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Research Paper

A study on the effect of block-chain and cryptocurrency on the financial industry

Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies have become what some may call a buzz words, however very few understand what the words mean. Individually, Bloch-chain is this new, upcoming and disrupting technology that at its most basic level, is literally just a chain of digital blocks. We all must have heard the continuous chants “block-chain is a distributed, decentralized, public ledger."- FORTNEY Jun 25, 2019. Investopedia. Luckily, it’ just that. Nothing as complicated as you may have believed. Cryptocurrency, on the other hand, is this asset that runs on a blockchain, it is designed to work as a currency. Which is to say It uses cryptography to secure and verify transactions as well as to control the creation of new units of a particular cryptocurrency. Together, they can do anything from voting to insurance payments. We are already seeing multitudes of companies forming their own blockchains and cryptocurrencies. It is something people are willing to put a lot of money behind without a lot of surety of purpose, which is rare. –Fortney Investopedia. There are very few things that 100% of the people agree on, while this statement is true we must take into account how nothing has divided the financial industry quite so successfully. Some calling it a bubble. It has created overnight billionaires and as created a lot of employment over the years. It is also the cause of the loss of money and potentially millions of jobs in the future. - From Branson, Facebook Co-founders, Cuban to endorsing it to O’Leary, Dalio. In this research paper we aim to find out how these technologies have found such a strong foothold in the media, why it may seem scary (for the lack of a better word) to legalize these two purely disrupting and genius technologies, and how is it going to impact the industry in the coming years that truly runs the world, finance.

Published by: Dr. Varsha Agarwal, Simran Singh, Tanmoy Saha, Sofi Eshan Ahmad

Author: Dr. Varsha Agarwal

Paper ID: V5I5-1190

Paper Status: published

Published: September 28, 2019

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Review Paper

A review on various approaches of remote sensing based satellite image classification

Image Classification is the process that has been done for extraction of valuable regions from the image. In this paper various approaches have been discussed that has been used for process of image classification. Supervised image classification and unsupervised image classification has been widely used for classification process. Classification has the major advantage that provides information about the various regions that are scattered over the satellite image. This has been used for prediction of percentage of various regions under different maps. Supervised classification approaches are based on machine learning algorithms that have been used for different types of prediction and decision making processes. On the basis of various approaches that have been discussed in this paper one can predict best approach for image classification process.

Published by: Roseleen Sahota, Dr. Harish Kundra

Author: Roseleen Sahota

Paper ID: V5I5-1194

Paper Status: published

Published: September 28, 2019

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Case Study

Design, analysis and manufacturing of flexible and functional stirrup and steel profile bundle-tie manufacturing machine

Manufacturing process costs can be reduced by providing the mechanization of labor-intensive works such as construction and logistic operations in profile rolling. Although there are certain manual and semi-automatic machines available for the production of stirrups on constructions, using of physical strengths can not be eliminated, and these machines can not be used effectively for the production of steel profile bundle tie. In this study, it is aimed to design, analyze and manufacture of a functional machine based on hydraulic and automation system which has the flexibility to perform not only the production of bundle tie used in the transporting processes of the hot rolled steel profiles but also the stirrups used in construction sectors. The required process times for material feeding - straightening, bending, cutting and twisting operations were calculated. In line with the calculations, drive and transport mechanisms were designed and the motor-reducer pair was selected and the hydraulic cylinders and hydraulic power unit were dimensioned by using numerical engineering calculations. In order to validate the torque requirements of the motor-reducer groups which are calculated by using numerical engineering calculation methods, finite element method supported bending analyzes are performed and torque-time curves were obtained and the drive systems of the designed mechanisms are verified. Stress-time diagrams of Grade-75 rods, which are the raw material of bundle-tie production, are also obtained during the validation of the drive systems by finite element method supported analyzes. The bending regions of the bars were examined on the basis of the stress-strain diagram and the plastic forming capabilities of the process are evaluated. By this means, applying of excessive plastic deformation of the workpiece is prevented and optimizing of the final product's mechanical behavior is provided. By using the data obtained within the scope of the study, a flexible and functional structured machine was designed and manufactured which can perform many kinds of plastic deformation processes successfully.

