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Research Paper

Development of DNA isolation and purification method with automation by using Silica coated Magnetic Nanoparticles

Development of DNA isolation and purification method with automation by using Silica coated Magnetic Nanoparticles. To develop a protocol to extract and purify the DNA, with automation using silica-coated magnetic particles, of two gram-negative bacteria E. coli DH5α for small volume culture (1ml) and large volume culture (5ml). Cell Lysis: Here all the analysis has been done on E. coli DH5α, gram negative bacteria. Washing: The second step comes in purifying the nucleic acids is the washing. Other than proteins, there are many kinds of impurities present with nucleic acids and these impurities need to be washed. Elution: The final step is the elution step. In this step, finally the DNA is extracted from the silica coated MNPs and hence purified.

Published by: Sanyam Modi, Chintan Somani

Author: Sanyam Modi

Paper ID: V5I4-1303

Paper Status: published

Published: August 6, 2019

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Virtual production of dental prosthesis using dental virtual articulator

Virtual reality is a computer-based technology linked with the future of the dentistry-dental practice. Virtual reality leads us to navigate and view a world of three dimensions in real-time with 6 degrees of freedom. The virtual articulator is one such application in prosthetic restorative dentistry based on virtual reality that will significantly reduce the limitation of the mechanical articulator and by simulation of real patient data, allows an analysis of digitized casts with regard to static and dynamic occlusion as well as jaw relation.

Published by: Smita Khalikar, Swati Pawar, S. P. Dange, Kishor Mahale

Author: Smita Khalikar

Paper ID: V5I4-1243

Paper Status: published

Published: August 6, 2019

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Research Paper

Enhanced SHG efficiency in electron irradiated KDP crystals for nonlinear applications

Nonlinear single crystals have extensive applications in the technology of Opto-Electronics and Photonics. The properties of these crystals can be varied by electron irradiation. In this paper, we are reporting the comparative results of second harmonic generation efficiencies of (KDP) Potassium dihydrogen phosphate singles crystals and doped KDP without electron irradiation and with electron irradiation. The SHG efficiency of these crystals is measured using the optical simultaneous multi-channel analyzer, at wavelength  = 532nm using the spectrometer at Karnataka University Dharwad. The electron irradiation is done in the Microtron center, Mangalore University. The samples of KDP are irradiated by pulsed electron beam energy 8.0 MeV, with an average beam peak of 20 mA, for graded doses of 635 Gy, 1300 Gy, and 1924 Gy. It is observed that SHG efficiency is increased after electron irradiation when compared to unirradiated KDP.

Published by: Ramesh Shetty H., A. P. Bhat

Author: Ramesh Shetty H.

Paper ID: V5I4-1289

Paper Status: published

Published: August 5, 2019

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Review Paper

A review: Rocker Arm

Rocker arm is part of the valve actuating mechanism. It is responsible for the opening and closing the intake and exhaust valves. Rocker arms are typically in between the pushrod and intake and exhaust valves. They allow the push rods to push up on the rocker arm and push down on the valves. Over the years of rocker arm have been optimized in its designed and material for better performance durability, toughness, high dimensional stability, wear resistance, strength as well as economic factors are the reasons for optimization of rocker arm. This paper review types of rocker arm based on published sources in order to understand rocker arm for its problem identification and further optimization. This paper present what is rocker arm? Where it is used, history related to rocker arm, reason of failure of rocker arm are also discussed in this paper.

Published by: S. D. Patil, D. C. Mahale

Author: S. D. Patil

Paper ID: V5I4-1281

Paper Status: published

Published: August 5, 2019

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Research Paper

Analytic continuation of Riemann zeta function

In this paper, we present Riemann zeta function and its analytic continuation and functional equation. We will begin with the Gamma function and some properties of the Gamma function. Then we prove that the Riemann zeta function can be represented by Euler’s product. We will present proof of analytic continuation of the zeta function using Gamma function. Also, we define a Jacobi Theta function and Xi function with the proof of its functional equation and then it will be used to prove the analytic continuation of zeta function as well as its functional equation.

Published by: Mohammad Haroon Sabiri

Author: Mohammad Haroon Sabiri

Paper ID: V5I4-1274

Paper Status: published

Published: August 5, 2019

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Research Paper

Path planning and obstacle detection for blind people

In these rapidly expanding economies that evolve at a seeming pace, visually challenged have done the most of it in achieving formidable outcomes. However, limitations in mobility is a vital concern to be addressed for people with visual disability. Today’s demographic scenario reveals that visually impaired count for about 1% of the gross, and 10% of whom is totally blind leading to the urgency in the invention of a real problem-solving system for the impaired. Numerous devices already subsist for the need for global navigation like GPS systems, but these do not aid for the cause of local navigation, local path organizing, and crash avoidance. The key purpose behind this project is to design an electronic travel aid which consists of a wearable tool that serves the sightless to engineer their local navigation jobs. It includes a sensory system that is under the control of the user. The primary data necessary for local navigation is map data of the indoor environment which serves as the input to an audio-based navigation system that coverts this data into audio command guiding the person to navigate to a particular location. In addition to these navigation procedures, IR sensors and ultrasonic sensors are planted in for the obstacle detection on the sides and in front respectively for collision avoidance. The output from these sensor modules is fed into an Arduino microcontroller, which grabs all the output from these sensors for further processing and ending up in generating a voice output accordingly. Local navigation and collision avoidance together serve the purpose of mobility for the sightless in indoor environments.

Published by: Dedeepya Nelluru

Author: Dedeepya Nelluru

Paper ID: V5I4-1253

Paper Status: published

Published: August 5, 2019

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