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Research Paper

Progression of maturity model of supply chain in context to sustainability

This conceptual paper is business research presenting maturity model progression and sustainability as a creative wordplay to help organizations move towards reasonable advancement. The sustainability model recommendation depends on the conviction that sustainability is a resulting procedure of urging in which an organization will be unceasingly trying to succeed its vision of economic advancement in continuous cycles of progress, where at each new trundling the firm begins the procedure at a larger value of merchants manageability execution. The alluded model is therefrom unique to fuse changes en-route and empower its advancement pursuit the company's and its system accomplices' urging towards the manageability vision. The viewing on which this paper is based joins skills in science and innovation arrangement, research and development, and urging the executives, group execution and supervisory learning, technique wattle, and incorporated execution, information the executives and innovation for sighting.

Published by: Tanmay Goel, Aashi Mirani, Khushi Agrawal

Author: Tanmay Goel

Paper ID: V5I4-1387

Paper Status: published

Published: August 30, 2019

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Research Paper

The role of supply chain in achieving competitive advantage

As competition from various firms increases locally and globally, Supply Chain Management and ways to increase its efficiency have been the key focus of various organizations. Improving the performance of Supply Chain Management enables a firm to have a competitive advantage over other organizations. This research focuses on three aspects through which the process of Supply Chain can not only be improved but also serve as an edge over competitors. These key areas include Strategic Supply Chain, Supply Chain Metrics and its impact on Performance and Supply Chain Operations and Technology. The study shows how the overall process of Supply Chain Management can be made more effective through the aspects mentioned above and how they serve as tools towards enhancing the process of Supply Chain Management. The outcome of the research shows that a well-planned and established Supply Chain which minimizes the prospects of errors can result in the improvement of the performance of the firm and gives it a competitive edge over other firms.

Published by: Vatsal Jaiswal, Meenakshi Balaji, Sakshi Bhargava

Author: Vatsal Jaiswal

Paper ID: V5I4-1384

Paper Status: published

Published: August 30, 2019

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Research Paper

Digital transformation: Aiding Supply Chain Models

There is an expanding utilization of automation, data processing, and exchange, cyber-physical systems, Internet of things and cloud technology in the industry. Current plants experience consistent transformation, which has swayed on the association of assembling exercises, yet additionally on the working of supply chains. The model of contact with the end client, who every now and again moves into the virtual world, is changing, which legitimately means the arrangement of dispersion channels. The happening changes are alluded to as the Fourth Mechanical Upheaval, and we are its onlookers. This paper investigates the difficulties for present-day supply chains that emerge as an aftereffect of the fourth mechanical insurgency. It aims to address the inquiry to what degree the Digital Transformation influences the association of items and data streams in supply chains.

Published by: Ashutosh Sahoo, Mohammed Thoufiq, Rohit Bajaj

Author: Ashutosh Sahoo

Paper ID: V5I4-1381

Paper Status: published

Published: August 30, 2019

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Research Paper

An incisive assessment of Walmart’s supply chain management

This paper aims to conduct an in-depth analysis of Walmart’s supply chain management. The fundamental objective is to understand the efficiency of its supply chain and its influence on the global market. The paper seeks to elaborate on three objectives which will serve as the primary interests of the research. The first objective is to establish the importance of supply chain management in Walmart’s phenomenal rise as a corporate giant. The second objective is to highlight the extent of efficiency of its supply chain management. The final objective of the paper is to discuss the challenges that Walmart currently faces and the scope for improvement in a particular area.

Published by: Adya Verma, Rohit Potluri, Samarth Mahere

Author: Adya Verma

Paper ID: V5I4-1379

Paper Status: published

Published: August 30, 2019

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Review Paper

A comprehensive study of just-in-time commensurating Indian companies

This conceptual paper analyses the concept of Just in Time in the supply chain and whether it can be applied to an Indian scenario. Based on the understanding of articles that have conducted research regarding supply chain, it is learned that Just in time is one of the efficient ways to commensurate the company’s objectives to reduce costs. Although Just in Time seems helpful it shall not be a resort in India. India, being a developing nation, has to go through lots of advancements in the way businesses are operated. India being a rurally dominated society; companies have to produce according to the convenience of customers which forces them to peg their goods at an affordable rate and turn that as its primary objective. This policy of plummeting the costs through an efficient supply chain has worked well for all the companies but the question remains as to which technique to be implemented. The paper suggests an alternative to Just in Time, which shall be implemented with ease, Hybrid Supply Chain. This model can prove helpful to the companies if it is able to correspond well.

Published by: Rishabh Jain, Yash Betala, Kirubakaran Uthira Kumar

Author: Rishabh Jain

Paper ID: V5I4-1377

Paper Status: published

Published: August 30, 2019

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Research Paper

Manipulating and detecting greedy behaviour while disseminating emergency messages in urban VANET

Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs), whose main aim is to provide road safety and enhance the driving conditions, are exposed to several kinds of attacks such as Denial of Service (DoS) attacks which affect the availability of the underlying services for legitimate users. The principle reason for wellbeing application is to give security street condition data to clients and consequently spare human lives from mischances. Cautioning messages are the more basic part of the security messages and latency of this message will leads to many problems. In the proposed work urban multi-hop broadcast protocol is used to disseminate the emergency message in all the directions simultaneously. This protocol assigns the duty of forwarding and acknowledging the broadcast packet to only one node among the candidate nodes and such a forwarding node is successfully chosen by the asynchronous contention among them. In this paper an enhanced forwarder node selection scheme is adopted which can manipulate back off greedy behaviour while disseminating the emergency message and a new algorithm called Forwarding Greedy Misbehaviour Detection (FGMD) is proposed to detect the existence of greedy behaviour in VANET. By monitoring network traffic traces, the algorithm is able to affirm the existence or not of greedy nodes using newly defined five parameters by fuzzy logic. The proposed system may result in better performance in terms of Message reception rate, throughput and transmission delay.

Published by: Selvarani B., Rahin Batcha R.

Author: Selvarani B.

Paper ID: V5I4-1376

Paper Status: published

Published: August 30, 2019

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