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Analytical overview of defuzzification methods

Fuzzy systems are of basically two types- fuzzy controllers and fuzzy reasoning systems. Defuzzification is the last step of the fuzzy system, which converts the fuzzy output set to a crisp value. This paper discusses the essential set of parameters that a defuzzification method should exhibits. Classification of different defuzzification methods is presented and each method is evaluated briefly based on the parameters discussed. The analysis of these methods emphasizes the need for a defuzzification method suitable for fuzzy reasoning systems as well as fuzzy controllers.

Published by: K. S. Gilda, Dr. S. L. Satarkar

Author: K. S. Gilda

Paper ID: V6I2-1278

Paper Status: published

Published: March 21, 2020

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Pre Experimental study to assess effectiveness of awareness programme on knowledge regarding alcohol abuse and its treatment among the boys of nursing students in S.G.R.R.I.M.& H.S College of Nursing Dehradun Uttarakhand.

Today's student is tomorrow's citizen it is necessary for us to prevent adolescents to become prone to substance abuse. Adolescence is a period when a lot of change takes place in the body and mind. Adolescents start to using harmful and illegal substances Drinking, smoking .and .drug abuse by adolescents affect general health and physical growth, emotional development and school performance. Continue use of this substance can lead to physical and psychological harm; it is very difficult to stop. According to WHO 8.9% of the total burden of disease due to the use of the psychoactive substances in which 4.1% is alcohol,0.8% by illicit drug abuse of the burden of disease. There are 2 billion are alcohol users globally according to WHO. in this study the pre-experimental research design is used and a convenient sampling technique is used for the selection of sample the structured questionnaire is used for the collection of data. The sample size is 60 boys nursing student .the level of knowledge score regarding alcohol abuse and its treatment among the boys students is different according to the age group the finding of study concludes in between (17-19 year) is 39.99%,(20-22 year) is 46.66% and 23-25 year) is 13.33%. the reason for conducting the study because majority of students are in adolescents' age and they are more prone to using alcohol at that age.

Published by: Gaurav Pratap Singh

Author: Gaurav Pratap Singh

Paper ID: V6I2-1275

Paper Status: published

Published: March 21, 2020

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A pre-experimental study to assess the effectiveness of plan teaching program on knowledge regarding prevention of sexual abuse among the adolescent girl (age 12-15 year) in selected school of Puliyangudi.

Adolescents life is full of hopes. The adolescents are Eger to interact with a new experience to find out the relationship to examine the inner strength and explore the strength of inner ability. Sexual abuse is the biggest kept secret in India due to societal denial, ignorance and silence owning to the discomfort generated out of acknowledgment. Sexual abuse also referred to as molestation is the forcing of undesired sexual behavior by one person upon another. When that is immediate of short duration or infrequent. It is called as ‘sexual assault’. In this study, the pre-experimental one group pre-test post-test research design is used and nonprobability convenience sampling is used for selection of the sample, the sample is the adolescent girl of the selected school of Puliyangudi between the age group of 12-15 year of age which is 100 in number. A structured knowledge questionnaire is used to collect the data. The level of knowledge score regarding sexual abuse is (35%) poor, (68%) average 0% good in pre-test score and in the post-test score is 0% poor, 58% average 42% good. Hence the majority of the respondent had average knowledge in pre-test scores. After pre-test and post-test assessment of the level of knowledge, the significant difference between the pre and post-test scores was demonstrated by using the “t’ test and it was found that t= 39.1439. The significant difference between (P) is found between pre-test and post-test. After the planned program there was an increase in the knowledge of the respondent who are exposing to the planned teaching programme, the knowledge score of the students was improved. Hence the planned teaching programme was effective.

Published by: Velladurai N.

Author: Velladurai N.

