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A literature review on the identification & detection of stress in social networks in daily lifestyle

Nowadays the Psychological stress is becoming a threat to people’s health, as the time is moving stress level is increasing so quickly. With the rapid pace of life, more and more people are feeling stressed. In the proposed method, we will find the stress state of society very closely related to their relatives or friends in social media and will give work to a large-scale dataset from the real-world social platforms to study the correlation of user's stress states and social interactions. As the peoples are sharing their day to day activities on social media platforms or the interaction between the peoples makes social media so popular in these past few years. The social media platform makes it convenient to hold all the online social network data for stress detection, though the stress itself is a non-clinical and common in our day to day lifestyle. Excessive and chronic stress can be rather harmful to people’s physical or mental health. With the development of social networks like twitter, Whatsapp and Facebook, more and more people are willing to share their daily activities and moods with friends through the social media platform. In this, we will first define a set of stress-related textual, visual, and social attributes from various aspects, and after that, we will propose a novel hybrid Model Stress Detection Model (SDM). This proposed hybrid model compression. In this by further analyzing the social interaction in the data, we will also discover the different several fascinating phenomena, i.e. the number of the social structures with no delta connections of the stressed users is around 38% higher than that of the non-stressed users, recommending that the social structure of the stressed users tends to be less connected and less complicated than that of the non-stressed users.

Published by: Abhinav Singh, Dr. Tapas Kumar, Dr. E Rajesh

Author: Abhinav Singh

Paper ID: V6I1-1163

Paper Status: published

Published: January 7, 2020

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Agile Testing Attributes for the Project Management Methodology in Software Development (IT Projects)

Agile methodology is gaining prominence in the software industry over the waterfall model. Agile testing follows the Agile statement guidelines treating all members of the cross-functional team as another comer to solve complex problems. Learning driven agile as opposed to plan-driven waterfall embraces business value-based frequent delivery of software rather than a milestone-based delivery which happens towards the end of the project.

Published by: Paramita Dey

Author: Paramita Dey

Paper ID: V6I1-1147

Paper Status: published

Published: January 4, 2020

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Review Paper

Estimation and cartography the water erosion by integration of the Gavrilovic “EPM” model using a GIS in the Mediterranean watershed: Lower Oued Kert watershed (Eastern Rif, Morocco)

The lower Oued El Kart watershed, situated in the north of Morocco, on the Mediterranean side of the eastern Rif, is characterized by a semi-arid bioclimate and rare and irregular rainfall. The obtained result shows that the watershed loses an average of 14,7 t/ha/year. To evaluate this dynamic and the losses of soil it engenders, we have preceded the integration of the EPM model (Erosion Potential Method) of GAVRILOVIC in a GIS. The maximum loses are 138,8 t/ha/year and minimum are 0,01 t/ha/year. Total annual loses of the watershed of the Oued El Kart low an average of 205 800 t/year (Erosion in the plot). The results analysis of this model has permitted, also using a GIS, to determine the factors that control the water erosion and which are in order of importance: the soil protection (vegetation), erosion types, soil erodibility, the precipitations, the slope, and temperature. It should be noted that the used methodology of the EPM model applies to various types of erosion.

Published by: Aman Allah Zahnoun, Mohamed Makhchane, Miloud Chakir, Jamal Al Karkouri, Abderahim Watfae

Author: Aman Allah Zahnoun

Paper ID: V5I6-1298

Paper Status: published

Published: January 3, 2020

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Review Paper

Review of wave energy extraction technologies and current state of the art

In renewable technologies, ocean wave energy extraction tech is in the early development phase, especially wave power extraction technology. To extract power from waves, a generator with moving parts is used to change wave energy into mechanical energy. Now floating systems and designs that can take benefit of PE and KE are also developed. The main aim and objective of this research article are to make a complete understanding of ocean wave energy extraction technologies. This article will also tackle the potential and consumption that wave energy. This article will also explain the different energy conversion projects at different levels around the world.

Published by: Sarmad Iqbal, Muhammad Abubakar

Author: Sarmad Iqbal

Paper ID: V5I6-1302

Paper Status: published

Published: January 3, 2020

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Research Paper

HPTLC and In vitro Cytotoxicity studies of Carica papaya leaf Extracts

The use of plants in medicines has been prevalent since ancient times. Recent advances in Biotechnology have helped in the validation of their potential as drugs for the treatment of numerous diseases. Various parts of the Carica papaya, popularly grown for their fruits have also been used as ethnomedicine for a number of ailments like diabetes, indigestion, viral infections, and menstrual pain. The present study focusses on the preparation of extracts from the leaves of Male, Female and Hermaphrodite Carica papaya plants using solvents of varying polarities. The solvent was removed from the extract using a Rotary Vacuum Evaporator. A comparative study of the HPTLC analysis of these extracts revealed that the Leaf Extracts of Hermaphrodite Carica papaya plants had the maximum number of compounds present in them. In vitro cytotoxicity studies of the shortlisted extracts done using MTT assay on BHK-21 cells. The leaf extracts of Hermaphrodite Carica papaya plants showed no sign of toxicity up to a concentration of 100 µg/ ml, hence proves them to be safe for therapeutic use.

Published by: Praseeda Nambisan, Dr. Siddhivinayak Barve

Author: Praseeda Nambisan

Paper ID: V5I6-1304

Paper Status: published

Published: January 2, 2020

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Research Paper

Analytical method validation of acetamiprid+ bifenthrin formulation by Reverse Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography (R-HPLC)

Many types of combinations of pesticides are being used effectively as insecticide, weedicide, growth regulators and may other applications successfully. To control termites and insecticide these combinations of acetamiprid and bifenthrin are being used effectively in the plant kingdom. Acetamiprid is an organic compound basically and the bifenthrin is and pyrethroid molecule. These molecules are being used as an insecticide; even though chemically different in nature. These molecules in different concentrations and combinations are being used over 100 countries; it is very important to detect and quantify with lesser time and cost-effective. This HPLC method is a simple method to quantify these two molecules within 17 minutes. The simple HPLC analytical method is a reversed-phase chromatography principle by using acetonitrile and 1% Ortho Phosphoric Acid (OPA) in the HPLC grade water 80:20 ratio. In this method Shimadzu C18 column is used with the dimension as 250mm length; 4.6 mm dimension and 5μm silica particle size packed. The detection was carried out at 210nm, with the Shimadzu detector supported with LC solution software. In this method, these acetamiprid was eluted at 3.6 minutes and the bifenthrin was eluted at 2.7 minutes. This analytical method was complying with all the validation parameters of SANCO 3029; version 4 and ICH guidelines.

Published by: Dr. K. Ayyavoo, Dr. C. Tamilselvan

Author: Dr. K. Ayyavoo

Paper ID: V5I6-1294

Paper Status: published

Published: December 30, 2019

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