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Review Paper

Analysis on the expectations of future multi-modal biometrics fusion

A biometric classification is basically a prototype detection system that is activated by gaining biometric evidence from a personality, mine the feature set from the attained data, and match up the facet set aligned with the pattern set in the database. This technology is also the science of distinguishing and recognizing the human qualities using e-equipments that channels and analyses the biological statistics. The multimodal biometric structure is becoming more and more popular, they have more accurateness as compared to unimodal biometric systems. These systems are more complex to build but these systems are the future traits. Current obsolete methods such as private-public keys, passwords, and PINs generated are with no trouble stolen and pooled. This paper focuses on the expertise that is used as modes of categorizing an individual based on their distinctive physiological and behavioral qualities to secure our information now and also in the future. Deployed multimodal biometric systems also referred to as multi-biometrics or even as multimodalities are commonly found and used in electronic chips, embedded in travel documents. A noteworthy amount of very topical advances to the appropriate fortification expertise has been available. This paper demonstrates an inclusive indication of a study in multibiometrics, the security of their stencils and the solitude concern that come to pass. State-of-the-art re-examination of the breathing fiction edifying the in-progress proposals are also supplied based on the altered levels of fusion and the employed protection algorithms.

Published by: Ms. S. Selvarani

Author: Ms. S. Selvarani

Paper ID: V6I2-1396

Paper Status: published

Published: April 18, 2020

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Review Paper

Review on DAQ systems using FPGA

This paper presents the review on different implementation of DAQ systems data is a bitcoin for everything gleaned and summary data of any embedded and digital system are further analysand by penetrating algorithms and hence endowing the respective system. In some cases the data will be live superintended,Collected data not only helps in endowing yet it would be used in research Data acquisition system is a crucial l thing in a digital system, in to-days world field's, Orientated on different application and requirement the data has been gleaned by divergent methodologies The paper gives the review about the divergent methodologies in gleaning data in contrary digital systems.

Published by: Ananya K. Nayaka, Dr. S. N. Prasad

Author: Ananya K. Nayaka

Paper ID: V6I2-1392

Paper Status: published

Published: April 18, 2020

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Technical Notes

Study of relation between spread of Covid-19 and Nitrogen dioxide

The COVID-19 virus is being spread all over the world and infected citizens of more than 212 territories with corona disease. About 1395136 people are infected by COVID-19 and 81580 total deaths up to now due to coronavirus are recorded according to WHO data. An emergency is being declared and the order of lockdown is given in most of the countries. The level of air pollution mainly nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is lowered drastically. There is a relation between the spread of COVID-19 and nitrogen dioxide and the temperature of various countries that we tried to study in this paper.

Published by: Bhalekar Sidhant Padmakar, Bhalekar Padmakar Jaywant

Author: Bhalekar Sidhant Padmakar

Paper ID: V6I2-1384

Paper Status: published

Published: April 18, 2020

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Review Paper

Web based blood bank management system

A blood bank is a bank of blood or blood constituents. “Blood Bank” means the storage of blood and where the blood is tested and preserved. Blood is an unstable product with uncertainties in both supply and demand and bloodstock management is, therefore, a judicious balance between shortage and wastage. The website eases the easy access to the blood of different blood groups as per the need of the particular person. The website also tells us about the bloodstock details, blood Issue details and it is regularly updated by the authorized person in the respective blood banks. Improvement of a blood supply chain is a hard process. To improve this, the web-based blood bank management system is accessible.

Published by: Vedanti Vishnu Deshpande, Shubham Kumar, Supriya Chaple

Author: Vedanti Vishnu Deshpande

Paper ID: V6I2-1382

Paper Status: published

Published: April 18, 2020

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Review Paper

A review on: Residual stresses in welding

Welding is a very popular process of metal joining. This process is carried out with the application of high heat; this rapid heating and cooling cause residual stress in the welding region which also results in metallurgical changes near the weld. This develops the Heat Affected Zones (HAZ). In the weld, stresses exist even when there is no external loading. This paper contains the literature of various techniques used for the study of residual stresses.

Published by: Kiran Manohar Thorve, Sarvesh Khairnar, Prasad Kevane, Kartik Naik, Kalpesh Marathe

Author: Kiran Manohar Thorve

Paper ID: V6I2-1412

Paper Status: published

Published: April 18, 2020

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Research Paper

A three-layer privacy scheme for storing data using fog computing along with cloud computing

Nowadays, we often listen to the word of cloud computing. In our technological world, we care a lot about our privacy, so we use cloud computing to achieve it. For the time being, there are many people who are interested in others life and are always try to get other data. Recently, We came to know that this cloud computing storage system also been crashed. In order to decrease the risk of losing data, we introduced a new technology called Fog computing. In this new storage system, we have used a theory of the Hash-Solomon code of algorithm which helps in dividing data into three parts. And fog computing we use is to store the three parts of data into cloud, fog and in secondary storage or main memory of the device/system. The composition of data that divided into is 95%, 4%, and 1% respectively. As it is dived into three parts it’ll be difficult for the hacker to crash into fog server and get the data stored in it. We all know about cloud storage is secured externally whereas fog server is secured both in and out of it. That means fog storage system is secured both internally and externally. Here Hash-Solomon ensures the data to be encoded first before dividing the data and even encodes each part after the division of data. For retrieving this data when the owner needed then it is decoded by Hash-Solomon itself, if we use another algorithm it will only do encode or decode but not both. So, we use this algorithm for flexibility, compatibility and also for better efficiency. So, we can say that this increases privacy protection.

Published by: M. Sai Poojitha, P. Jyothsna Vani, K. Yaseswini, L. Tejaswini

Author: M. Sai Poojitha

Paper ID: V6I2-1410

Paper Status: published

Published: April 18, 2020

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