Paper ID: V6I2-1274

Paper Status: published

Published: March 21, 2020

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Review Paper

A critical review on performance of solar air heaters technologies and techniques

The use of flat solar air heaters is extensively worked out in low-temperature solar energy utilization. The efficiency of such heaters has to be low because of the low convective heat transfer coefficient between absorber plate and flowing air which increases the absorber plate temperature, leading to higher heat losses to the ambient. Several designs of solar air heaters having different roughness geometries have been done by a number of investigators. The present paper deals with a comprehensive review of different technologies and methodologies applied for different designs to attain an appropriate enhancement in heat flux. Analytical and experimental result as well as worked out values of result with respect to heat transfer data in terms of Nusselt number, utilizing the equations or correlations developed by various researchers and investigators have been represented with respect to the roughness and flow parameters (p/e, e/D and Re), for the comparison of the rate of heat transfer. The experimental values of the average Nusselt number for multi V roughness have been found to be the highest. However, the addition of a booster mirror to increase the rate of radiant energy and the use of computational methodology has been found even better as compared to the previous one.

Published by: Dr. Ashwini Kumar, Avinash, Suresh Kumar Badholiya, Rohit Kumar Chaudhry

Author: Dr. Ashwini Kumar

Paper ID: V6I2-1288

Paper Status: published

Published: March 21, 2020

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Case Study

Impact of industrial democracy on job satisfaction, commitment and engagement of employees: A study of Visakhapatnam steel plant

The meaning of ‘Democracy’ resembles a social environment where Governments are of the People, run by the People and run for the People. Similarly, the term ‘Industrial Democracy’ can be understood as Management of Organization is of the employees, by the employees, and for the employees. Enough research has been undertaken in the field of Employee Involvement and its influence on Organizational performance. Many of the Management experts, Researches and Scholars have used the terms Employee Involvement and Industrial Democracy interchangeably. However, Employee involvement is a mere scheme adopted by the Organizations to make their employees take part in making decisions that affect their jobs, job conditions and job environment. The idea behind this scheme is to utilize their creative and innovative potential and also to ensure hassle-free implementation of decisions since they are generated by a team where the actual performers (employees) are also a part. Making employees take part in decision-making is proven to make them feel important, satisfied and committed to the Organizational goals. On the other hand, the concept of Industrial Democracy provides answers to the questions – Why should people involve? What makes them involve? What benefit they do anticipate? How they should involve? and so on. Thus, Industrial Democracy encompasses all aspects of HRM-related to employee welfare, Industrial relations, etc. The present study is aimed at examining the impact of Industrial Democracy on employees’ Job satisfaction, Commitment and Engagement as they are promoters of enhanced production and productivity of the organizations.

Published by: B. V. S. P. R. Vithal, Dr. Naga Raju Battu

Author: B. V. S. P. R. Vithal

Paper ID: V6I2-1282

Paper Status: published

Published: March 21, 2020

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Design and modification of smart stick for visually impaired with stick finder

To improve navigation of visually disabled people we have designed an innovative stick using Arduino. This stick uses advanced technology to navigate with ease. The stick which we have modified is lighter in weight, affordable and easy to handle. This stick first uses ultrasonic sensors and detects obstacles. On sensing obstacles, the sensor passes this data to Arduino. Arduino uses C programming. It then processes this data and calculates the distance of obstacles from the person. If an obstacle is not close to the person then the circuit stays steady. If the obstacle is close to the person then the circuit sends a signal to the sound buzzer and vibrator. As the distance between person and obstacle gets reduced the sound of buzzer and vibrator goes on increasing. This system is even made for blind-deaf people as they have only sense as a way to understand any process with the help of vibration they can sense the obstacle. This system has one more feature i.e. A stick finder. This helps the blind person find the stick where they might have kept it with the help of a remote. Pressing the remote button sounds a buzzer on the stick which helps the person to find the stick. Thus, this system allows for obstacle detection as well as finding sticks misplaced by visually disabled people.

Published by: Nagma Salim Khan, Ankita Ashok Gaud, Harsha Rajesh Khanvilkar, Rasika Nishikant Shelar

Author: Nagma Salim Khan

Paper ID: V6I2-1276

Paper Status: published

Published: March 20, 2020

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