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Research Paper

IoT based vehicle emission monitoring system

In the world, there are many problems regarding to the pollution. One of the major problems is air pollution. The air pollution has been increase because of more uses of the vehicle. Through the vehicle CO (Carbon Monoxide), HC (Hydrocarbon) are emitted which leads to global warming and it also affects animals and human health. If the vehicle is not maintain properly then the amount of smoke will get increase, which leads to increase in pollution. For this problem the solution is, we have developed a system i.e. Vehicle Emission Monitoring System that monitors the pollution exhausted from the vehicle. This system is based on IoT (Internet of Things). This system will be placed in the vehicle and starts monitoring when the vehicle’s engine get starts. The threshold value will be set according to the threshold value of PUC (Pollution Under Control) Center. When the exhaust value crosses about the threshold value alert message is send to the owner of the vehicle. The system consists of Arduino Mega 2560, CO sensors, HC sensors, air quality, GSM.

Published by: Harish Bhashkar Domale, Pratik Ulhas Jogdande, Dhondiba Ram Fadatare, Prachi Ganesh Lohar, Shubham Ratnakar Bodake, M. V. Mane

Author: Harish Bhashkar Domale

Paper ID: V6I2-1192

Paper Status: published

Published: March 9, 2020

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Research Paper

A study on problems faced by the consumers’ towards green FMCG products in Coimbatore City

A clean environment is essential for healthy living of all creatures, it will become poisoned with various environmental issues like global warming, ozone depletion, pollution, loss of biodiversity and deforestation etc, for this concern all over the world various government, business organizations and consumers are started avoiding the products that are harmful for the environment. In order to protect our environment, the FMCG manufactures are produced their products in an ecofriendly way. The major segments of green FMCG distinctly classified into four different segments like Food and Beverage industry, Home Care, Personal care and Electronics, it is an important contributor to India’s Gross Domestic Product. The study is descriptive in nature both primary and secondary data to be considered for this analysis.710 samples are randomly selected in the area of Coimbatore city and analyzed for the study. Through this study Problems towards green FMCG products have been analyzed and provide the suitable suggestions to improve the services.

Published by: S. Kalaiselvi, Dr. D. Parasakthi

Author: S. Kalaiselvi

Paper ID: V6I2-1190

Paper Status: published

Published: March 9, 2020

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Research Paper

Aditya Birla Capital Limited share analysis

The following research is done on Aditya Birla Capital Limited's shares. We have used Open Price, Last Price, Total Traded Quantity and Turnover to find the interpretation and predicting future value so that the investors could be benefited by predicting the future value and they could invest in the particular project.

Published by: Umang Aggarwal

Author: Umang Aggarwal

Paper ID: V6I2-1196

Paper Status: published

Published: March 9, 2020

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Research Paper

Statistical analysis of deaths from COVID-19 in Hubei, China

The aim was to find the trends in deaths caused by Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Hubei, China. Statistical analysis tools of data analysis were used to find the 5-day moving average, trendline, and regression analysis. Data were extrapolated and predicted for the next 3 days after 18th February 2020.

Published by: Parth Jain

Author: Parth Jain

Paper ID: V6I2-1195

Paper Status: published

Published: March 9, 2020

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Research Paper

Match and runs scored

In this paper, with the use of mathematic techniques, I will understand and analyze the relationship between a number of matches played by a cricket player and the number of runs scored by him. Using correlation technique we will understand the relationship between a number of matches and runs scored for 801 cricketers.

Published by: Yash Asrani

Author: Yash Asrani

Paper ID: V6I2-1187

Paper Status: published

Published: March 9, 2020

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Research Paper

Do the share prices of a company affects the sensex prices?

It has always seen that the Sensex prices change according to the prices of the shares of the companies of that particular country. Hence, I took the secondary data from the Bombay Stock Exchange i.e, the prices of Sensex on different dates and the share prices of HUL to see whether there is an actual relation between the two values or not.

Published by: Suyash Saxena

Author: Suyash Saxena

Paper ID: V6I2-1186

Paper Status: published

Published: March 9, 2020

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