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Adaptation and implementation of agile project management methodology in software development

Adaptation And Implementation Of Agile Project Management Methodology In Software Development

Published by: Paramita Dey

Author: Paramita Dey

Paper ID: V6I1-1234

Paper Status: published

Published: February 13, 2020

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Review Paper

A review on barcode localization method

Barcodes are used in many commercial applications; thus, fast and robust localization is important. There are various techniques for barcode localization which are characterized by accuracy and speed. In this paper, we provide a review on different techniques for barcode localization i.e. Morphological Operations, Bottom-Hat Filtering, YOLO (You Only Look Once) along with its advantages and disadvantages.

Published by: Akshata Sadashiv Kolekar, Vipul Dalal

Author: Akshata Sadashiv Kolekar

Paper ID: V6I1-1233

Paper Status: published

Published: February 13, 2020

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Case Study

Adjustment among adult deaf peers: A case of Dr. Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University, Lucknow

In this study “Adjustment among Adult Deaf Peers: A Case Of Dr. Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University, Lucknow” was conducted during study M.Ed.Spl.Ed.(HI) course work since 2014 to identify the factors that may influence adjustment among adult Deaf Peer the basis of locality, basis of severity, basis of age, the basis of qualification and gender. This study deals with a review of previous work done in the field of adjustment. Many references of some related studies conducted abroad and in India. Objectives of study the adjustment among adult deaf peers studying in DSMNRU as the basis of Locality, Severity, Age, Qualification, and Gender. The hypothesis of study there will be no significant adjustment among adult deaf peers studying in DSMNRU as the basis of locality, severity, age, qualification, and gender. Delimitation of the study Taking into consideration the time and resources on the disposal of the research, the present study was delimited in terms of sample and areas of study aspects as under The study was delimited to adult deaf peers studying, The study was delimited to adult deaf peers studying, confined to the graduate, postgraduate male and female adult deaf peers studying in DSMNRU only. Research is a systematic effort to gain new knowledge. It helps in studying the problem where solutions are to be derived fully or partly from the facts. Design of the study: Survey Method is only in the abstract as logical entities that we can distinguish between matter and methods in reality they form an organic whole determine method analogously as objective determines means and content and spirit determine style and form in literature. Descriptive design- it is the study designed to depict the participants in an accurate way. More simply put, descriptive research is all about describing people who take part in the study. The population of the study all the adult deaf students studying at a higher level at a University level. In this study total population 42 adult students of DSMNRU, Lucknow.

Published by: Danveer Gautam

Author: Danveer Gautam

Paper ID: V6I1-1223

Paper Status: published

Published: February 13, 2020

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Research Paper

Geomorphological Studies in Yelimineti Vagu Watershed Area

Information on landforms is an important input for land management. The aspects of morphography, morphogenesis, morphochronology and morphometry are vital inputs in preparation of geomorphological maps.The relief, slope, depth of weathering type of weathered material, thickness of deposition, nature of the deposited material and the assemblage of different landforms play an important role in defining the groundwater regime, especially in the hard rocks and the unconsolidated sediments. Geomorphological studies have been carried out to identify the land forms in the study area. The specific geomorphic groups in the study area are Hills, Plateaus, Pediments and Pediplains. The major rock groups in the study area are Peninsular Gneissic complex, Deccan trap and basic intrusive rocks. Using satellite imagery geomorphic units are identified and mapped.

Published by: Dr. S. S. S. Muntaz Vali

Author: Dr. S. S. S. Muntaz Vali

Paper ID: V6I1-1231

Paper Status: published

Published: February 13, 2020

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Research Paper

Performance analysis of hazed images using Laplacian weight fusion with saliency map

Submerged pictures are debased because of disperses and assimilation, bringing about low difference and shading mutilation. Right now, a novel self-comparability based strategy for de-dissipating and super goals (SR) of submerged pictures is proposed. The conventional methodology of preprocessing the picture utilizing a de-dispersing calculation, trailed by the use of an SR technique, has the constraint that the majority of the high-recurrence data is lost during de-dissipating. The super-settled pictures have a sensible clamor level after de-dispersing and exhibit outwardly more satisfying outcomes than traditional methodologies. Moreover, numerical measurements exhibit that the proposed calculation shows steady improvement and that edges are altogether upgraded. Submerged pictures are hard to process in light of low differentiation and shading bending. The in-water light spread model was proposed quite a while prior however is moderately convoluted to be utilized in actuality. A successful procedure to improve the pictures caught submerged and corrupted because of the medium dissipating and ingestion. Our technique is a solitary picture approach that doesn't require particular equipment or information about the submerged conditions or scene structure. It expands on the mixing of two pictures that are straightforwardly gotten from a shading redressed and white-adjusted form of the first debased picture. The two pictures to combination, just as their related weight maps, are characterized to advance the exchange of edges and shading difference to the yield picture. To keep away from that the sharp weight map changes make antiquities in the low recurrence segments of the remade picture, we likewise adjust a multiscale combination methodology. By applying shading minute and combination systems for improve nature of submerged pictures. The proposed strategy execute on MATLAB R2013a. The nature of the submerged pictures can be resolved on-premise of PCQI, UCIQE, and UIQM. The procedure Laplacian Weight Fusion with Saliency Map (LWFSM) empowers to investigate picture quality parameters for decreased murkiness levels of submerged pictures. The trail result shows that the normal estimation of PCQI, UCIQE, and UIQM is improved by 5.18%, 2.62%, and 6.17% separately.

Published by: Umesh Kumar, Dr. Avinash Sharma

Author: Umesh Kumar

Paper ID: V6I1-1232

Paper Status: published

Published: February 12, 2020

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Review Paper

A review on energy and exergy analysis of single stage ammonia water absorption refrigeration system

In the field of HVAC engineering, electricity has been utilized to energize the air-conditioning and refrigeration systems since the last decades. Normally one-third to half of the annual total electricity consumption is used for air-conditioning and refrigeration in the metropolis worldwide as reported. The most commercially developed solar cooling technology is the absorption system. In an absorption cycle, a refrigerant and an absorbent are a pair of substances that work together. NH3-H20 and LiBr-H20 are the most common working pairs in refrigeration and air conditioning absorption refrigeration system. Although the NH3-H20 cycle is an older technology, it still remains essentially applied to large scale process plants, and LiBr-H20 absorption cycle concentrates most of the current research.

Published by: Anand Gautam, Brijendra Kumar Yadav

Author: Anand Gautam

Paper ID: V6I1-1225

Paper Status: published

Published: February 7, 2020

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