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Leadership matters!

Leaders don’t create successful employees rather they create successful followers who follow the footsteps of their leaders. The success of any organization largely depends on the manpower it has and especially its leader. Leadership is all about setting an example, instilling the values and ethics, envisioning the future, challenging the process, daring to take risks and recognizing the employees and celebrating the values and victories. Leadership is not something you do to people, but it’s something you do with people and the impact that the leader creates on the team matters the most.

Published by: S. Ramesh, C.V. Daniel Deva Kumar, Annie Valsan

Author: S. Ramesh

Paper ID: V6I1-1176

Paper Status: published

Published: January 10, 2020

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Research Paper

Linux based Virtual Assistant in C

In this paper, we propose a C-based approach to develop a Virtual Assistant for the Linux operating system. The goal is to perform tasks with ease so that the user effort is minimum. We are giving input sentences in the form of Natural Language which is processed by our Pattern classifier after which virtual assistant is performing the tasks based on the results of the pattern classifier. Pattern Classifier’s result is the name of a category such as a restaurant, weather, media, etc based on the highest score among all the categories. We are using pattern classifiers, which is much like Multinomial Naive Bayes, the difference is that instead of calculating probabilities this approach is comparing scores of categories which makes this algorithm much simplified. This algorithm is naive because it consists of different independent “features”, in this case: words. Each word is considered as a different entity and does not show any relation with other words in the sentence that is being classified.

Published by: Ritwik Sharma, Riya

Author: Ritwik Sharma

Paper ID: V6I1-1170

Paper Status: published

Published: January 10, 2020

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The effectiveness of Video-Assisted Teaching on psychosocial problems of adolescents in terms of knowledge and attitude among school teachers at a selected corporation school

Abstract: Psychosocial problems are highly prevalent and one of the hidden public health problems amongst children and adolescents. The present Pre Experimental (one group pre-test post-test design) study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching on psychosocial problems of adolescents in terms of knowledge and attitude among school teachers, Coimbatore. 60 school teachers working at Rathinapuri Corporation Higher Secondary School were selected by using Non-Probability Convenience Sampling Technique. Self-administered questionnaire and Likert scale was used to assess the level of knowledge and attitude Calculated paired ‘t’ test value of knowledge (t=29.9) and attitude (t=20.1) showed highly significant at p≤0.01 in pre and post-test, which reveals that Video Assisted Teaching was effective in gaining knowledge and developing favorable attitude on psychosocial problems of adolescents among school teachers. The calculated Karl Pearson’s ‘r’ value (r=0.7) of knowledge and attitude in the post-test showed a positive correlation. Video-Assisted Teaching is an interesting effective way of teaching-learning strategy that can be used at any place, time, all the age group for improving knowledge and developing a desirable attitude.

Published by: Aswani.B, L. Parimala Devi

Author: Aswani.B

Paper ID: V6I1-1171

Paper Status: published

Published: January 9, 2020

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Research Paper

Decoding the problem with Indian economy

On one hand, the Economy is worryingly slowing at a persistent pace and on the under that country is burning on issues based on religion, policy, and culture. The Govt for a large part of the year was in denial that there is an actual problem with the economy. But the signals have been quite overwhelming for anyone to deny that our country has entered a phase of economic slowdown and things have been looking quite gloomy do far. Now comes the question of why are we in a state that we find us in today. The World Bank has said that the Indian economy is facing a severe slowdown and has predicted GDP much slower than its earlier predictions. This paper presents a brief review of the factors that led us to this position along with trying to look for solutions

Published by: Anubhav Kaistha

Author: Anubhav Kaistha

Paper ID: V6I1-1149

Paper Status: published

Published: January 9, 2020

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Research Paper

A lung cancer disease due to smoker using data mining classification algorithm for the prediction

The smoke exposure detection risk comprises determining the relative risk (RR) of lung cancer in life span by no means smokers linked with environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) disclosure. The most important purpose is to nearby an updated meta-psychiatry of the epidemiological information, even though for a short time converse the tentative confirmation, and learning of smolder forbid. This entire thing aimed to construct an experienced catalog most intimately correspondent to given that spousal smolder is the conventional catalog for learning ETS possessions, women connubial to a smoker having a patently elevated ETS disclosure, as considered by coniine, than women connubial to a non-smoker. Thus, the fallout was selected in the subsequent categorize of fondness for Exposure, disease category, the moment of exposure, disease characterization, and label of no ETS revelation. In adding up, consequences chosen were those attuned for nearly everybody confounders for which penalty were agreed. This advance of deciding on the nearly everyone pertinent consequence permissible the meta-psychiatry to comprise fallout from each learning.

Published by: Rajni Devi, Gurinderpal Singh

Author: Rajni Devi

Paper ID: V6I1-1160

Paper Status: published

Published: January 9, 2020

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Research Paper

Design and analysis of a high-efficiency, cost-effective solar concentrator system for community solar cooking

Solar concentrating systems are optical systems that concentrate solar energy for conversion into usable energy. Ideally, a solar concentrating system should have the following favourable properties as design criteria: (i) energy-efficient, (ii) cost-effective to construct, and (iii) highly durable even in the presence of variation of high temperature and wind. The cost of energy produced by solar thermal concentrators depends on costs of various materials which make up the system, maintenance costs and obviously the amount of solar energy collected. Serious efforts are currently devoted to making solar collector technology economically more competitive. Existing solar concentrating system designs are challenged by energy efficiency and cost of construction. This is because the installation of the major part such as tracking concentrators, are relatively expensive to construct and maintain. These concentrators are generally mostly composed of relatively expensive metallic material (e.g., steel or aluminium), and moreover these large parts need to track with the movement of the sun. Taking into account all advantages and limitations of all CSP technologies a novel design of parabolic solar collector technology is presented in this paper which is modular and effective. The paper describes a novel 2-stage solar concentrating system. This paper is focused on a low-cost solar concentrating system for collecting and concentrating energy from the sun. The design of a solar concentrating system is (SCS) involves a system of concentrating optics, which makes use of two stages of concentration (both primary and secondary concentrators). Unlike most prior solar concentrating systems, it uses stationary primary concentrators composed mostly of concrete, which has very low-cost. The key design and analysis issues are: optical, structural, and mechanical. The paper provides a detailed description of the design issues of this solar concentrating system. The paper also includes a description of the software simulations executed including CAD modelling and MATHLAB computational simulations to simulate solar tracking of the secondary concentrators to analyse overall performance.

Published by: Swati Bhasme, Dr. Chandrakant Thorat

Author: Swati Bhasme

Paper ID: V6I1-1165

Paper Status: published

Published: January 8, 2020

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