Published by: Ilter Kilerci, Burak Onder, Aytac Bassullu

Author: Ilter Kilerci

Paper ID: V5I5-1179

Paper Status: published

Published: September 27, 2019

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Research Paper

Prediction of Indoor PM2.5 concentrations using Support Vector Regression

Studies have found that exposure to elevated levels of PM2.5 concentrations, both in the long term and short term, has adverse health effects. The risk of exposure in the indoor microenvironment is higher compared to that of outdoor because people spend a significant amount of their time indoors. Therefore to mitigate the health risks, it becomes essential to maintain indoor PM2.5 levels. To do so, keeping an eye on the future expected concentrations is equally important as monitoring the current PM2.5 levels. This paper talks about the development of one such model that enables us to predict the indoor PM2.5 concentrations using Support Vector Regression. Upon development the model showed a very high value of R-square (0.98) and while testing it yielded a very low error (3.78%).

Published by: Satya Sundar Patra

Author: Satya Sundar Patra

Paper ID: V5I5-1185

Paper Status: published

Published: September 27, 2019

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Research Paper

A study on China-U.S. trade war

This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the on-going China-US trade war, similar to the Thucydides Trap in terms of competing for global economic dominance. It analyzes what the US attempts to achieve through the trade war and why China has been refusing the reciprocal trade relations urged by President Trump. It also identifies social and economic changes in American society, which motivate President Trump to impose punitive tariffs on Chinese goods. It emphasizes that the trade war is asymmetric and China will definitely suffer more losses than the US if the trade war escalates further. At the end of the paper, it suggests that to avoid the devastating result of the Thucydides Trap, China should further open its domestic market to American companies and actively pursue negotiations with the US for resolving the dispute. If trade tensions between the United States and certain trading partners escalate into a full-blown trade war, what should developing countries do? Using a global, general equilibrium model, this paper first simulates the effects of an increase in U.S. tariffs on imports from all regions to about 30 percent (the average non-Most Favored Nation tariff currently applied to imports and retaliation in kind by major trading partners- the European Union, China, Mexico, Canada, and Japan. The paper then considers four possible responses by developing countries to this trade war: (i) join the trade war; (ii) do nothing; (iii) pursue regional trade agreements with all regions outside the United States; and (iv) option (iii) and unilaterally liberalize tariffs on imports from the United States. The results show that joining the trade war is the worst option for developing countries (twice as bad as doing nothing) while forming RTAs with non-U.S. regions and liberalizing tariffs on U.S. imports (“turning the other cheek”) is the best. The reason is that a trade war between the United States and its major trading partners creates opportunities for developing countries to increase their exports to these markets. Liberalizing tariffs increases developing countries’ competitiveness, enabling them to capitalize on these opportunities.

Published by: Dr. Varsha Agarwal, Ayush Munjal, Tamanna Jain, Kishan Khodbhaya

Author: Dr. Varsha Agarwal

Paper ID: V5I5-1189

Paper Status: published

Published: September 27, 2019

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Research Paper

Resisting SBZ attack patterns by a reliable trust model in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET)

Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) have the probable to convert the way people travel through the formation of a safe interoperable wireless communications network that contains buses, cars, traffic signals, cell phones, and other devices. However, VANETs are susceptible to security threats due to growing reliance on computing, communication, and control technologies. The sole security and privacy challenges modeled by VANETs include integrity, no repudiation, confidentiality, real-time operational constraints/demands, access control, privacy protection, and availability. In this paper, we recommend that the new trust management scheme mainly focuses on the Traffic Estimation and Prediction System which generally provides the predictive information needed for proactive traffic control and traveler information. In VANETs singular vehicles can help each other's find assets and build up dependability under profoundly powerful conditions; without any unified trust expert to determine the precision and unwavering quality of data aggregated in a distributed manner we present a new trust management system for such networks. The trustworthiness of VANETs could be upgraded by addressing holistically both node trust, which is defined as how trustworthy the nodes in VANETs are and data trust, which is defined as the assessment of whether or not and to what extent the reported traffic data are trustworthy. To make this trust-based system robust we include a way of dealing with false ratings. More specifically a reliable trust model is proposed which can resist the SBZ attack patterns by using the cloud watch mechanism which can exclude potential lies. The effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed scheme are validated through extensive experiments. The proposed trust management theme is applicable to a wide range of VANET applications to improve traffic safety, mobility, and environmental protection with enhanced trustworthiness.

Published by: Selvarani B., Rahin Batcha R.

Author: Selvarani B.

Paper ID: V5I5-1154

Paper Status: published

Published: September 26, 2019

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