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Research Paper

A search for the origin and cause of attractive and magnetic property in meteorites

Abstract. Meteorites are known to be attracted to a magnet, whether they possess magnetic property or not are unknown. Hence to study the attractive property and magnetic property in meteorites, seven meteorites, six iron meteorites namely Campo-del-Cielo 2 nos, Sikhote Aline 1 no., unknown iron meteorites 3 nos, and Chelyabinsk, a stony meteorite were investigated to study their attractive property and magnetic property. For the study purpose, three experiments were conducted through mariner compass, standard magnets of different strength and iron filings. The conclusion drawn from these experimental studies showed that meteorites do not possess any magnetic property. They are found to be strongly attracted towards a magnet because of Fe compounds i.e., [Fe (iron) and Ni (nickel)] and possibly may be due to unknown elements present in them. This paper reports the work carried on seven meteorites on a preliminary basis, to study the attractive and magnetic property in meteorites and to put on records the work carried out. This work is of prima facial in knowing and studying the attractive and magnetic property in meteorites by different and simple methods. This is a small attempt to solve the fundamental question about magnetic property in meteorites.

Published by: Raju D. Jadhav, Harishchandra B. Mali

Author: Raju D. Jadhav

Paper ID: V5I6-1136

Paper Status: published

Published: November 11, 2019

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Research Paper

Impact of self-esteem upon academic performance of college students

Introduction: Self-esteem is a personal force or a potential effect and it referred as person's global judgements of competency regarding one's self-worth.This study aimed to assess the impact of self-esteem upon academic performance of the college students.Research methodology:A descriptive correlational study was conducted at selected nursing College,Chennai,with the sample size of 98 students who were selected through total enumerative sampling technique. Data was collected by using tools such as background variable proforma, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale(RSES) and proforma to assess the academic performance of the B.Sc(N) I year students.Results: There was a positive correlation (r=0.4) between self- esteem and academic performance which is statistically significant(p < 0.001) indicating the fact that improving one's self esteem can have positive impact on academic performance. Conclusion: The above findings revealed that self -est eem is most important factor that influences students'forecast of academic performance. Planning psychological interventions to boost the self -esteem of the students will be helpful in improving their academic performance.

Published by: Priya S., Dr. Latha Venkatesan, Hilda Rose Mary, Dr. K. Vijayalakshmi

Author: Priya S.

Paper ID: V5I6-1155

Paper Status: published

Published: November 11, 2019

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Review Paper

Framework for information management through step sequencer

Data is now commonly stored in digital format because it is the most secure way to store, manage, access and share information across networks. However, there is always a risk that unauthorized users will access data and, in the worst case, that malicious hackers will modify the data. The symmetric cryptosystem is used in the approach proposed. The symmetric cryptosystem is used in the proposed method. Data is divided into two sub-blocks and each block is encrypted to provide enhanced security using three separate secret keys. This deterministic algorithm is implemented using the LabVIEW tool. One of the three keys that diffuses the one other keys provided by the information is for misunderstanding. In the proposed solution blocks the main search attacks heavily. There are two separate secret keys used and to improve the robustness of the algorithm, random rotation is applied.

Published by: R. Arun Chakravarthy, M. Arun, N. Kaleeswari, P. Manivannan, D. Prabha

Author: R. Arun Chakravarthy

Paper ID: V5I6-1158

Paper Status: published

Published: November 8, 2019

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Review Paper

Review on prediction of heart disease using data mining

The heart is the next major organ comparing to the brain which has more priority in the Human body. Prediction of occurrences of heart diseases in the medical field is significant work. Data analytics is useful for prediction from more information and it helps medical centers to predict various diseases. A huge amount of patient-related data is maintained monthly. The stored data can be useful for the source of predicting the occurrence of future disease. Some of the data mining and machine learning techniques are used to predict heart disease, such as Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Decision tree, K-Nearest Neighbor(KNN), Naïve Bayes and Support Vector Machine (SVM). This paper provides an insight into the existing algorithm and it gives an overall summary of the existing work.

Published by: Siddharth Mundra, Kiran Manjrekar, Nimit Lalwani, Nilesh Rathod

Author: Siddharth Mundra

Paper ID: V5I6-1152

Paper Status: published

Published: November 8, 2019

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Research Paper

The influence of social media tools on public universities in Kenya

Students in public universities are among the most active users of social media tools and platforms. There is little research data on the influence of social media on public universities in Kenya. It is critical to study how social media affects the wellbeing and academics of public university students in Kenya. The objective is to determine the influence of social media on public universities in Kenya. The research utilized a qualitative research design facilitated by a systematic literature review methodology. Findings from 12 studies were comparatively analyzed to determine the degree of conformity in a bid to answer the research question. The findings included that the influence of social media on a student’s wellbeing and academics depends on the student’s engagement in social media activities and consumption of the corresponding content. Social media can be an educational resource, enhance engagement, communication, and participation in classroom activities, and improve professional networking. Social media can also be a source of distraction and cybercrime besides the fact that it can also lead to addiction. The influence of social media on public universities in Kenya depends on the students’ engagement with social media activities and content. Educators, higher education administrators, and parents should monitor and control how students use social media content.

Published by: Annette Munyiva, John Simiyu, Jackson Too

Author: Annette Munyiva

Paper ID: V5I6-1151

Paper Status: published

Published: November 8, 2019

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Research Paper

Comprehensive study of software testing: Categories, levels, techniques, and types

Software Testing is the process of evaluating a software program to ensure that it performs its intended purpose. Software testing verifies the safety, reliability, and correct working of the software. The growing need for quality software makes software testing a crucial stage in Software Development Lifecycle. There are many methods of testing software, however, the choice of method to test a given software remains a major problem in software testing. Although, it is often impossible to find all errors in software, employing the right combination of methods will make software testing efficient and successful. Knowing these software testing methods is the key to making the right selection. This paper presents a comprehensive study of software testing methods. An explanation of Testing Categories was presented first, followed by Testing Levels (and their comparison), then Testing Techniques (and their comparison). For each Testing Levels and Testing Techniques, examples of some testing types and their pros and cons were given with a brief explanation of some of the important testing types. Furthermore, a clear and distinguishable explanation of two confused and contradictory terms (Verification and Validation) and how they relate to Software Quality was provided.

Published by: Mubarak Albarka Umar

Author: Mubarak Albarka Umar

Paper ID: V5I6-1154

Paper Status: published

Published: November 7, 2019

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