capable and ready to take on the world in their future.

Published by: Riya Gupta

Author: Riya Gupta

Paper ID: V9I2-1424

Paper Status: published

Published: August 17, 2023

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Research Paper

Study on the development and optimization of low-cost exoskeletons for Indian soldiers

This research study aims to investigate the design, development, and optimization of low-cost exoskeleton technology to enhance the physical capabilities of Indian soldiers. Exoskeletons hold tremendous potential in augmenting soldiers' strength and endurance, leading to improved performance during combat and operational tasks. However, the high costs associated with existing exoskeleton solutions often limit their widespread adoption, especially in resource-constrained settings like the Indian military. To address this challenge, the research will focus on the development of affordable exoskeleton prototypes without compromising on quality or effectiveness. The study will begin with a comprehensive review of existing exoskeleton designs, materials, and control mechanisms, identifying key factors influencing their cost. Based on this analysis, novel, and cost-effective approaches will be proposed, aiming to reduce production expenses while maintaining functionality and reliability. The design phase will leverage computer-aided modeling and simulation techniques to optimize the exoskeleton's structural integrity, ergonomics, and performance. Prototypes will be fabricated using locally available materials and manufacturing processes to reduce costs and ensure practicality for Indian military deployment. Moreover, the study will explore potential integration with advanced sensors and actuators, allowing for adaptive and intelligent control systems, further improving the exoskeleton's responsiveness and user experience.

Published by: Yashoda Kiran, Surabhi Sravani

Author: Yashoda Kiran

Paper ID: V9I2-1422

Paper Status: published

Published: August 17, 2023

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Review Paper

Investigating the Relationship between media representation and social attitudes towards LGBTQ Individuals in India

This paper delves into the intricate relationship between media representation of the LGBTQ community and the corresponding social attitudes toward them in India. With the diverse backdrop of the nation, the LGBTQ community faces a complex stance. A pivotal influencer of public perception and opinion in India is the film and entertainment industry, making it an important focal point of this study. By analyzing the impact of various movies on perceptions of the LGBTQ community, this paper highlights the industry's potential to drive transformative change in majority opinions.

Published by: Krishayveer Sultania

Author: Krishayveer Sultania

Paper ID: V9I2-1420

Paper Status: published

Published: August 17, 2023

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Research Paper

Utilization of artificial intelligence for disease diagnosis, personalized treatment plans, and drug discovery to enhance healthcare outcomes in India

Advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have revolutionized various industries, and healthcare is no exception. This journal document explores the potential impact of AI in three crucial areas of medical practice: disease diagnosis, personalized treatment plans, and drug discovery. The integration of AI technologies into these aspects of healthcare has shown promising results, offering the potential to significantly improve healthcare outcomes. The first section investigates the application of AI in disease diagnosis. AI-powered algorithms have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in analyzing complex medical data, including imaging, genetic information, and patient histories. By leveraging machine learning and pattern recognition, AI systems can accurately detect early signs of diseases and assist healthcare professionals in making quicker and more precise diagnoses. Early detection can lead to timely intervention, ultimately improving patient prognosis and reducing the burden on healthcare systems. The second section focuses on personalized treatment plans. Traditional medicine often relies on standardized treatment protocols, but individual variations in patient's genetic makeup, lifestyle, and environmental factors can significantly influence treatment efficacy. AI models can process vast amounts of patient data and generate personalized treatment recommendations based on specific patient profiles. These tailored treatment plans have the potential to enhance patient response to therapies, minimize adverse effects, and optimize healthcare resource allocation. The third section delves into the transformative potential of AI in drug discovery. Developing new pharmaceuticals is a time-consuming and costly process. AI-powered drug discovery platforms can accelerate the identification of potential drug candidates, significantly reducing the time and resources required for drug development. By analyzing molecular structures, biological interactions, and clinical data, AI can propose novel drug targets and repurpose existing medications for new therapeutic uses, expanding the scope of treatment options and speeding up the delivery of innovative therapies to patients. This journal document compiles recent research findings, case studies, and practical implementations of AI in disease diagnosis, personalized treatment plans, and drug discovery. It emphasizes the benefits of harnessing AI's analytical capabilities to enhance healthcare outcomes and foster more patient-centric and efficient medical practices. Despite the promising prospects, challenges related to data privacy, ethical considerations, and integration into clinical workflows must also be addressed for the widespread and responsible implementation of AI in healthcare.

Published by: Surabhi Sravani, Yashoda Kiran Lingam

Author: Surabhi Sravani

Paper ID: V9I2-1425

Paper Status: published

Published: August 11, 2023

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Research Paper

Cryptocurrency impact & potential in Indian and global Scenario

Cryptocurrency systems enable secure online payments in the form of virtual tokens. Tokens are represented by ledger entries that are kept internally by the system. Cryptocurrencies have gained popularity due to the decentralized concepts they represent, as well as the potential for significant rewards, but their uncertainty remains high, and these assets have a larger risk of loss than many traditional investments. Users produce bitcoins by giving processing power to verify other users' transactions, a process known as mining. It is important to note that digital currency transactions are taxable in India, provided the person earning the gains is an Indian tax resident, and that the government is developing new financial technology in the form of digital currencies to capitalize on the benefits of blockchain technology.

Published by: Riya Gupta

Author: Riya Gupta

Paper ID: V9I2-1423

Paper Status: published

Published: August 11, 2023

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Research Paper

Revival strategies for Xiaomi India toward a corrected consumer perception in today’s affordable and emerging markets

Xiaomi Corporation is a Chinese manufacturer that designs consumer electronics relating to software, home appliances, and household items. It is the second-largest manufacturer of smartphones in the world. With their price penetration strategy, they were able to become the bestselling smartphone sold in India, under the brand name Poco F1. Xiaomi held over 28% of the market share in India’s smartphone market in 2018, which gradually came down to 15% in 2023. However, the share of other Chinese brands in India’s smartphone market has only increased. This paper intends to understand the reasons for the downfall of the smartphone giant and some revival strategies to make a comeback again in the subcontinent.

Published by: Dr. Raghu. G. Anand

Author: Dr. Raghu. G. Anand

Paper ID: V9I2-1421

Paper Status: published

Published: August 4, 2023

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