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IoT enabled Smart Monitoring of Coronavirus empowered with Fuzzy Inference System

Almost 3,000 cases of respiratory disease due to a new coronavirus from Wuhan, China were registered between 1 December 2019 and 26 January 2020. The diagnosis of coronavirus in a human being on a wide scale was so hectic. This proposed research implements an Internet of Things (IoT) approach enabled by Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) to intelligently and efficiently predict the coronavirus known as ' IoT enabled Smart Monitoring of Coronavirus empowered with Fuzzy Inference System (IoTSMCFIS) ' which smartly monitors and predicts either human is the victim of Coronavirus or not. For simulations, the IoTSMCFIS proposed system uses MATLAB 2019a and the proposed system indicates promising results regarding the simulations.

Published by: Syyada Abeer Fatima, Naveed Hussain, Asma Balouch, Iqra Rustam, Muhammad Saleem, Muhammad Asif

Author: Syyada Abeer Fatima

Paper ID: V6I1-1218

Paper Status: published

Published: February 4, 2020

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Research Paper

Experimental investigation of waste plastic bottles as partial replacement of aggregates in flexible pavements

Global plastic pollution reported that; 1 million plastic bottles bought every minute, 100,000 marine animals killed by plastic each year, 500 years to degrade in the environment, 90% of bottled water contain plastic particles. Ethiopia is facing rapid urbanization and industrialization leading to the packing of different industrial products with plastic bottles which finally becomes waste and on the other side, pavements are behaving different structural failures and surface defects before the end of the construction period and service year. In order to minimize the above serious problems, this research was initiated to do the experimental investigation of a waste plastic bottle as partial replacement of aggregate in the bituminous concrete mix through a dry process to enhance the desired performance of bitumen concrete mix and to reduce plastic bottles disposal problem. Before applying PET bottles as additives, optimum bitumen content was determined for conventional bitumen concrete mix which is selected as 5.33%; upon which the effect of PET bottles experimented. Waste plastic bottles are collected and cut into pieces using scissors. Then it was melted in an oven at 180⁰c for 30 minutes. Then after cooling down, it was pulverized. Finally weighing the required amount of pulverized plastic and replacing the aggregate by 0%, 4%, 6%, 8% and 10% by weight of aggregate, the marshal test was held and volumetric properties on each specimen were computed. Based on the laboratory result, the optimum plastic content was selected at the specimens that have high stability; high bulk density and minimum air void values are 20.66 KN, 2.59gm/cm3 and 3.25% respectively. The optimum plastic content is selected at 4% of plastic bottle by weight of aggregate. Lastly, this study concluded that partial replacement of aggregate by the waste plastic bottle can increase the overall performance of the bitumen concrete mix. Finally, this study recommends it is better to apply this new construction technology on the ground and to adopt it. It is better to know the cost benefit analysis on partial replacement of aggregate by waste plastic bottles in flexible pavements.

Published by: Yetmgeta Mekonnen, Esubalew Tariku, Saol Toyebo

Author: Yetmgeta Mekonnen

Paper ID: V6I1-1155

Paper Status: published

Published: February 3, 2020

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Research Paper

Geotechnical characterization of subgrade soils on Arba Minch –Wolaita Sodo main road to Zefine town

Construction of the various pavement layers is very much dependent on the geotechnical characteristics of the subgrade soils. The aim of this paper is to characterize the subgrade soils of Arba Minch - Wolaita Sodo main road to Zefine town. To achieve these objectives, twenty soil sample pits were selected from different representative parts of the existing road at a 1km interval. The laboratory test results showed that the NMC ranges from 9.29% to 15.86%, Percentage finer ranges from 63.36% to 78.31%, LL ranges from 31.53% to 60.27%, PI ranges from 6.49% to 39.02%, GI ranges from 4 to 31, OMC ranges from 14.00 % to 17.74 %, MDD ranges from 1.74 g/cc to 1.98g/cc, CBR ranges from 2.05% to 9.08% and CBR swell ranges from 1.05% to 3.66%. Based on this results the study area was characterized as silt and clay soils, and for the soils classification under A-4, A-5 and A-7-6 according to AASHTO soil classification system and from all soil samples the subgrade strength class based on CBR value, for the soil samples, from TP1 to TP 3 were S1 and TP9, TP16, TP18 and TP19 were S4, and the remaining soil samples S3 class.

