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Brain Tumor Analysis using Convolutional Neural Network with MRI Images

Brain Tumor Analysis plays a vital role in detecting the tumored cells of the brain. A brain tumor can become very lethal at its advance stages. It can easily spread to other parts of the brain and affect the healthy cells of the brain as well. They reproduce uncontrollably. Hence, detection at early stages is very essential in treatment for improvement of the life expectancy of the patients. However, the detection of the tumor is a difficult and challenging task since the tumor possesses complex characteristics in appearance and boundaries. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is being used extensively for the detection of brain tumors that requires segmenting huge volumes of 3D MRI images which is very challenging if done manually. It is the most commonly used medical image for brain tumor analysis. So, we are using MRI images for detecting the brain tumor. In this system, we are going to use Keras and Convolutional neural network(CNN) for the automatic segmentation and detection of a brain tumor using MRI images. It is considered as one of the efficient methods for detection of brain tumors. It has one or more convolutional layers and is used mainly for image classification and segmentation techniques. It helps in achieving high accuracy and is optimal as well.

Published by: Deepalakshmi K., Priyavadhana S. R., Hannah Elezebath M. A., Jetlin C. P.

Author: Deepalakshmi K.

Paper ID: V6I2-1144

Paper Status: published

Published: March 5, 2020

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Research Paper

Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Motels

The most essential requirement of everyone’s lives is food .In this research paper I am writing about an idea of implementation of Artificial techniques in the motels by which food is served replacing the labor. Also to reduce the wastage caused by the humans while preparing food in the hotels.

Published by: Keerthana P.

Author: Keerthana P.

Paper ID: V6I2-1152

Paper Status: published

Published: March 4, 2020

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Research Paper

Experimental Investigation of Datura Stramonium Biodiesel

Energy demand is increasing due to the increase in the population growth in India and in the world at large. It has become apparent and to go as per the plan for the production of biodiesel to make a substantial contribution to the future energy demands in respect to the domestic and industrial economies. The use of non-edible plant oils is very significant because of the great demand for edible oils as a food source. Moreover, the edible oils feedstocks costs are far expensive to be used as fuel. Therefore, the production of bio-diesels from non-edible oil is an effective way to overcome all the associated problems with edible oils. However, the potential of converting non-edible oils into bio-diesels must be well examined because the physical and chemical properties might differ from each other, hence they need furthermore research on this. To dispose of these issues, thinking about the elective assets. Biodiesels, in view of no awesome oils, animals’ fat ratio and tiny fishes are guests. The examinations on the impact of biodiesels on its strength and weakness highlights of diesel energy power engines. More viscosity consistency is found as the pure use of datura stramonium plant seeds oil straight in an engine that is expelled by transforming it into biodiesel by the trans-esterification process. Fuel highlights like calorific values, flashpoints and cetane numbers of biodiesel and biodiesel-diesel blends were discovered its properties are similar to diesel fuel. Performance comes about to uncover that a large portion of the biodiesels, has given 4.84% higher brake thermal efficiency and high brake specific fuel consumption. The NOx is less in some load condition and HC, slightly higher than diesel fuel.

Published by: Ashutosh Gupta

Author: Ashutosh Gupta

Paper ID: V6I2-1139

Paper Status: published

Published: March 4, 2020

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Research Paper

Animation in education sector

We are always looking for new and better ways to educate the young. Research Suggests when children are having fun, they tend to learn better. It’s even scientifically proven that retention of information is higher when it is communicated using both visual and verbal communication. I feel animation as a training medium offers exciting possibilities for meeting the needs of 21st century learners. The use of animation instruction can significantly enhance student learning if properly designed and implemented. We often say that visual memories are the strongest memories and that’s what we need to implement it the education sector using animation. This paper gives a brief idea about the animation, its role in the education sector, advantages and the benefits of animation in education sector.

Published by: Ajay Kumar Mishra

Author: Ajay Kumar Mishra

Paper ID: V6I1-1302

Paper Status: published

Published: March 2, 2020

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Research Paper

College Portal

Due to lack of proper medium for students and management to interact and there is a chance that students can miss any critical notification from management such as student's fee alert or any announcement regarding events organized in college. This application does all automated work regarding maintaining and disseminating all information, which is extremely useful in colleges. The creation and management of accurate & update information regarding a student are critically important in college. The administrator and student are two primary functional requirements in the given system. Proper login with time & role-based secure access is provided to admin, faculty & students.

Published by: Raghoottam Katti, Powdan Jain K., Pranav Sharma P. C., Prasanna P. Hegde

Author: Raghoottam Katti

Paper ID: V6I1-1293

Paper Status: published

Published: February 29, 2020

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Research Paper

Activity-based English language learning: A contemporary learner-friendly approach for developing speaking skills in the over-crowded classrooms

Developing speaking skills in the English language is strenuous work for a non-native speaker of English. Even a trained facilitator also goes through troublesome situations as in most of the cases, Indian classrooms are crowded. Minute attention and remedial classes seem uncertain due to the lack of time, space and scope. Limitations of learning teaching materials are also important issues in the Indian learning-teaching environment. In this circumstance, this work is a sort of action research or remedial work in search of effective activities that can be constructively solicited for the benefit of the target learners’ group. Listening is a necessary part of the learning process of speaking skills. But in a developing country like India, it’s tough to arrange contemporary audio-visual gadgets always. So the language-related activities are designed is such a way that by using the least amount of learning teaching materials, an instructor will be able to guide the learners. The set-backs of all the nineteen methods, approaches and techniques are already known worldwide. Without stressing on a particular method or instead of developing a new method, this work is a sincere attempt to incorporate relevant activities to enhance the speaking skills of the learners. The salient idiosyncrasy is to accomplish a standard joyful learning session which should be continuous, comprehensive and focused simultaneously.

Published by: Ramkrishna Mitra

Author: Ramkrishna Mitra

Paper ID: V6I1-1298

Paper Status: published

Published: February 29, 2020

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