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Automatic vehicle speed control

Internet of things technology enables all the physical devices to be connected through the network and exchange data among themselves over the internet. Road accidents are the most dangerous things to happen to a road user especially due to over-speeding. One of the possible ways of controlling speed to prevent accidents is by applying the applications of IoT. The objective of Automatic Vehicle Speed Control is to develop a system that automatically controls the speed of the vehicles at specific areas such as school zones, hospital zones, speed limited areas, etc. Encoders are mounted at the zones which continually transmit codes that are different in different zones. When the vehicle reaches the zone, the decoder present in the vehicle decodes the data transmitted by the encoder and sends the decoded data to the programmed micro-controller which in turn is responsible for decreasing the speed of the vehicle and keeping vehicle speed constant until it moves out of the zone. Later on, the vehicle can regain its original speed. Apart from speed detection this system also has an inbuilt object detector unit (with 555 IC, TSOP 1738, IR) i.e the vehicle comes to halt when it detects any object in front. Thereby avoiding most of the accidents. Automatic Vehicle Speed Control also consists of a unit (with LDR) that automatically illuminates the street lights in the absence of light.

Published by: Mohammed Shaheen, Hemanvitha Mylapalli, Padala Divyasri, Sriyancy Palakurthi, Dr. Esther Sunanda Bandaru

Author: Mohammed Shaheen

Paper ID: V6I2-1334

Paper Status: published

Published: April 1, 2020

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Research Paper

Production and optimization of ethanol production from spent tea waste using Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Tea is an aromatic beverage prepared from the leaves of camellia sinesis. It is the most widely consumed drink in the world next to the water. Extracts of tea leaves contain polyphenols, amino acids, vitamins, polysaccharides and have a stimulatory effect due to its caffeine content. Consumption of tea in India remains modest and due to the presence of carbohydrates tea waste spent is used as a potential substrate for ethanol production. However worldwide demand for ethanol production has been increased in recent years so utilization of leftover tea spent for ethanol production may reduce the cost of the fermentation process. optimization conditions for high levels of ethanol production from leftover tea spent using saccharomyces cerevisiae were determined by alterations of temperature and pH and finally, comparative studies of ethanol production using natural tea spent media to that of commercial production medium leads to the conclusion that the activity of tea spent in ethanol production was slightly high to that of commercial production medium.

Published by: Satya Rama Devi Nowpada

Author: Satya Rama Devi Nowpada

Paper ID: V6I2-1330

Paper Status: published

Published: April 1, 2020

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High-Density Immune Vaccine (HDIV) to be explored for fighting COVID-19

COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus and it spread across geographies, genders and occupations. It appears to plague people ubiquitously including children who, despite hopeful early reports, do not seem more immune to the virus. At present there are many ongoing clinical trials evaluating potential treatments against COVID-19 but there is no specific vaccination to restrict. However, a common statement from all researcher that high immunity patient can fight with it and get recovered. Therefore, needs to develop high-density immune vaccine or medicine to treat COVID-19. Some possible ways to move research forward to create immune vaccine or medicine are proposed herein.

Published by: Rani Amol More

Author: Rani Amol More

Paper ID: V6I2-1337

Paper Status: published

Published: April 1, 2020

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Review Paper

Review of heat transfer enhancement techniques

Heat transfer is a very important process used in the industries, especially in process industries where the raw material is subjected to various processes so as to convert it into finished products. To achieve better heat transfer efficiency of the heat exchanger, maximum heat transfer should take place within the operating temperature range of the fluids in the heat exchanger. The researcher has made an effort to improve the heat transfer rate between two fluids. They have been developed various heat transfer enhancement techniques to improve the heat transfer rate by considering various factors that affect the heat transfer rate such as temperature, the velocity of fluid, turbulence, surface area subjected to heat transfer, etc. These techniques can be classified as active techniques and passive techniques. Active techniques are those who require a power supply for the operation while passive techniques are those who do not require any external power supply for the operation. This paper presents a review of various heat transfer enhancement techniques so that they can be chosen into the industry as per the requirement and according to their relative merits.

Published by: Kailash Kale, Saurabh Jadhav, Nandkishor Sutar, Shubham Pardeshi, Sourabh Howale

Author: Kailash Kale

Paper ID: V6I2-1333

Paper Status: published

Published: April 1, 2020

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Research Paper

Estimation of the land surface temperature using Landsat data 8 and 5: A comparative analysis of an industrial area from Rajasthan, India

Land surface temperature (LST) is the radiative skin temperature of the land derived from solar radiation. It helps in understanding various environmental processes from local to a global scale. However, rapid urbanization and industrialization are also contributing substantially to LST. This present study has been carried out to estimate the Land surface temperature of an industrial area called ‘Neem Ka Thana’ in the eastern Rajasthan using Landsat data 8 and 5. A comparative analysis has also been presented for 1990 and 2019 to understand the magnitude and role of industrialization in increasing the temperature of the land. The LST has been estimated with respect to Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) values derived from Red and Near-Infrared bands. The Land Surface Temperature has been estimated using a step by step procedure incorporating Thermal band of Landsat 8 and 5 data for the month of May. This study also explains the shift in the area (sq. km) of temperature category over the period of 30 years and reflects the negative association of LST with NDVI while the positive relationship with NDBI.

Published by: Deepika Vashishtha, Seeta Meena, Amit Sharma

Author: Deepika Vashishtha

Paper ID: V6I2-1318

Paper Status: published

Published: April 1, 2020

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Case Study

SHARONLAY: A new approach for post endodontic restorations: A Case Report

Root canal treatment leads to a considerable loss of tooth structure so after completion of root canal treatment it should ideally be followed by a restoration that allows cuspal coverage. This is important as there is a direct relationship between the amount of remaining tooth structure and the ability to resist occlusal forces. The cuspal width to length ratio of 1:2 or more decides whether there is a requirement of a full crown or an onlay. SHARONLAY is a new onlay design providing the necessary reinforcement in a conservative manner and protecting endodontically treated teeth against both vertical and horizontal forces. This case report presents the use of SHARONLAY as a possible alternative for post endodontic restorations.

Published by: Dr. Seema D. Pathak, Dr. Darshana Kale, Dr. Pradnya V. Bansode, Dr. M. B. Wavdhane

Author: Dr. Seema D. Pathak

Paper ID: V6I2-1312

Paper Status: published

Published: March 31, 2020

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