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Research Paper

Effect of air volume in musical drums on the quality of sound produced

To find if there is any correlation between the quality of sound produced and the volume of air present in the membranophones. Materials and methods: The experiment was conducted in an anechoic room with proper sound insulation. The drums were placed on the stands and were marked with a circle of radius 3 cm for accuracy of strikes. In total 15 strokes were recorded to decrease the uncertainty in the force. The data was recorded through a microphone and transferred to a system. The data were analyzed and plotted using Audacity’s in-built function. Results and conclusion: With an increase in the depth, the air has more room to move around and when a sound is produced, the increased volume allows the air to lose energy easily to the surrounds and maybe clash around with each other to decrease its frequency and producing multiple unique sounds at the same time.

Published by: Ratiq Narwal

Author: Ratiq Narwal

Paper ID: V6I1-1205

Paper Status: published

Published: January 24, 2020

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Research Paper

Role of oral glutamine in reducing the severity of radiation induced oral mucositis – A prospective randomized study

To determine the effect of oral Glutamine powder supplement in reducing radiation/chemoirradiation induced oral mucositis in patients with Head and Neck malignancies Design and Methodology: An open-label single-blind randomized controlled trial was conducted. Arm A - Radiotherapy/Chemoirradiation who were randomized to receive oral Glutamine powder supplement in addition to the regular oral care protocol. Arm B - Radiotherapy/Chemoirradiation who were randomized to receive regular oral care protocol only without Glutamine supplement. Results: Forty-eight patients were accrued in the trial, 24 in the control arm and 24 in the study arm. All patients completed the treatment protocol except 4 patients in a control group who discontinued treatment after 4 to 5 weeks. The number of patients in the control Vs study arm of the Chemoirradiation group was 16 Vs 15 and in Radiotherapy group 8 Vs 9 patients. The occurrence of Grade 3 mucositis was less in the control arm 30% Vs 40% but the onset was later among patients in the study arm (week3). In the Chemoirradiation group requirement for analgesic (92.8% Vs 53.8%), topical anaesthetic(35.7% Vs 7.6% - significant), occurrence of mouth pain(28.5% Vs 15.3%) and Ryles tube feeding (28.5%vs15.3%) were less in the study arm and also tolerated more number of cycles of concurrent chemotherapy (76% Vs 14% p= 0.036). The number of patients having a break in treatment (0% Vs 42.8% -significant) and occurrence of oral thrush (16% Vs 28.5%) was more in the study arm of Radiotherapy only group but the number of patients included was small (6 Vs 7). Nausea and vomiting was the predominant complaint in study arm probably induced by the study mouth wash. The occurrence of dryness of oral mucosa and throat was more in the study arm of the chemoirradiation group but less in radiotherapy only group. Inference: Overall the addition of oral Glutamine powder supplement along with oral care protocol during treatment did not show significant benefit. But there seems to be some benefit with the use of study mouth wash in the chemoirradiation group only. Since the sample size is small will need to do the study with larger numbers to document statistically significant benefit

Published by: Dr. V. Srinivasan, Dr.A.Mallika, Dr.S.Ashok Kumar

Author: Dr. V. Srinivasan

Paper ID: V6I1-1200

Paper Status: published

Published: January 21, 2020

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Research Paper

Intelligent identification of Acute kidney injury empowered with Heterogeneous Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System

In this article, a new Heterogeneous-Layered Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System (HL-MFIS) is proposed to detect the Acute Kidney Injury. The proposed computerized system Detect of AKI Using Heterogeneous Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System (DAKI-HL-MFIS) Expert System, can detect the Acute Kidney Injury or No-AKI. The Expert System has two input variables at layer-I and seven input variables at layers-II. At layer-I input, variables are Creatinine and BUN that detects the output condition of a Kidney to be Normal, or Acute Kidney Injury. The further input variables at layer-II are Glomerular filtration rate, urine Albumin, sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, and phosphorus that determine the output condition of Kidneys like Acute kidney Injury and other reasons that arise due to enzyme vaccination or due to past Kidney Injury. The overall accuracy of the DAKI-HL-MFIS Expert system is 90.5%.

Published by: Muhammad Asif, Abeer Fatima, Asma Baloch, Shahzada Atif Naveed, Areej Fatima

Author: Muhammad Asif

Paper ID: V6I1-1199

Paper Status: published

Published: January 21, 2020

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Research Paper

Applications of graph theory to analyze electrical circuits using a matrix method in the course of the network equilibrium equation

In this paper we study electrical networks, its simplified circuits, formulate the matrix method of adjacency and incidence matrix followed by applications of a truth table. Also, study the applications of graph theory in verifying network equilibrium equations by Thevenin’s theorem.

Published by: Poorva V Adhyapak

Author: Poorva V Adhyapak

Paper ID: V6I1-1178

Paper Status: retracted

Submitted: January 20, 2020

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Expression for the relative change of height when the distance between the viewer and the body changes; and its cosmological applications

Imagine you are looking at a body, and then you keep moving behind from it. How does it appear? The body appears to be decreasing in height. So we normally use trigonometry to find the height, but it is always the third person and if we want to calculate the height of the body in the frame of reference of the viewer, hence we cannot use trigonometric ratios. So we need to derive a new expression; the relative height is dependent on; the distance between the bodies, the angle of sight and the original height. Also, we can apply this on heavenly bodies like any star that looks small from earth but is very large. So we can use the derived expression to find the radius of the star and the distance.

Published by: Rajat Saxena

Author: Rajat Saxena

Paper ID: V6I1-1191

Paper Status: published

Published: January 20, 2020

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Research Paper

QoS optimization in wireless sensor networks using multi-hop multi clustering algorithm in a heterogeneous network

The method provided did improve the energy consumed for each simulation round is reduced and also the energy left is increased. The major breakthrough is that by implementing the proposed program the delay for each simulation round is not only greatly reduced but also uniformed, It is also clearly visible that the throughput in (bit per second) is drastically increased. When compared with traditional methods. The existing paper provides an interesting method using Lagrangian Relaxation(LR) to control the adaptive switching of hop-by-hop QoS routing. The method utilized timely information collection to validate and respect the QoS requirements of all the nodes making the whole network obeying the QoS parameter. This is done by utilizing the modified Markov Chain model for prediction. Multi-hop multi-cluster QoS algorithm using Matlab proposed and implemented a new optimized method our QoS based multi-path routing using ‘k’ neighbors based node switching in corresponding hops. The node will be switched if and only if the QoS threshold and distance threshold value is satisfied. The switching of nodes improved drastically on Throughput. The proposed algorithm has a little high drop ratio as compared to the existing algorithm which is partially due to the multi-path approach in packet splitting. If all the portions of the split packet are not received, the overall packet is dropped. This introduced a marginally higher packet drop ratio which can be managed later on and provides the scope for further improvement.

Published by: Yoginder Singh, Puneet Jain, Rajnesh Narula

Author: Yoginder Singh

Paper ID: V6I1-1162

Paper Status: published

Published: January 20, 2020

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