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Synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles by using Citrus maxima leaf extract with antibacterial assessment

Nanotechnology is an important field of modern research dealing with design, synthesis, and manipulation of particle structure ranging from approximately 1-100 nm. Silver nanoparticles are of interest because of its unique properties as they hold the acceptance to kill microbes effectively. The synthesis of silver nanoparticles in the green process is a cost-effective and environment friendly technique from 1mM silver nitrate solution through the extract of Citrus maxima. The change of color indicates the syntheses of nanoparticles. Nanoparticles were characterized using various characterization techniques. This green synthesis provides an economic, eco-friendly, and clean synthesis route to AgNPs. AgNPs in suspension showed activity against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria with minimum bactericidal concentrations (MBCs). The size of synthesized nanoparticle is about 9 nm. Efficient antimicrobial activity of the synthesized silver nanoparticles proves the application potential of green synthesis in the area of nano-medicine.

Published by: A. K. M. Royhan Uddin, Farjana Rahman

Author: A. K. M. Royhan Uddin

Paper ID: V5I5-1332

Paper Status: published

Published: November 4, 2019

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Research Paper

Application of Operations Research in environmental management

The ecological balance and ecosystem stability are duly maintained by nature itself but the emergence of the modern industrial era has disturbed the ecological balance through heavy industrialization, faster growth of means of transportation, rapacious exploitation of resources, unplanned urbanization, etc. Environmental management is thus, the process to improve the relationship between human beings and the environment. Operations research creates mathematical models to maximize efficiency, which in turn reduces cost and minimal usage of resources. In this research paper, we will deeply review the applications of operations research in environmental management by using transportation problems as well as case studies to highlight the impact of operations research on the environment.

Published by: Swati Arora, Sophiya John, Shreya Kothari, Shubh Sandhu, Sujay Patil

Author: Swati Arora

Paper ID: V5I5-1334

Paper Status: published

Published: November 1, 2019

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Research Paper

Smart identification and updatation system: Resulting whether money available in ATM or not

When we need money, we intend to go for ATM to get money. If there is no enough cash or money into ATM, we don't get money as well as spend a lot of time. To avoid all the efforts and save our time, We can use the Android Application based system. Through this, anyone can check firstly whether how much money available in nearer ATM. For this purpose, we have developed a system which is called smart Identification and Updatatin through it you can save time as well as efforts. It is a fully Automated System.

Published by: Surana Gaurav Manoj, Darshan Manoj Surana, Bhairavi Suresh Khairnar, Pushpak Suresh Khairnar, Harshad Menketan Meshram, Maniyar Jasmin Banu Mohammed rafique, Swapnil Balasaheb Borade, Rakhi mamraj Rathod

Author: Surana Gaurav Manoj

Paper ID: V5I5-1208

Paper Status: published

Published: November 1, 2019

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Research Paper

Rp-122: Formulation of solutions of a special standard quadratic congruence of composite modulus- An even multiple of a power of an odd positive integer

In this study, a special standard quadratic congruence of composite modulus-an even multiple of Power of an odd positive integer is studied rigorously and a very simple formula for the solutions of the congruence is established. It is found that congruence has many incongruent solutions. The solutions can be obtained without any pen & Paper. It can be calculated orally. The congruence was not formulated earlier. This is the first time a formulation of the solutions of the said congruence is made available by the author. This is the merit of the paper.

Published by: B. M. Roy

Author: B. M. Roy

Paper ID: V5I5-1321

Paper Status: published

Published: November 1, 2019

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Research Paper

Overview of rural marketing in India

Rural Marketing decides the doing of business exercises acquiring the progression of merchandise from urban divisions to the rustic locales of the nation just as the promoting of different items fabricated by the non-rural laborers from country to urban zones. A number of techniques like item, value, advancement, dissemination, showcasing and deals systems can assist different associations with capturing an enormous piece of the overall industry of country India. In any case, it isn't that simple to work in the provincial market as a result of a few issues, for example, immature individuals and immature markets, Inadequate Media inclusion for country correspondence, Multi-language and Dialects, Traditional Values, Lack of legitimate physical correspondence offices. Be that as it may, each issue has its answer. Along these lines, the issues of country promoting can be explained by improving framework, transportation, correspondence, warehousing, and pressing offices.

Published by: Aashka Kakka

Author: Aashka Kakka

Paper ID: V5I6-1138

Paper Status: published

Published: October 31, 2019

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Evaluation of road traffic accident in Addis Ababa – Adama Expressway

This study is aimed to evaluate Road Traffic Accidents (RTA) in Addis Ababa– Adama Expressway which is the first modern expressway in Ethiopia. The study analyzed 1,137 accident data that occurred in the past three years and eight months since the launching of the project. The study investigated several characteristics of accidents. Among others, this includes accident type and severity, time of accident occurrence and types and level of traffic. Advanced statistical tests were conducted to identify the contribution of accident instruments. Out of 1,137 RTA datasets, 75% occurred during day time and about 24% of accidents occurred at night. The highest fatality accident occurred in January. In total, 84 fatalities, 191 serious injuries, and 438 light injuries were registered. The highest number of serious injuries (about 38%) occurred during the weekend. A total of 1,348 vehicles were involved in road accidents. About 33.5% of accidents occurred due to rear-end collision while about 31% occurred due to vehicle rollover. The remaining accidents occurred due to collision to the guardrail and curbstone about 39% of accidents occurred due to unethical driving behavior while about 19% of accidents occurred due to over speeding. In addition, driver fatigue, flat tires, poor vehicle brake performance, and steering problems, the presence of animals were also contributing factors to the reported accidents. The study recommended remedial Measures for the safe operation of the expressway.

Published by: Mikiyas Alemeshet Abera

Author: Mikiyas Alemeshet Abera

Paper ID: V5I5-1314

Paper Status: withdrawn

Submitted: October 31, 2019

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