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Research Paper

Design and fabrication of oil-revamp system using solar power

A Physical method using solar-powered is applied to revamp the used engine oil by the process of sedimentation in addition to the filtration process through the micron oil filter combined with different filtration processes and finally by heating the oil to the 40℃temperature to evaporate all the water contents. The friction between rubbing parts is one of the important factors in contamination of oil due to contamination barium and sulphure content is increased if that oil is used in the engine then there is an increase in carbon, ash, soot content in oil which are highly toxic &cause pollution to the summit if not filtered also the dumping of used oil into the soil can lead to degradation & barren of land & if the same oil leads to waterways via drainage the one gallon of waste oil is capable of polluting 10 million gallon water also revamping aids benefit to the consumer by being able to use that same oil, hence adds benefits to consumer by being able to use that same oil hence adds benefits to both nature & consumers.

Published by: Jagruti Yogesh Devare, Bhavika Shantaram Akhade, Shweta Gangaram Damre, Nikhil V. S.

Author: Jagruti Yogesh Devare

Paper ID: V6I2-1356

Paper Status: published

Published: April 8, 2020

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Research Paper

Irrational Numbers in the Physical Universe, and its effects on length, time and mass: Introduction to Physical Irrational Numbers

If we want to extend the length of a body (without stretching it), what can we do? We can simply add an element of desired length and extend that body. Keeping this in mind that to extend the length of the body we can add elements. Now, let’s take a body of length pi, which is 3.1415 m (first 4 places). Now let’s write this distance as sum of elements: 3 m + 0.1 m + 0.04 m + 0.001 m + 0.0005 m . . So as we go ahead the decimal places, we can see that the length of the elements which we are adding are getting smaller and smaller, and as we know in our physical universe, the smallest particle to exist is a quark, hence it will be our smallest element which we can add. And as there are no particles beyond quark hence the number will end at moment the diameter of a quark is reached, as the diameter of a quark is 〖10〗^(-18) m, hence all irrational numbers will terminate at the eighteenth place. This is true only for the bodies in the physical world. These numbers behave like constants or rational numbers, but they are fundamentally irrational. Similarly we will find the termination of irrational numbers when they represent mass and time.

Published by: Rajat Saxena

Author: Rajat Saxena

Paper ID: V6I2-1352

Paper Status: published

Published: April 8, 2020

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Research Paper

Coronavirus Pandemic 2019-2020

The emergence of a unique coronavirus (2019-nCoV) has awakened the echoes of SARS-CoV from nearly two decades ago. A pandemic of 2019 novel coronavirus diseases (COVID-19) in Wuhan, China has spread quickly nationwide. Wuhan had reported the results of a descriptive, exploratory analysis of all coronavirus cases diagnosed as on February 11, 2020, worldwide. All COVID-19 case reported on February 11, 2020, were extracted from China's Infectious disorder information gadget. Analyses covered:1) summary of affected person characteristics; 2) examination of age distributions and sex ratios; 3) calculation of case fatality and mortality fees; 4) geo-temporal analysis of viral spread; 5) epidemiological curve production, and 6) subgroup analysis. Over the past few decades of diseases, outbreaks have become increasingly frequent and widespread. The epicenters of these outbreaks have differed and could be linked to different economic contexts. Records had been received with standardized facts series bureaucracy shared with the aid of WHO and the worldwide excessive Acute respiratory and emerging contamination Consortium from electronic medical data. Researchers additionally immediately communicated with sufferers or their families to envision epidemiological and symptom records. This study basically defined on secondary data research as per WHO, China Research Article and Sciencedirectassets Site.

Published by: Aradhana Kumari

Author: Aradhana Kumari

Paper ID: V6I2-1353

Paper Status: published

Published: April 6, 2020

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Review Paper

Coronavirus: Family, how does it affect the body along with symptoms and treatment

Coronavirus is a SARS(Severe acute respiratory syndrome) like a virus in which this review article states how coronavirus affects the human body and mechanism of how it will enter the host cell. Knowing the mechanism of infection it is possible for a scientist to find an antidote within less span of time, not wasting on other processes. Coronavirus is Initially originated in China, Wuhan city and has become pandemic with 4,68,644 people’s got infected and death troll of about 21,191. India along counts about 614 cases and 9 deaths still now with Kerala standing in highest infectants followed by Maharashtra. Presently several hot spots were created for carrying research on the virus. I hope that this article will create a foundation for discovering new vaccines and making the most possible way to cure the disease.

Published by: Pullabhatla Sai Krishna

Author: Pullabhatla Sai Krishna

Paper ID: V6I2-1350

Paper Status: published

Published: April 6, 2020

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Research Paper

Colorization of black and white images using generative adversarial networks

We present a generative adversarial network-based system that faithfully colorizes black and white images without human intervention. Recent methods for such problems typically use per-pixel loss between the output and ground-truth images and the images generated using such loss lacks details. where as in "Perceptual losses for real-time style transfer and super- resolution" [2] paper suggests the use of the perceptual loss function that generates high-quality images. We combine the benefits of both approaches. we have replaced pixel-loss function with perceptual loss function which gives visually pleasing results and used discriminative learning technique where we train first half of generator with lower learning rate as we are using pre-trained model and last half with higher learning rate which reduces the training time of generator. It’s easier and faster to train a large number of samples of smaller images initially and then scale up the network by improving images to 220px by 220px from 64px by 64px. This is called progressive resizing [6]. it also helps the model to generalize better as is sees many more images of different shapes and less likely to be overfitting.

Published by: Ranjit Mahadik, Rashi Ryapak, Yash Panchal, Ankita Korde

Author: Ranjit Mahadik

Paper ID: V6I2-1345

Paper Status: published

Published: April 6, 2020

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Survey Report

A survey on satellite image classification approaches

Satellite image classification is based on description, texture, or similarity of items or things. Satellite Image classification is a challenging task for machines. Satellite image classification is possible using characteristics, training sample, an assumption of the parameter on data, the pixel, the number of outputs for each spatial elements, spatial information, and multiple classifier approach. These approaches are summarized in this paper but the main objective of this paper to explore classification based on training sample, classification based on the training sample considers two approaches: supervised image classification and unsupervised classification.

Published by: Saurabh Srivastava

Author: Saurabh Srivastava

Paper ID: V6I2-1314

Paper Status: published

Published: April 6, 2020

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