Published by: Esubalew Tariku, Yetmgeta Mekonnen, Saol Toyebo

Author: Esubalew Tariku

Paper ID: V6I1-1157

Paper Status: published

Published: February 3, 2020

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Research Paper

Investigation on some of the engineering properties of soils found in Shanto town

Investigations of the underground conditions at a site are a prerequisite to the economical design of the substructural elements. The objectives of this paper are to investigate some of the engineering properties of soils found in shanto town. In order to achieve objectives this study, 20 soil samples were taken at an average depth of 1.5m and 3m from different kebeles based on future expansion of the town and different laboratory tests were accompanied on the collected soil samples. The test results showed that the NMC ranges 18.07% to 45.22%, Υ ranges from15.28 to 19.17 KN/m3, Gs ranges from 2.66 to 2.75, LL ranges from 55 to 87%, PL ranges from 29.4 to 42.2%, PI from 25 to 45%, qu ranges from 112.6 -206.7kN/m2, Su ranges from 56.31-103.33 KN/m2, over consolidation ratio greater than 1 and compression index ranges from 0.110 to 0.246. Based on the laboratory test results, the study area soil was characterized as highly inorganic clay with soil class of A-7-5 and A-7-6 according to AASHTO soil classification scheme and inorganic clay of high plasticity (CH) according Unified Soil Classification System. One-dimensional consolidation test shows that the area under investigation is overconsolidated in its natural state with an over consolidation ratio greater than 1 and has a compression index ranges from 0.110 to 0.246.

Published by: Saol Toyebo, Esubalew Tariku, Yetmgeta Mekonnen

Author: Saol Toyebo

Paper ID: V6I1-1156

Paper Status: published

Published: January 31, 2020

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Research Paper

Investigation of engineering properties of soils found in Arba Minch Zuria (Limat to Shara)

The objective of this thesis is to investigate the engineering properties of the soils found from Limat to Shara and understand the nature of the soils. Arba Minch town is located in Gamo Gofa Zone in SNNPRS at a distance of about 505km from the National Capital city, Addis Ababa, and 270km far from the Regional Capital city, Hawassa. Arba Minch town is one of the rapidly developing towns in Ethiopia and new construction activities were appearing in the town. Investigating the characteristic of supporting soil is vital in order to have a safe and stable foundation. To achieve this objective, in order to determine the engineering properties of soils were accompanied on selected 24 soil samples, which were taken from Limat to Shara at not more than 500m interval, and the procedure used for analysis was done according to ASTM standard. This paper presents the field and laboratory test results of soils that were performed to determine the Engineering properties of soils from Limat to Shara. The test results showed that the field density ranges from 1.61 to 1.96g/cc. NMC ranges from 5.22 to 33.58%. LL ranges from 28.04 to 64.23%, PL ranges from 20.68 to 32.06%, and PI ranges from 4.16 to 33.21%. And from FSI results 12.5% are medium expansive soils were obtained. From plasticity characteristics of the study area falls in low to high plasticity characteristics are observed. The USCS classification soils are classified as CH, MH, CL, ML, SC, SC-SM, GC, and GC-GM. And AASHTO classification of soils is fallen in A-2-4, A-4, A-6, A-7-5, and A-7-6. The Compaction test result showed that maximum dry density (MDD) of the study area ranges from 1.57 to 1.93g/cm3 and the optimum moisture content (OMC) ranges 14.40 to 30.50%. The unconfined compressive strength test result ranges from 99.10 to157.17kPa. And direct shear test results, internal friction angle (Φ) and cohesion (C) falls for TP-11, C = 10.71kPa and Φ = 35.37°, for TP-12, C = 9.42kPa and Φ=36.80°C.Finally, from dimensional consolidation test results, the Compression index, Cc ranges from 0.43 to 0.53, Swelling index, Cs ranges from 0.06 to 0.1, and Pc vary between 67 to 98kPa.

Published by: Saol Toyebo

Author: Saol Toyebo

Paper ID: V6I1-1150

Paper Status: published

Published: January 31, 2020

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Review Paper

Nutritional, Nutraceutical and Pharmacological properties of Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum): A Review

Buckwheat is a multipurpose crop, gluten-free, pseudo-cereal. It is cultivated at a high altitude in different regions of the world and in India. In India, It is considered as a neglected crop in due to its required climatic conditions to for cultivation, low productivity, low economic value and also lack of awareness of important properties of the plant. Buckwheat have high nutritional, Nutraceutical properties due to its high composition of amount 67-75% starch,7-21% protein,1.2-4.3% lipids ,5-11% dietary fibers and 1.8-4.2% minerals. It shows antioxidant, anti-inflammatory,anti-diabetic, antit-umeric, anti-stress effect and also reneal and wound healing properties. These reviews show the history, distribution, nutritional, nutraceutical and pharmacological properties of Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum ).

Published by: Md Jiyaul Mustafa

Author: Md Jiyaul Mustafa

Paper ID: V6I1-1210

Paper Status: published

Published: January 31, 2020

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