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Review Paper

Analysis of handover mechanism on mobile IP

Mobility management protocols use various layers of the protocols for the past years. This protocol uses various handoff for various types of applications. The aim of this paper is to investigate handoff concepts in wireless communication. Mobility is an important feature of wireless cellular systems. As a mobile subscriber move between various radio networks, handoff/handover is needed to continue the active process. The continuation of an active call is one of the most important quality measurements in wireless mobile cellular systems. The handover process enables a mobile cellular system to provide such a facility by transferring an active call from one cell to another cell. This paper represents the approaches, types, and techniques used for transferring an ongoing call from the current cell to the next adjacent cell.

Published by: S. Devi

Author: S. Devi

Paper ID: V6I1-1246

Paper Status: published

Published: February 15, 2020

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Research Paper

A study on competitive sorption of combined heavy metals in low permeable soil

A widespread and pervasive global problem now existing in the environment is the subsurface contamination. The contaminants found may include wide range of toxic pollutants such as heavy metals, radionuclides, and organic compounds. Thus there is an urgent need for the remediation of these sites. The knowledge of sorption characteristics of the contaminants in the soil helps in the selection of appropriate method of remediation in order to achieve the maximum eddicacy. Only if appropriate method is chosen, the remediation can be done effectively. In general, sorption refers to the transfer of mobile contaminant ions from the pore fluid to soil particle surfaces, rendering them immobile. For the study, the soil sample was collected from Tamil Nagar, Tirunelveli and a combination of heavy metals like zinc and copper was selected as this combination of contaminants is been reported as most prevalent in major of the industrial effluents. The particularity of these contaminants is that these are the most widely found elements in most of the industrial effluents. The influence of the initial concentration of the heavy metals on the sorption capability of soil was studied. It was found that increased initial concentration of heavy metal in the pore fluid, results in increase amount of heavy metal uptake per unit weight of the sorbent of heavy metal. Data analysed plotted using Langmuir isotherm concludes that copper is preferably more adsorbable on soil than zinc.

Published by: Dhanya S. Ravindran

Author: Dhanya S. Ravindran

Paper ID: V6I1-1243

Paper Status: published

Published: February 15, 2020

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Research Paper

Food tourism: An effective marketing tool for the Indian tourism industry

The travel industry writing computer programs is a primer to the improvement of fruitful the travel industry the board. Dissimilar sightseer's goals everywhere throughout the world have demonstrated that legitimate programming could lessen negative impacts and improve and protect the travel industry showcase around there or state. In this manner, programming can be proposed as a sine qua non of the travel industry arranged economy improvement achievement. The initial phase in the in every one of the phases of traveler travel, few writing computer programs is to recognize the viable components. One of the principle certain variables that voyagers consider in picking the goal is sustenance. As Lacy and Douglass referenced "each visitor is a veering gourmand". A worldwide meeting on cooking and the travel industry was held in November 2000, in Cyprus. It was recognized, in a larger part of articles, the nearby suppers the neighbourhood dinners assume the main job in inspiring visitors and increment the travelers. From snow-spotted pinnacles that crown the nation to the sluggish backwaters down south, from the grittiness of the east to the spunk of the west, India offers an assortment of mind stirring sceneries for remote visitors. While the travel industry is blooming a seemingly endless amount of time after a year, developing as the most recent pattern of 2014 are nourishment visits. Concurring the World Food Travel Association (WFTA), sustenance the travel industry is "the interest and happiness regarding special and significant nourishment and drink encounters, both far and close".

Published by: Ashwini Bagale, Shilpa Hate Branger

Author: Ashwini Bagale

Paper ID: V6I1-1201

Paper Status: published

Published: February 15, 2020

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Case Study

Performance Benchmark using Machine Learning

Software Performance testing is one of the important aspects of testing a product. It is more important when we have a cloud application, i.e. not a standalone application but a web application. Many of us use various tools like JMeter to test the performance of different web requests. But how do we analyze the results of JMeter? A failed Request is easy to catch. What about performance degradation? How do we know if a request performed worse than the previous runs or not? How do we take into consideration other environmental parameters – memory, processing power, operating system limits, etc? Performance benchmark using machine learning is one of the ways using which we can take care of some of these manual study and detection of performance regressions which may otherwise go unnoticed.

Published by: Sudipto Nandan

Author: Sudipto Nandan

Paper ID: V6I1-1242

Paper Status: published

Published: February 15, 2020

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Research Paper

Hiding secured text data in audio signals using 3-LSB technique

Steganography is that the limit and examination of encompassing lined messages during a perspective that no one, nearby the sender and foreseen beneficiary, interfaces the part with the message, a kind of security through nonattendance of clearness. A lot of work has been developed for audio steganography. But there are various problems in the existing techniques. Existing frameworks utilize just word reference-based pressure method which can be supplanted by the mixture pressure systems to accomplish progressively precise outcomes. Existing frameworks have low SNR values which must be improved to utilize the framework in real circumstances. In the proposed work we have used the I-LSB Technique and Adaptive Huffman Compression Technique on audio signals to obtain secure stego-signal. I-LSB uses three bytes of the audio signal to hide the text data. The results are improved as compared to the existing approach which reflects that the new approach is better in terms of security and speed in data transmission.

Published by: Kuldeep Singh, Puneet Jain

Author: Kuldeep Singh

Paper ID: V6I1-1239

Paper Status: published

Published: February 14, 2020

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Research Paper

Hiding secret image data into video files using 3- LSB technique

Stegnography is a process to hide the secret message which we want to hide from the outside world in another media file while the cryptography is another security process in which a data form is changed to another so that it cannot be accessed directly. In the proposed work, 3-Least Significant Bit (3-LSB) will be used to hide the image message into a video. In the Proposed algorithm from the input video a frame with maximum motion detection and high intensity of a pixel is extracted using threshold value .60 to calculate the highest value of pixels which is treated as the target frame for hiding message. In this target frame image will hide using Least Significant approach. The resultant video becomes the stegno video. The reverse process is performed on the stegno video to extract the image file from that video file. The proposed system is tested on various input videos and various input images are used as a message to hide in these videos. Performance of the proposed system is also compared with the performance of the existing system and it is evaluated that the proposed system generates better results in terms of PSNR, MSE and Hiding Capacity than that of the existing system.

Published by: Harinderjot Singh

Author: Harinderjot Singh

Paper ID: V6I1-1238

Paper Status: published

Published: February 14, 2020

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